Y Gamer Bus Stop Location on a map of Glyn Ceiriog

The Y Gamer Bus Stop is located on New Road in Glyn Ceiriog , Wrexham, Wales. Vehicle travel East from here. In addition to this informations you can see location map of Y Gamer Bus Stop by click this link. Y Gamer Bus Stop Map

Location informations for Y Gamer Bus Stop

Name: Y Gamer Bus Stop
Street: New Road
Locality: Glyn Ceiriog
Parent Locality:
Unitary Authority Area: Wrexham
Region: Wales
Direction of Travel: East (E)
Bus Stop NaptanCode: wreawgw (SMS Code)
Bus Stop AtcoCode: 5140AWF80548
Bus Stop Latitude : 52.933196
Bus Stop Longitude : -3.18241
DMS coordinates : 52°55'59.5055028" N 3°10'56.67602916" W
Current time and date at Y Gamer Bus Stop is 15:08:22 (12/22/2024) : (Europe/Isle_of_Man)
Uses data from the Traveline National Dataset - licensed under the Open Government License.

Location Map of Y Gamer Bus Stop

In the following map you can see road map, satellite view and street view near of Y Gamer Bus Stop.

What is the nearest train station to Y Gamer Bus Stop?

List of Railway Stations near to Y Gamer Bus Stop
The nearest railway stations to Y Gamer Bus Stop are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from Y Gamer Bus Stop
Chirk Station7.83 Km
Gobowen Station10.69 Km
Ruabon Station11.09 Km
Wrexham Central Station17.56 Km
Wrexham General Station17.73 Km
Gwersyllt Station19.01 Km
Cefn-Y-Bedd Station21.01 Km
Caergwrle Station21.85 Km
Hope (Clwyd) Station22.67 Km
Penyffordd Station24.85 Km

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Y Gamer Bus Stop?

List of Stops near to Y Gamer Bus Stop
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Y Gamer Bus Stop are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Y Gamer Bus Stop
Y Gamer Bus Stop0 m
Y Gamer Bus Stop20 m
Cae'r Ysgol Bus Stop216 m
Caer Ysgol Bus Stop223 m
Cae Hafod Bus Stop375 m
Cae Hafod Bus Stop384 m
Dolywern Bus Stop1.60 Km
Dolywern Bus Stop (os)1.60 Km
Llwynmawr Bus Stop2.09 Km
Woolpack Bus Stop (o/s)2.29 Km

Cities or Towns near Y Gamer Bus Stop (15 km)

List of places near to Y Gamer Bus Stop

Glyn Ceiriog0.33 Km
Dolywern0.99 Km
Llwynmawr1.91 Km
Pentre Cilgwyn2.06 Km
Bedwlwyn2.20 Km
Pandy2.31 Km
Pontfadog2.70 Km
Fron-Bache3.64 Km
Bryn-newydd4.12 Km
Llangollen4.13 Km
Pen-Y-Coed4.35 Km
Geufron4.88 Km
Tregeiriog5.03 Km
Berwyn5.33 Km
Pentrefelin5.65 Km
Trevor Uchaf5.68 Km
Craignant5.71 Km
Rhiwlas5.89 Km
Plâs Berwyn5.92 Km
Pentre-newydd6.04 Km
Bronygarth6.39 Km
Llidiart Annie6.69 Km
Garth6.99 Km
Froncysyllte7.02 Km
Llanarmon Dyffryn Ceiriog7.08 Km
Garth Trevor7.20 Km
Selattyn7.23 Km
Cefn Canol7.28 Km
Llandynan7.31 Km
Fron Isaf7.31 Km
Rhewl7.34 Km
Glyndyfrdwy7.40 Km
Pont-Faen7.44 Km
Pentre7.74 Km
Trevor7.81 Km
Llangadwaladr7.96 Km
Rhydycroesau8.03 Km
Weston Rhyn8.04 Km
Wern8.05 Km
Pont Cysyllte8.22 Km
Bryn-yr-Eos8.25 Km
Llawnt8.27 Km
Chirk / Y Waun8.40 Km
Cefn-bychan8.42 Km
Acrefair8.52 Km
Chirk Bank8.55 Km
Upper Hengoed8.58 Km
Pentredwr8.60 Km
Rhosywaun8.66 Km
Pen-y-bryn8.66 Km
Historic Places to Visit near Y Gamer Bus Stop