Y Ffordd Fawr Bus Stop Location on a map of Penparc

The Y Ffordd Fawr Bus Stop is located on A487 in Penparc , Ceredigion, Wales. Vehicle travel North-East from here. In addition to this informations you can see location map of Y Ffordd Fawr Bus Stop by click this link. Y Ffordd Fawr Bus Stop Map

Location informations for Y Ffordd Fawr Bus Stop

Name: Y Ffordd Fawr Bus Stop
Street: A487
Locality: Penparc
Parent Locality:
Unitary Authority Area: Ceredigion
Region: Wales
Direction of Travel: North-East (NE)
Bus Stop NaptanCode: cejgpap (SMS Code)
Bus Stop AtcoCode: 5230WDB48334
Bus Stop Latitude : 52.099386
Bus Stop Longitude : -4.617168
DMS coordinates : 52°5'57.7913172" N 4°37'1.80490152" W
Current time and date at Y Ffordd Fawr Bus Stop is 13:21:55 (12/22/2024) : (Europe/Isle_of_Man)
Uses data from the Traveline National Dataset - licensed under the Open Government License.

Location Map of Y Ffordd Fawr Bus Stop

In the following map you can see road map, satellite view and street view near of Y Ffordd Fawr Bus Stop.

What is the nearest train station to Y Ffordd Fawr Bus Stop?

List of Railway Stations near to Y Ffordd Fawr Bus Stop
The nearest railway stations to Y Ffordd Fawr Bus Stop are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from Y Ffordd Fawr Bus Stop
Fishguard Harbour Station27.02 Km
Fishguard and Goodwick Station27.91 Km
Clunderwen Station29.83 Km

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Y Ffordd Fawr Bus Stop?

List of Stops near to Y Ffordd Fawr Bus Stop
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Y Ffordd Fawr Bus Stop are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Y Ffordd Fawr Bus Stop
Y Ffordd Fawr Bus Stop0 m
Y Ffordd Fawr Bus Stop78 m
Dolwerdd Bus Stop229 m
Dolwerdd Bus Stop230 m
Heol-y-felin Bus Stop446 m
Heol-y-felin Bus Stop450 m
Penparc Farm Bus Stop454 m
Penparc Farm Bus Stop472 m
Ael y Bryn Bus Stop1.47 Km
Ael y Bryn Bus Stop1.48 Km

Cities or Towns near Y Ffordd Fawr Bus Stop (15 km)

List of places near to Y Ffordd Fawr Bus Stop

Penparc0.06 Km
Cwm1.33 Km
Caemorgan1.36 Km
Llangoedmor2.14 Km
Tremain2.78 Km
Y Ferwig2.99 Km
Felinwynt3.06 Km
Noyadd Wilym3.31 Km
Cardigan / Aberteifi3.46 Km
Bridgend3.66 Km
Blaenannerch3.87 Km
Llechryd4.02 Km
Rhosygadair Newydd4.03 Km
Cwm Plysgog4.49 Km
Albro Castle4.51 Km
St Dogmaels / Llandudoch4.80 Km
Noyadd Trefawr4.83 Km
Gwbert4.98 Km
Cilgerran4.99 Km
Llwynduris5.05 Km
Glanpwllafon5.05 Km
Cnwcau5.12 Km
Llandygwydd5.24 Km
Neuadd Cross5.32 Km
Manian-fawr5.33 Km
Llwyncelyn5.37 Km
Parcllyn5.37 Km
Blaenporth5.40 Km
Pen-y-bryn5.57 Km
Pontrhydyceirt5.63 Km
Blaen-pant5.70 Km
Ponthirwaun5.99 Km
Carreg-wen6.14 Km
Aberporth6.34 Km
Rhyd6.43 Km
Bridell6.51 Km
Penrhyn Castle6.54 Km
Cippyn7.02 Km
Rhosygilwen7.30 Km
Tan-y-groes7.39 Km
Capel Tygwydd7.53 Km
Llantood7.92 Km
Abercych7.97 Km
Tresaith8.16 Km
Beulah8.22 Km
Glandwr8.37 Km
Glanrhyd8.45 Km
Monington8.48 Km
Dyffryn-bern8.49 Km
Cenarth8.61 Km
Historic Places to Visit near Y Ffordd Fawr Bus Stop