Woodminton Map, Satellite view of Woodminton, Wiltshire, England

Woodminton is located in Wiltshire County, Wiltshire, South West, England, United Kingdom.

Location informations of Woodminton

Latitude of city of Woodminton is 51.00049 and longitude of city of Woodminton is -1.98762. Woodminton has 1 postcode / zip code, in county of Wiltshire.
The County of Woodminton is Wiltshire.

Postcode / zip code of Woodminton

SP5 5

Administrative division of Woodminton

County :Wiltshire

GPS coordinates of Woodminton

Latitude : 51.00049
Longitude : -1.98762

Online Map of Woodminton - road map, satellite view and street view

Leaflet | © OpenStreetMap contributors

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The weather for Woodminton in the United Kingdom

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Woodminton weather forecast 15 days

What is the nearest train station to Woodminton?

List of Railway Stations near to Woodminton
The nearest railway stations to Woodminton are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from Woodminton
Tisbury Station9.27 Km
Salisbury Station14.88 Km
Gillingham (Dorset) Station20.28 Km
Dean Station25.11 Km
Warminster Station26.47 Km

Airports Near to Woodminton

Compton Abbas Aerodrome , UK (12.19 Km)

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Woodminton?

List of Stops near to Woodminton
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Woodminton are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Woodminton
Quidham Street Bus Stop (W-bound)844 m
Quidham Street Bus Stop (E-bound)849 m
Sheerds Cross Bus Stop (N-bound)1.08 Km
Sheerds Cross Bus Stop (S-bound)1.10 Km
Holy Triniy Church Bus Stop (opp)1.16 Km
Holy Triniy Church Bus Stop (o/s)1.17 Km
Hollybank Bus Stop (NE-bound)1.39 Km
Hollybank Bus Stop (SW-bound)1.40 Km
Post Box Bus Stop (o/s)2.39 Km
Post Box Bus Stop (opp)2.40 Km

Cities or Towns near Woodminton

List of places near to

Castle0.28 Km
Misselfore0.47 Km
Bowerchalke1.63 Km
Mead End2.04 Km
Cobley2.40 Km
Ebbesbourne Wake2.51 Km
Fifield Bavant2.89 Km
Little London2.95 Km
West End3.18 Km
Mount Sorrel3.35 Km
Alvediston3.46 Km
The Marsh3.47 Km
Knapp3.52 Km
Woodyates3.57 Km
Deanland3.96 Km
New Town4.04 Km
Martin Drove End4.33 Km
Broad Chalke4.36 Km
New Town4.42 Km
Pentridge5.10 Km
Sixpenny Handley5.34 Km
Stoke Farthing5.67 Km
Martin6.04 Km
Deanend6.20 Km
Berwick St John6.23 Km
Woodcutts6.38 Km
Swallowcliffe6.54 Km
Fovant6.57 Km
Croucheston6.66 Km
Ansty Coombe6.85 Km
Sutton Row6.89 Km
Ansty6.95 Km
East Martin6.98 Km
Faulston7.05 Km
Sutton Mandeville7.12 Km
Dean7.29 Km
Compton Chamberlayne7.29 Km
Ferne7.45 Km
Tidpit7.55 Km
The Pitts7.73 Km
Chicksgrove7.78 Km
Tollard Royal7.96 Km
Old Wardour8.20 Km
Bishopstone8.42 Km
Lower Chicksgrove8.55 Km
Monkton Up Wimborne8.68 Km
Gussage St Andrew8.72 Km
Upper Chicksgrove8.82 Km
Farnham8.82 Km
Minchington8.85 Km