Old Wardour Map, Satellite view of Old Wardour, Wiltshire, England

Old Wardour is located in Wiltshire County, Wiltshire, South West, England, United Kingdom.

Location informations of Old Wardour

Latitude of city of Old Wardour is 51.03642 and longitude of city of Old Wardour is -2.08998. Old Wardour has 1 postcode / zip code, in county of Wiltshire.
The County of Old Wardour is Wiltshire.

Postcode / zip code of Old Wardour

SP3 6

Administrative division of Old Wardour

County :Wiltshire

GPS coordinates of Old Wardour

Latitude : 51.03642
Longitude : -2.08998

Online Map of Old Wardour - road map, satellite view and street view

Leaflet | © OpenStreetMap contributors

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The weather for Old Wardour in the United Kingdom

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Old Wardour weather forecast 15 days

What is the nearest train station to Old Wardour?

List of Railway Stations near to Old Wardour
The nearest railway stations to Old Wardour are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from Old Wardour
Tisbury Station2.82 Km
Gillingham (Dorset) Station12.77 Km
Warminster Station19.89 Km
Salisbury Station20.18 Km
Templecombe Station23.25 Km
Dilton Marsh Station25.03 Km
Frome Station26.19 Km
Bruton Station26.31 Km
Westbury Station26.75 Km

Airports Near to Old Wardour

Compton Abbas Aerodrome , UK (8.89 Km)

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Old Wardour?

List of Stops near to Old Wardour
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Old Wardour are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Old Wardour
Primary School Shelter Bus Stop (SW-bound)1.66 Km
Green Bus Stop (SW-bound)1.66 Km
Primary School Shelter Bus Stop (opp)1.67 Km
Green Bus Stop (NE-bound)1.67 Km
The Maypole Bus Stop (N-bound)1.86 Km
Maypole Bus Stop (S-bound)1.89 Km
High Street Bus Stop (W-bound)1.97 Km
High Street Bus Stop (E-bound)1.97 Km
Crossroads Bus Stop (E-bound)2.03 Km
Crossroads Bus Stop (W-bound)2.07 Km

Cities or Towns near Old Wardour

List of places near to

Wardour1.63 Km
Ansty Coombe1.71 Km
Ansty1.78 Km
West Hatch2.19 Km
East Hatch2.36 Km
Donhead St Andrew2.42 Km
Tuckingmill2.78 Km
Swallowcliffe2.86 Km
Tisbury3.04 Km
Barkers Hill3.05 Km
West End3.33 Km
Milkwell3.37 Km
Newtown3.42 Km
Brook Waters3.43 Km
Donhead St Mary3.65 Km
Ferne3.85 Km
Birdbush4.07 Km
Berwick St John4.14 Km
Gutch Common4.29 Km
Upper Chicksgrove4.34 Km
Sutton Row4.36 Km
Wincombe4.39 Km
Semley4.64 Km
Chicksgrove4.64 Km
Lower Coombe4.67 Km
Alvediston4.85 Km
Lower Chicksgrove5.02 Km
Ludwell5.05 Km
West End5.06 Km
Sem Hill5.27 Km
Kinghay5.31 Km
Sutton Mandeville5.51 Km
Middle Coombe5.61 Km
Charlton5.66 Km
Fonthill Gifford5.80 Km
Portash5.82 Km
Ebbesbourne Wake5.85 Km
Ridge5.89 Km
Higher Coombe6.05 Km
Fonthill Bishop6.64 Km
Berwick St Leonard6.81 Km
East Knoyle6.92 Km
Fovant7.03 Km
Chilmark7.06 Km
Hindon7.07 Km
Mooray7.18 Km
Sedgehill7.27 Km
Teffont Evias7.32 Km
Holloway7.32 Km
Cann Common7.64 Km