West End Shelter Bus Stop (At) Location on a map of Birgham

The West End Shelter Bus Stop is located on A698 in Birgham , Scottish Borders, Scotland. Vehicle travel East from here. In addition to this informations you can see location map of West End Shelter Bus Stop (At) by click this link. West End Shelter Bus Stop (At) Map

Location informations for West End Shelter Bus Stop (At)

Name: West End Shelter Bus Stop (At)
Street: A698
Near Place: Long Birgham Cottages
Locality: Birgham
Parent Locality:
Unitary Authority Area: Scottish Borders
Region: Scotland
Indicator: At
Direction of Travel: East (E)
Bus Stop NaptanCode: 72724648 (SMS Code)
Bus Stop AtcoCode: 6900164
Bus Stop Latitude : 55.644562
Bus Stop Longitude : -2.336433
DMS coordinates : 55°38'40.4242026" N 2°20'11.1582348" W
Current time and date at West End Shelter Bus Stop (At) is 14:52:08 (12/22/2024) : (Europe/Isle_of_Man)
Uses data from the Traveline National Dataset - licensed under the Open Government License.

Location Map of West End Shelter Bus Stop (At)

In the following map you can see road map, satellite view and street view near of West End Shelter Bus Stop (At).

What is the nearest train station to West End Shelter Bus Stop (At)?

List of Railway Stations near to West End Shelter Bus Stop (At)
The nearest railway stations to West End Shelter Bus Stop (At) are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from West End Shelter Bus Stop (At)
Berwick-Upon-Tweed Station24.98 Km
Tweedbank Station26.91 Km
Galashiels Station29.68 Km

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to West End Shelter Bus Stop (At)?

List of Stops near to West End Shelter Bus Stop (At)
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to West End Shelter Bus Stop (At) are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from West End Shelter Bus Stop (At)
West End Shelter Bus Stop (At)0 m
West End Shelter Bus Stop (Opp)20 m
Fisherman's Arms Bus Stop (At)336 m
Fisherman's Arms Bus Stop (Opp)340 m
Appleacre Bus Stop (Opp)638 m
Appleacre Bus Stop (At)639 m
village centre Bus Stop (wb)1.17 Km
village centre Bus Stop (eb)1.18 Km
Redden Rd End Bus Stop (At)2.30 Km
Redden Rd End Bus Stop (Opp)2.31 Km

Cities or Towns near West End Shelter Bus Stop (At) (15 km)

List of places near to West End Shelter Bus Stop (At)

Birgham0.07 Km
Carham1.16 Km
Hadden2.59 Km
Eccles3.52 Km
Wark3.62 Km
Kerchesters3.82 Km
Wark Common4.38 Km
Holefield4.81 Km
Sprouston5.02 Km
Leitholm5.14 Km
Ednam5.32 Km
Coldstream5.42 Km
Edham5.62 Km
Pressen5.78 Km
Lambden6.26 Km
West Learmouth6.29 Km
Lempitlaw6.36 Km
Lennel6.56 Km
Hoselaw6.73 Km
Cornhill on Tweed7.14 Km
Swintonmill7.25 Km
Easter Softlaw7.38 Km
Stichill7.61 Km
East Learmouth7.71 Km
Kelso8.01 Km
Mindrum8.02 Km
Maxwellheugh8.27 Km
Hume8.55 Km
Bareless8.57 Km
Melkington8.89 Km
Pawston9.10 Km
Swinton Hill9.29 Km
New Heaton9.66 Km
Swinton9.91 Km
Fogo10.27 Km
Greenlaw10.46 Km
Branxton10.58 Km
Nenthorn11.16 Km
Heiton11.34 Km
Mardon11.43 Km
Nisbet Hill11.45 Km
Kirk Yetholm11.47 Km
Howtel11.48 Km
Town Yetholm11.49 Km
Kilham11.53 Km
Old Nenthorn11.67 Km
Polwarth11.96 Km
Sinclair's Hill11.98 Km
Upsettlington12.01 Km
Roxburgh12.12 Km
Historic Places to Visit near West End Shelter Bus Stop (At)

List of Historic places near to West End Shelter Bus Stop (At)

NameDistances from West End Shelter Bus Stop (At)
The Hirsel Estate & Homestead Museum4.65 Km
Coldstream Museum5.41 Km
Kelso Abbey8.04 Km
Floors Castle8.90 Km
Flodden Battlefield Site10.78 Km
Etal Castle13.55 Km
Norham, St Cuthberts Church13.59 Km
Etal, St Marys Chapel13.90 Km
Mellerstain House14.06 Km
Heatherslaw Light Railway14.31 Km
Teviot Water Gardens14.37 Km
Heatherslaw Mill14.39 Km
Duddo Stone Circle14.84 Km
Norham Castle14.91 Km