Troed-y-rhiw-Siôn Map, Satellite view of Troed-y-rhiw-Siôn, Dyfed, Wales

Troed-y-rhiw-Siôn is located in Dyfed County, Ceredigion / Sir Ceredigion, Wales, Wales, United Kingdom.

Location informations of Troed-y-rhiw-Siôn

Latitude of city of Troed-y-rhiw-Siôn is 52.05430 and longitude of city of Troed-y-rhiw-Siôn is -4.50072. Troed-y-rhiw-Siôn has 1 postcode / zip code, in county of Dyfed.
The County of Troed-y-rhiw-Siôn is Dyfed.

Postcode / zip code of Troed-y-rhiw-Siôn

SA38 9

Administrative division of Troed-y-rhiw-Siôn

County :Dyfed

GPS coordinates of Troed-y-rhiw-Siôn

Latitude : 52.05430
Longitude : -4.50072

Online Map of Troed-y-rhiw-Siôn - road map, satellite view and street view

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The weather for Troed-y-rhiw-Siôn in the United Kingdom

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Troed-y-rhiw-Siôn weather forecast 15 days

What is the nearest train station to Troed-y-rhiw-Siôn?

List of Railway Stations near to Troed-y-rhiw-Siôn
The nearest railway stations to Troed-y-rhiw-Siôn are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from Troed-y-rhiw-Siôn
Carmarthen Station26.03 Km
Whitland Station27.40 Km
Clunderwen Station28.56 Km

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Troed-y-rhiw-Siôn?

List of Stops near to Troed-y-rhiw-Siôn
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Troed-y-rhiw-Siôn are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Troed-y-rhiw-Siôn
Cwm Cou Square Bus Stop789 m
Cwm Cou Square Bus Stop792 m
Square Bus Stop797 m
Square Bus Stop806 m
Farm Lane (NE) Bus Stop1.55 Km
Farm Lane (SW) Bus Stop1.56 Km
Capel Tygwydd Bus Stop1.86 Km
Capel Tygwydd Bus Stop1.86 Km
St Llawddog's Church Bus Stop (o/s)1.91 Km
Post Office Bus Stop (o/s Phone Box)1.96 Km

Historic Places to Visit near Troed-y-rhiw-Siôn
Cities or Towns near Troed-y-rhiw-Siôn

List of places near to

Rhippinllwyd0.14 Km
Cwm-cou0.81 Km
Brongwyn1.15 Km
Pont-Ceri1.17 Km
Capel Tygwydd1.88 Km
Cenarth2.13 Km
Glandwr2.56 Km
Adpar2.64 Km
Penlan2.86 Km
Newcastle Emlyn / Castell Newydd Emlyn2.87 Km
Bryngwyn2.91 Km
Danyrhelyg3.01 Km
Penrherber3.49 Km
Ponthirwaun3.58 Km
Rhyd3.61 Km
Aber-Arad3.62 Km
Blaen-pant3.71 Km
Beulah3.75 Km
Abercych4.10 Km
Blaen-Cil-Llech4.11 Km
Neuadd Cross4.27 Km
Brongest4.49 Km
Llandygwydd4.64 Km
Llandyfriog4.67 Km
Troedyraur4.88 Km
Noyadd Trefawr5.08 Km
Llwynduris5.22 Km
Betws Ifan5.45 Km
Pentrecagal5.71 Km
Felin-Wnda5.75 Km
Capel Iwan6.02 Km
Newchapel / Capel Newydd6.11 Km
Carreg-wen6.26 Km
Glynarthen6.38 Km
Cwmcych6.42 Km
Blaenporth6.64 Km
Tan-y-groes6.75 Km
Penrhiw-pâl6.96 Km
Aber-banc6.99 Km
Cwmhiraeth7.01 Km
Llechryd7.07 Km
Hawen7.08 Km
Coed-y-bryn7.23 Km
Waungilwen7.23 Km
Cilwendeg7.31 Km
Pontrhydyceirt7.32 Km
Henllan7.34 Km
Brithdir7.45 Km
Cwmorgan7.62 Km
Rhydlewis7.66 Km