Aber-Arad Map, Satellite view of Aber-Arad, Dyfed, Wales

Aber-Arad is located in Dyfed County, Carmarthenshire / Sir Gaerfyrddin, Wales, Wales, United Kingdom.

Location informations of Aber-Arad

Latitude of city of Aber-Arad is 52.03596 and longitude of city of Aber-Arad is -4.45692. Aber-Arad has 1 postcode / zip code, in county of Dyfed.
The County of Aber-Arad is Dyfed.

Postcode / zip code of Aber-Arad

SA38 9

Administrative division of Aber-Arad

County :Dyfed

GPS coordinates of Aber-Arad

Latitude : 52.03596
Longitude : -4.45692

Online Map of Aber-Arad - road map, satellite view and street view

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Aber-Arad weather forecast 15 days

What is the nearest train station to Aber-Arad?

List of Railway Stations near to Aber-Arad
The nearest railway stations to Aber-Arad are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from Aber-Arad
Carmarthen Station22.79 Km
Whitland Station26.53 Km
Clunderwen Station28.76 Km

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Aber-Arad?

List of Stops near to Aber-Arad
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Aber-Arad are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Aber-Arad
Glanaran (SW) Bus Stop220 m
Station Terrace Bus Stop (o/s 1)312 m
Station Terrace Bus Stop (opp 1)313 m
Gilwen Bus Stop703 m
Sycamore Street Bus Stop (o/s Butchers)763 m
Cattle Market Bus Stop (opp)935 m
Cattle Market Bus Stop (o/s)938 m
Surgery Bus Stop980 m
Surgery Bus Stop980 m
Ysgol Emlyn Bus Stop (o/s)1.03 Km

Historic Places to Visit near Aber-Arad
Cities or Towns near Aber-Arad

List of places near to

Newcastle Emlyn / Castell Newydd Emlyn0.86 Km
Penlan1.00 Km
Adpar1.08 Km
Llandyfriog2.01 Km
Danyrhelyg2.08 Km
Pentrecagal2.33 Km
Pont-Ceri2.46 Km
Cwm-cou2.81 Km
Penrherber2.88 Km
Blaen-Cil-Llech2.97 Km
Cwmhiraeth3.40 Km
Troed-y-rhiw-Siôn3.62 Km
Waungilwen3.65 Km
Rhippinllwyd3.74 Km
Drefach4.15 Km
Henllan4.16 Km
Aber-banc4.26 Km
Brongwyn4.33 Km
Felindre4.48 Km
Capel Iwan4.69 Km
Drefelin4.84 Km
Bryngwyn4.87 Km
Cenarth4.95 Km
Brongest4.95 Km
Cwmpengraig5.00 Km
Maenllegwaun5.16 Km
Troedyraur5.22 Km
Glyn-teg5.27 Km
Glandwr5.36 Km
Penboyr5.49 Km
Capel Tygwydd5.50 Km
Penrhiw-llan5.71 Km
Cwmcych5.80 Km
Llangeler5.85 Km
Cwmorgan5.86 Km
Coed-y-bryn6.05 Km
Penrhiw-pâl6.35 Km
Tanglwst6.41 Km
Maes llyn6.43 Km
Beulah6.44 Km
Saron6.51 Km
Maes Ilyn6.71 Km
Abercych6.72 Km
Felin-Wnda6.73 Km
Hawen6.80 Km
Bangor Teifi6.91 Km
Rhyd7.00 Km
Pentre-cwrt7.13 Km
Ponthirwaun7.17 Km
Cilrhedyn7.27 Km