Tredegar Arms Bus Stop (before) Location on a map of Rogerstone

The Tredegar Arms Bus Stop is located on Cefn Road in Rogerstone , Newport, Wales. Vehicle travel South-East from here. In addition to this informations you can see location map of Tredegar Arms Bus Stop (before) by click this link. Tredegar Arms Bus Stop (before) Map

Location informations for Tredegar Arms Bus Stop (before)

Name: Tredegar Arms Bus Stop (before)
Street: Cefn Road
Near Place: Tredegar Arms PH
Locality: Rogerstone
Parent Locality:
Unitary Authority Area: Newport
Region: Wales
Indicator: before
Direction of Travel: South-East (SE)
Bus Stop NaptanCode: nwpdwap (SMS Code)
Bus Stop AtcoCode: 5310GWX16400
Bus Stop Latitude : 51.593489
Bus Stop Longitude : -3.054234
DMS coordinates : 51°35'36.560805" N 3°3'15.24267756" W
Current time and date at Tredegar Arms Bus Stop (before) is 19:25:48 (12/22/2024) : (Europe/Guernsey)
Uses data from the Traveline National Dataset - licensed under the Open Government License.

Location Map of Tredegar Arms Bus Stop (before)

In the following map you can see road map, satellite view and street view near of Tredegar Arms Bus Stop (before).

What is the nearest train station to Tredegar Arms Bus Stop (before)?

List of Railway Stations near to Tredegar Arms Bus Stop (before)
The nearest railway stations to Tredegar Arms Bus Stop (before) are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from Tredegar Arms Bus Stop (before)
Rogerstone Station887 m
Pye Corner Station1.93 Km
Risca and Pontymister Station2.96 Km
Newport (Gwent) Station3.75 Km
Crosskeys Station5.83 Km
Cwmbran Station7.49 Km
Newbridge Station10.11 Km
Lisvane and Thornhill Station10.58 Km
Llanishen Station11.12 Km
Caerphilly Station11.61 Km

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Tredegar Arms Bus Stop (before)?

List of Stops near to Tredegar Arms Bus Stop (before)
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Tredegar Arms Bus Stop (before) are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Tredegar Arms Bus Stop (before)
Tredegar Arms Bus Stop (before)0 m
Tredegar Arms Bus Stop (before)54 m
Delius Close Bus Stop (after)191 m
Rolls Walk Bus Stop (nr)191 m
Uplands Bus Stop (opp junct)218 m
Uplands Bus Stop (after)266 m
Roberts Close Bus Stop (after)312 m
Ruskin Avenue Bus Stop (after)321 m
Avana Bakeries Bus Stop (nr)321 m
Mount Pleasant Schools Bus Stop (o/s)358 m

Cities or Towns near Tredegar Arms Bus Stop (before) (15 km)

List of places near to Tredegar Arms Bus Stop (before)

Rogerstone / Ty-Du0.48 Km
High Cross1.33 Km
Rhiwderin1.71 Km
Bassaleg1.90 Km
Ridgeway2.37 Km
Bettws2.57 Km
Glasllwch2.60 Km
Lower Ochrwyth2.65 Km
Ty-Sign2.70 Km
Pontymister2.99 Km
Stelvio3.05 Km
Gaer3.08 Km
Caerau Park3.09 Km
Upper Ochrwyth3.13 Km
Allt-yr-yn3.16 Km
Stow Park3.29 Km
Barrack Hill3.41 Km
Clytha Park3.50 Km
Penrhiw3.57 Km
Henllys Vale3.61 Km
Castell-y-b?ch3.70 Km
Gold Tops3.73 Km
Maes-glas3.76 Km
Malpas3.82 Km
St Woolos3.90 Km
Danygraig3.91 Km
Pen-y-lan3.96 Km
Marshes3.99 Km
Brynglas4.01 Km
Crindau4.02 Km
Newport / Casnewydd4.02 Km
Baneswell4.06 Km
Risca / Rhisga4.10 Km
Duffryn4.18 Km
Cleppa Park4.23 Km
Lower Machen4.36 Km
Michaelstone Bridge4.38 Km
Level of Mendalgief4.59 Km
Croes-y-mwyalch4.64 Km
East Usk4.65 Km
Celtic Lakes4.74 Km
Barnardtown4.89 Km
Hollybush4.96 Km
Pillgwenlly4.96 Km
Coed Eva4.96 Km
Henllys5.02 Km
Crosskeys5.05 Km
Draethen5.11 Km
Llantarnam5.17 Km
Michaelston-y-Fedw5.18 Km
Historic Places to Visit near Tredegar Arms Bus Stop (before)

List of Historic places near to Tredegar Arms Bus Stop (before)

NameDistances from Tredegar Arms Bus Stop (before)
Bellevue Park, Newport3.97 Km
Tredegar House4.09 Km
Newport Castle4.15 Km
Castell Machen4.48 Km
Llantarnam Abbey5.80 Km
Caerleon Roman Fortress, Baths, and Amphitheatre6.78 Km
National Roman Legion Museum, Caerleon7.05 Km
Caerleon Castle7.32 Km
Caerphilly Castle11.55 Km
Caerphilly Roman Fort11.74 Km
Torfaen Museum12.25 Km
Roath Park12.63 Km