Tintern Abbey Bus Stop (o/s) Location on a map of Tintern

The Tintern Abbey Bus Stop is located on A466 in Tintern , Monmouthshire, Wales. Vehicle travel South-East from here. In addition to this informations you can see location map of Tintern Abbey Bus Stop (o/s) by click this link. Tintern Abbey Bus Stop (o/s) Map

Location informations for Tintern Abbey Bus Stop (o/s)

Name: Tintern Abbey Bus Stop (o/s)
Street: A466
Near Place: Tintern Abbey
Locality: Tintern
Parent Locality:
Unitary Authority Area: Monmouthshire
Region: Wales
Indicator: o/s
Direction of Travel: South-East (SE)
Bus Stop NaptanCode: gweampt (SMS Code)
Bus Stop AtcoCode: 5330AWB31259
Bus Stop Latitude : 51.69643
Bus Stop Longitude : -2.678092
DMS coordinates : 51°41'47.14620684" N 2°40'41.12990472" W
Current time and date at Tintern Abbey Bus Stop (o/s) is 16:39:56 (12/18/2024) : (Europe/Guernsey)
Uses data from the Traveline National Dataset - licensed under the Open Government License.

Location Map of Tintern Abbey Bus Stop (o/s)

In the following map you can see road map, satellite view and street view near of Tintern Abbey Bus Stop (o/s).

What is the nearest train station to Tintern Abbey Bus Stop (o/s)?

List of Railway Stations near to Tintern Abbey Bus Stop (o/s)
The nearest railway stations to Tintern Abbey Bus Stop (o/s) are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from Tintern Abbey Bus Stop (o/s)
Chepstow Station6.27 Km
Lydney Station10.33 Km
Caldicot Station13.66 Km
Severn Tunnel Junction Station14.21 Km
Severn Beach Station15.20 Km
Pilning Station15.94 Km
St.Andrew's Road Station20.46 Km
Patchway Station20.56 Km
Avonmouth Station21.85 Km
Cam and Dursley Station22.11 Km

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Tintern Abbey Bus Stop (o/s)?

List of Stops near to Tintern Abbey Bus Stop (o/s)
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Tintern Abbey Bus Stop (o/s) are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Tintern Abbey Bus Stop (o/s)
Tintern Abbey Bus Stop (o/s)0 m
Tintern Abbey Bus Stop (opp)90 m
Royal George Hotel Bus Stop (opp)318 m
Royal George Hotel Bus Stop (o/s)335 m
Wye Lodge Bus Stop (nr)694 m
Cherry Tree Inn Bus Stop (nr)718 m
Cherry Tree Inn Bus Stop (nr)726 m
Riverside Bus Stop (at)773 m
Medhope Bus Stop (at)795 m
Medhope Bus Stop (at)815 m

Cities or Towns near Tintern Abbey Bus Stop (o/s) (15 km)

List of places near to Tintern Abbey Bus Stop (o/s)

Tintern / Tyndyrn1.06 Km
Brockweir1.36 Km
Triangle2.29 Km
Botany Bay2.34 Km
Whitelye2.58 Km
Tidenham Chase2.61 Km
The Cot2.76 Km
St Briavels Common2.84 Km
Hewelsfield Common3.03 Km
St Arvans3.55 Km
Boughspring3.59 Km
Broadrock3.68 Km
Park Hill3.68 Km
Catbrook3.77 Km
Hudnalls3.83 Km
Netherhope3.97 Km
Hewelsfield4.11 Km
Broadstone4.12 Km
Cross Hill4.12 Km
Cleddon4.21 Km
Upper Fedw4.23 Km
Coldharbour4.24 Km
Llandogo4.28 Km
Woolaston Slade4.29 Km
Tidenham4.36 Km
Woodcroft4.37 Km
Trelleck Grange4.41 Km
Cicelyford4.46 Km
Wibdon4.54 Km
Stroat4.61 Km
Creigau4.71 Km
Lower Meend4.72 Km
High Woolaston4.72 Km
Old Bishton4.86 Km
Woolaston Woodside4.93 Km
Devauden4.95 Km
New Inn5.16 Km
Cotland5.29 Km
St Briavels5.31 Km
Tutshill5.34 Km
Cobbler's Plain5.41 Km
Woolaston Common5.48 Km
Pen-y-fan5.59 Km
The Fence5.70 Km
Mork5.78 Km
Kilgwrrwg Common5.90 Km
Manorside6.02 Km
Smallbrook6.05 Km
Kilgwrrwg6.10 Km
Itton6.12 Km
Historic Places to Visit near Tintern Abbey Bus Stop (o/s)