Tingwall Orkney Ferry Terminal Location on a map of Tingwall Rendall

The Tingwall Orkney Ferry Terminal is located on End of Gorseness Road Junction in Tingwall. In addition to this informations you can see location map of Tingwall Orkney Ferry Terminal by click this link. Tingwall Orkney Ferry Terminal Map

Location informations for Tingwall Orkney Ferry Terminal

Name: Tingwall Orkney Ferry Terminal
Street: End of Gorseness Road Junction
Locality: Tingwall
Parent Locality: Rendall
Unitary Authority Area: National - National Ferry
Region: Great Britain
AtcoCode: 9300TWL
Latitude : 59.088675
Longitude : -3.043453
DMS coordinates : 59°5'19.2290874" N 3°2'36.43129572" W
Current time and date at Tingwall Orkney Ferry Terminal is 16:42:08 (12/22/2024) : (Europe/Isle_of_Man)
Uses data from the Traveline National Dataset - licensed under the Open Government License.

Location Map of Tingwall Orkney Ferry Terminal

In the following map you can see road map, satellite view and street view near of Tingwall Orkney Ferry Terminal.

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Tingwall Orkney Ferry Terminal?

List of Stops near to Tingwall Orkney Ferry Terminal
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Tingwall Orkney Ferry Terminal are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Tingwall Orkney Ferry Terminal
Tingwall Orkney Ferry Terminal0 m
Ferry terminal Bus Stop (O/s)23 m
Tingwall Orkney Ferry Terminal Ferry Terminal (Entrance)33 m
Ferry terminal Bus Stop (at)45 m
Ferry Terminal Ferry Terminal (at)171 m
Upper Midgarth Bus Stop (at)587 m
Upper Midgarth Bus Stop (opp)594 m
Gorseness Bus Stop (at)987 m
Gorseness Bus Stop (opp)1.00 Km
Woodwick House Road End Bus Stop (opp)1.70 Km

Cities or Towns near Tingwall Orkney Ferry Terminal (15 km)

List of places near to Tingwall Orkney Ferry Terminal

Tingwall0.30 Km
Rendall1.86 Km
Woodwick2.26 Km
Hackland2.45 Km
Redland3.07 Km
Durrisdale3.23 Km
Gorseness3.25 Km
Isbister4.46 Km
Frotoft4.61 Km
Norseman4.77 Km
Georth4.82 Km
Crookness4.91 Km
Stenso4.99 Km
Breck of Cruan5.20 Km
Settiscarth5.52 Km
Brinian5.61 Km
Evie5.84 Km
Quatquoy7.54 Km
Huntscarth7.65 Km
Coubister7.82 Km
Costa8.64 Km
Horraldshay8.70 Km
Corrigall8.80 Km
Sourin9.19 Km
Corston9.29 Km
Mirbister9.66 Km
Quoyscottie9.78 Km
Harray9.80 Km
Balfour9.84 Km
Brough9.88 Km
Appietown10.00 Km
Bimbister10.00 Km
Finstown10.14 Km
Beaquoy10.18 Km
Knarston10.20 Km
Wasbister10.47 Km
Hourston10.64 Km
Grimbister10.66 Km
Cursiter10.77 Km
Netherbrough10.80 Km
Sabiston10.86 Km
Dounby11.02 Km
Russland11.17 Km
Heddle11.33 Km
Swannay11.36 Km
Hatston11.47 Km
Blackhill11.56 Km
Greeny11.69 Km
Smerquoy11.98 Km
Grimeston12.00 Km