Tiffield Map, Satellite view of Tiffield, Northamptonshire, England

Tiffield is located in Northamptonshire County, South Northamptonshire District, East Midlands, England, United Kingdom.

Location informations of Tiffield

Latitude of city of Tiffield is 52.15982 and longitude of city of Tiffield is -0.98073. Tiffield has 1 postcode / zip code, in county of Northamptonshire.
The County of Tiffield is Northamptonshire.

Postcode / zip code of Tiffield

NN12 8

Administrative division of Tiffield

County :Northamptonshire

GPS coordinates of Tiffield

Latitude : 52.15982
Longitude : -0.98073

Online Map of Tiffield - road map, satellite view and street view

Leaflet | © OpenStreetMap contributors

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The weather for Tiffield in the United Kingdom

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Tiffield weather forecast 15 days

What is the nearest train station to Tiffield?

List of Railway Stations near to Tiffield
The nearest railway stations to Tiffield are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from Tiffield
Northampton Station10.00 Km
Wolverton Station15.95 Km
Long Buckby Station16.64 Km
Milton Keynes Central Station19.85 Km
Bletchley Station24.77 Km
Fenny Stratford Station25.35 Km
King's Sutton Station25.65 Km
Bow Brickhill Station26.03 Km
Wellingborough Station26.17 Km
Banbury Station26.18 Km

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Tiffield?

List of Stops near to Tiffield
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Tiffield are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Tiffield
Meadow Rise Bus Stop (opp)92 m
Meadow Rise Bus Stop (adj)131 m
Gayton Road Bus Stop (adj)258 m
Primary School Bus Stop (opp)311 m
Tiffield Centre Bus Stop (opp)906 m
Tiffield Centre Bus Stop (o/s)964 m
Tiffield Turn Bus Stop (adj)1.06 Km
Tiffield Turn Bus Stop (opp)1.10 Km
Showsley Cottages Bus Stop (adj)1.23 Km
Demand Responsive Area Bus Stop1.33 Km

Historic Places to Visit near Tiffield

List of Historic places near to Tiffield

NameDistances from Tiffield
The Canal Museum, Stoke Bruerne4.93 Km
Upton, St Michaels Church8.54 Km
Preston Deanery Church9.85 Km
Northampton, St Peters Church10.11 Km
78 Derngate10.44 Km
Furtho, St Bartholomews Church11.50 Km
Canons Ashby12.14 Km
Canons Ashby Priory12.27 Km
Althorp13.38 Km
Great Brington, St Marys Church13.68 Km
Cities or Towns near Tiffield

List of places near to

Caldecote1.29 Km
Hulcote1.93 Km
Astcote2.60 Km
Duncote2.67 Km
Dalscote2.75 Km
Eastcote2.81 Km
Gayton2.88 Km
Towcester3.15 Km
Blisworth3.35 Km
Shutlanger3.49 Km
Greens Norton3.60 Km
Pattishall3.67 Km
Cold Higham3.90 Km
Foster's Booth4.29 Km
Heathencote4.52 Km
Wood Burcote4.70 Km
Stoke Bruerne4.94 Km
Grimscote5.01 Km
Rothersthorpe5.34 Km
Milton Malsor5.36 Km
Foxley5.83 Km
Roade5.90 Km
Bugbrooke5.98 Km
Bradden6.11 Km
Foscote6.14 Km
Courteenhall6.23 Km
Pury End6.32 Km
Swan Valley6.55 Km
Collingtree6.55 Km
Alderton6.57 Km
Paulerspury6.70 Km
Plumpton End6.82 Km
Shelfleys6.82 Km
Litchborough6.94 Km
Ashton6.97 Km
Abthorpe7.20 Km
Upper Stowe7.32 Km
Quinbury End7.41 Km
Blakesley7.43 Km
Blacky More7.46 Km
Slapton7.46 Km
Merefield7.49 Km
Camp Hill7.68 Km
Whittlebury7.77 Km
Nether Heyford7.79 Km
Grafton Regis7.80 Km
Kislingbury7.82 Km
Church Stowe8.14 Km
Quinton8.24 Km
Wootton8.29 Km