Collingtree Map, Satellite view of Collingtree, Northamptonshire, England

Collingtree is located in Northamptonshire County, Northampton District, East Midlands, England, United Kingdom.

Location informations of Collingtree

Latitude of city of Collingtree is 52.19427 and longitude of city of Collingtree is -0.90280. Collingtree has 1 postcode / zip code, in county of Northamptonshire.
The County of Collingtree is Northamptonshire.

Postcode / zip code of Collingtree

NN4 0

Administrative division of Collingtree

County :Northamptonshire

GPS coordinates of Collingtree

Latitude : 52.19427
Longitude : -0.90280

Online Map of Collingtree - road map, satellite view and street view

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What is the nearest train station to Collingtree?

List of Railway Stations near to Collingtree
The nearest railway stations to Collingtree are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from Collingtree
Northampton Station4.81 Km
Wolverton Station15.78 Km
Long Buckby Station16.77 Km
Wellingborough Station19.63 Km
Milton Keynes Central Station19.84 Km
Bletchley Station24.87 Km
Kettering Station25.03 Km
Fenny Stratford Station25.08 Km
Bow Brickhill Station25.41 Km
Woburn Sands Station25.92 Km

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Collingtree?

List of Stops near to Collingtree
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Collingtree are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Collingtree
8 Ash Lane Bus Stop (o/s)138 m
Toms Close Bus Stop (opp)409 m
Hilton Hotel Bus Stop (o/s)708 m
Golf Course Bus Stop (o/s)734 m
Watering Lane Bus Stop (adj)741 m
Watering Lane Bus Stop (opp)781 m
Marjoram Close Bus Stop (opp)906 m
Langford Drive Bus Stop (opp)984 m
Langford Drive Bus Stop (adj)1.01 Km
Community Centre Bus Stop (opp)1.03 Km

Cities or Towns near Collingtree

List of places near to

Milton Malsor1.43 Km
Blacky More1.52 Km
Wootton1.74 Km
Merefield2.04 Km
Hardingstone2.45 Km
Courteenhall2.78 Km
Shelfleys2.82 Km
Quinton3.07 Km
Blisworth3.24 Km
Camp Hill3.39 Km
Far Cotton3.42 Km
Briar Hill3.46 Km
Swan Valley3.81 Km
Preston Deanery3.85 Km
Rothersthorpe3.89 Km
Roade4.00 Km
Brackmills4.02 Km
Quinton Green4.13 Km
Gayton4.60 Km
St James's End4.85 Km
Northampton4.88 Km
Great Houghton5.25 Km
Upton5.26 Km
St James' End5.38 Km
Hackleton5.49 Km
Piddington5.54 Km
Stoke Bruerne5.71 Km
Ashton5.97 Km
Shutlanger6.17 Km
Dallington6.17 Km
Abington Vale6.28 Km
Hartwell6.28 Km
Abington6.40 Km
Kingsthorpe Hollow6.46 Km
Tiffield6.55 Km
Kislingbury6.56 Km
Little Houghton6.57 Km
Queens Park6.72 Km
King's Heath6.79 Km
Dalscote6.82 Km
Duston6.91 Km
Horton6.98 Km
Weston Favell7.14 Km
Kingsley Park7.16 Km
Kingsthorpe7.23 Km
Hulcote7.28 Km
Eastcote7.28 Km
Lodge Farm7.50 Km
Spinney Hill7.53 Km
Bugbrooke7.56 Km