The Wig and Fidgett Bus Stop (opp) Location on a map of Boxted

The The Wig and Fidgett Bus Stop is located on Straight Rd in Boxted Colchester, Essex, South East. Vehicle travel South-West from here. In addition to this informations you can see location map of The Wig and Fidgett Bus Stop (opp) by click this link. The Wig and Fidgett Bus Stop (opp) Map

Location informations for The Wig and Fidgett Bus Stop (opp)

Name: The Wig and Fidgett Bus Stop (opp)
Street: Straight Rd
Town: Boxted
Locality: Boxted
Parent Locality:
Unitary Authority Area: Essex
Region: South East
Indicator: opp
Direction of Travel: South-West (SW)
Bus Stop NaptanCode: esxgwgpt (SMS Code)
Bus Stop AtcoCode: 1500BOXTED1Y
Bus Stop Latitude : 51.947569
Bus Stop Longitude : 0.910153
DMS coordinates : 51°56'51.24830676" N 0°54'36.550219284" E
Current time and date at The Wig and Fidgett Bus Stop (opp) is 15:55:43 (02/16/2025) : (Europe/London)
Uses data from the Traveline National Dataset - licensed under the Open Government License.

Location Map of The Wig and Fidgett Bus Stop (opp)

In the following map you can see road map, satellite view and street view near of The Wig and Fidgett Bus Stop (opp).

What is the nearest train station to The Wig and Fidgett Bus Stop (opp)?

List of Railway Stations near to The Wig and Fidgett Bus Stop (opp)
The nearest railway stations to The Wig and Fidgett Bus Stop (opp) are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from The Wig and Fidgett Bus Stop (opp)
Colchester Station5.35 Km
Colchester Town Station6.81 Km
Hythe Station6.99 Km
Manningtree Station9.26 Km
Bures Station10.01 Km
Wivenhoe Station10.60 Km
Chappel and Wakes Colne Station10.67 Km
Marks Tey Station11.43 Km
Mistley Station11.75 Km
Alresford Station12.00 Km

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to The Wig and Fidgett Bus Stop (opp)?

List of Stops near to The Wig and Fidgett Bus Stop (opp)
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to The Wig and Fidgett Bus Stop (opp) are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from The Wig and Fidgett Bus Stop (opp)
The Wig and Fidgett Bus Stop (opp)0 m
The Wig and Fidgett Bus Stop (o/s)8 m
The Cross Inn Bus Stop (o/s)138 m
The Cross Inn Bus Stop (opp)145 m
Line Cottages Bus Stop (opp)279 m
Line Cottages Bus Stop (o/s)279 m
Anglia Landscapes Bus Stop (o/s)475 m
Anglia Landscapes Bus Stop (opp)484 m
Queens Head Road Bus Stop (adj)694 m
Queens Head Road Bus Stop (opp)703 m

Cities or Towns near The Wig and Fidgett Bus Stop (opp) (15 km)

List of places near to The Wig and Fidgett Bus Stop (opp)

Workhouse Hill0.74 Km
Boxted Cross0.90 Km
Boxted1.51 Km
Langham Moor1.53 Km
Hornestreet2.23 Km
Tye Green2.40 Km
Langham Wick2.75 Km
Langham2.78 Km
Great Horkesley2.93 Km
Horkesley Heath3.04 Km
Nayland3.77 Km
Thorington Street3.82 Km
Parney Heath3.92 Km
Little Horkesley3.93 Km
Mile End3.95 Km
Birchhall Corner4.54 Km
Lamb Corner4.57 Km
Ardleigh Heath4.71 Km
Wissington4.88 Km
Fox Street4.90 Km
Braiswick5.00 Km
Stoke-by-Nayland5.06 Km
Scotland Street5.10 Km
Higham5.14 Km
Stratford St Mary5.14 Km
Parson's Heath5.42 Km
West Bergholt5.53 Km
Welshwood Park5.66 Km
Ardleigh5.72 Km
Mill Street5.84 Km
Dedham5.84 Km
Dedham Heath5.95 Km
Cock Street5.98 Km
Withermarsh Green5.98 Km
Foxash Estate6.05 Km
Honey Tye6.15 Km
Crockleford Hill6.18 Km
Bell's Corner6.26 Km
Crockleford Heath6.46 Km
Colchester6.48 Km
Greenstead6.59 Km
Polstead6.64 Km
Rotchfords6.68 Km
Wormingford6.92 Km
Lower Raydon7.17 Km
Abbey Field7.19 Km
Burnt Heath7.20 Km
Leavenheath7.41 Km
East Bergholt7.52 Km
Shelley7.53 Km
Historic Places to Visit near The Wig and Fidgett Bus Stop (opp)

List of Historic places near to The Wig and Fidgett Bus Stop (opp)

NameDistances from The Wig and Fidgett Bus Stop (opp)
Boxted, St Peters Church1.60 Km
Langham, St Marys Church3.70 Km
Little Horkesley Church3.85 Km
Thorington Hall4.00 Km
Wissington, St Marys Church4.84 Km
Stoke-by-Nayland, St Marys Church4.87 Km
Higham, Suffolk, St Marys Church5.07 Km
West Bergholt, St Marys Church5.71 Km
Dedham, St Marys Church5.80 Km
Colchester, St Helens Chapel6.28 Km
Colchester, St Martins Church6.31 Km
Colchester Castle Museum6.33 Km
Hollytrees Museum6.39 Km
Natural History Museum, Colchester6.45 Km
Polstead, St Marys Church6.51 Km
Jumbo Water Tower6.53 Km
Colchester, St Mary at the Walls6.59 Km
Colchester, Holy Trinity Church6.60 Km
Colchester Roman Town Walls6.63 Km
St Botolphs Priory6.67 Km
Wormingford, St Andrews Church6.77 Km
St Johns Abbey Gate6.91 Km
Colchester, St Leonard at the Hythe7.07 Km
East Bergholt, St Marys Church7.46 Km
Lexden Earthworks and Bluebottle Grove7.46 Km
Flatford Bridge Cottage7.74 Km
Bourne Mill7.83 Km
St Stephens Chapel8.76 Km
Bures, St Marys Church9.61 Km
Boxford, St Marys Church9.61 Km
Mount Bures Castle Motte9.65 Km
Mount Bures, St Johns Church9.65 Km
Audley Chapel, Berechurch9.94 Km
Beth Chatto Gardens9.99 Km
Little Bromley, St Marys Church10.14 Km
Groton, St Bartholomews Church10.82 Km
Little Wenham, All Saints10.93 Km
Copford, St Michael and All Angels Church11.07 Km
Mistley Towers11.46 Km
Kersey, St Marys Church12.27 Km
Newton Green, All Saints Church12.56 Km
Lindsey, St James Chapel12.90 Km
Brightlingsea, All Saints Church14.98 Km