The Vicarage Bus Stop (Adj) Location on a map of Elmley Lovett

The The Vicarage Bus Stop is located on Elmley Lovett Road in Elmley Lovett Wychavon, Worcestershire, West Midlands. Vehicle travel North from here. In addition to this informations you can see location map of The Vicarage Bus Stop (Adj) by click this link. The Vicarage Bus Stop (Adj) Map

Location informations for The Vicarage Bus Stop (Adj)

Name: The Vicarage Bus Stop (Adj)
Street: Elmley Lovett Road
Near Place: The Vicarage
Locality: Elmley Lovett
Parent Locality:
Unitary Authority Area: Worcestershire
Region: West Midlands
Indicator: Adj
Direction of Travel: North (N)
Bus Stop NaptanCode: wocdpjpt (SMS Code)
Bus Stop AtcoCode: 2000G661004
Bus Stop Latitude : 52.324434
Bus Stop Longitude : -2.201716
DMS coordinates : 52°19'27.96146292" N 2°12'6.17669928" W
Current time and date at The Vicarage Bus Stop (Adj) is 15:57:58 (02/16/2025) : (Europe/London)
Uses data from the Traveline National Dataset - licensed under the Open Government License.

Location Map of The Vicarage Bus Stop (Adj)

In the following map you can see road map, satellite view and street view near of The Vicarage Bus Stop (Adj).

What is the nearest train station to The Vicarage Bus Stop (Adj)?

List of Railway Stations near to The Vicarage Bus Stop (Adj)
The nearest railway stations to The Vicarage Bus Stop (Adj) are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from The Vicarage Bus Stop (Adj)
Hartlebury Station1.73 Km
Droitwich Spa Station6.91 Km
Kidderminster Station7.13 Km
Blakedown Station9.27 Km
Bromsgrove Station10.49 Km
Hagley Station11.53 Km
Worcester Shrub Hill Station14.43 Km
Worcester Foregate Street Station14.44 Km
Stourbridge Junction Station14.44 Km
Barnt Green Station14.79 Km

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to The Vicarage Bus Stop (Adj)?

List of Stops near to The Vicarage Bus Stop (Adj)
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to The Vicarage Bus Stop (Adj) are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from The Vicarage Bus Stop (Adj)
The Vicarage Bus Stop (Adj)0 m
Hartlebury Trading Estate Bus Stop (Adj)708 m
Ball Hill Bus Stop (Adj)777 m
Sneads Green Turn Bus Stop (Adj)1.12 Km
Hartlebury Rail Station1.73 Km
Railway Station Bus Stop (adj)1.74 Km
Hartlebury Rail Station (East Entrance)1.74 Km
Hartlebury Rail Station (Main Entrance)1.74 Km
Waresley Park Bus Stop (Adj)1.93 Km
Chequers Inn Bus Stop (opp)1.93 Km

Cities or Towns near The Vicarage Bus Stop (Adj) (15 km)

List of places near to The Vicarage Bus Stop (Adj)

Elmley Lovett0.78 Km
Sneads Green1.22 Km
Cutnall Green1.76 Km
Waresley2.07 Km
Hartlebury2.08 Km
Norchard2.10 Km
Rushock2.18 Km
Crossway Green2.39 Km
Bryan's Green2.43 Km
Broad Common2.56 Km
Podmoor2.62 Km
Acton2.92 Km
Broad Alley3.04 Km
Cakebole3.09 Km
Little Acton3.27 Km
Torton3.28 Km
Charlton3.39 Km
Doverdale3.45 Km
Chadwick3.51 Km
Dunhampton3.53 Km
Comhampton3.61 Km
Titton3.62 Km
Owlhill3.85 Km
Shenstone3.91 Km
Hartlebury Common3.94 Km
Low Hill4.02 Km
Leapgate4.05 Km
Lincomb4.14 Km
Elmbridge4.17 Km
Purshull Green4.18 Km
Sytchampton4.37 Km
Lineholt Common4.38 Km
Bugle Gate4.38 Km
Cooksey Green4.40 Km
Winterfold4.48 Km
Lineholt4.52 Km
Mustow Green4.56 Km
Brockencote4.59 Km
Lower Heath4.61 Km
Summerfield4.63 Km
Hampton Lovett4.65 Km
Northampton4.79 Km
Wilden4.85 Km
Battenton Green5.00 Km
Oldfield5.04 Km
Outwood5.09 Km
Stanklyn5.11 Km
Chaddesley Corbett5.14 Km
Harvington5.21 Km
Cooksey Corner5.26 Km
Historic Places to Visit near The Vicarage Bus Stop (Adj)