Stanwell Map, Satellite view of Stanwell, Surrey, England

Stanwell is located in Surrey County, Spelthorne District, South East, England, United Kingdom.

Location informations of Stanwell

Latitude of city of Stanwell is 51.45719 and longitude of city of Stanwell is -0.47918. Stanwell has 1 postcode / zip code, in county of Surrey.
The County of Stanwell is Surrey.

Postcode / zip code of Stanwell

TW19 7

Administrative division of Stanwell

County :Surrey

GPS coordinates of Stanwell

Latitude : 51.45719
Longitude : -0.47918

Online Map of Stanwell - road map, satellite view and street view

Leaflet | © OpenStreetMap contributors

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The weather for Stanwell in the United Kingdom

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Stanwell weather forecast 15 days

What is the nearest train station to Stanwell?

List of Railway Stations near to Stanwell
The nearest railway stations to Stanwell are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from Stanwell
Heathrow Terminal 5 Station1.63 Km
Heathrow Terminals 2 and 3 Station2.34 Km
Heathrow Terminal 4 Station2.34 Km
Ashford (Middlesex) Station2.43 Km
Staines Station3.21 Km
Wraysbury Station4.35 Km
Feltham Station4.91 Km
Egham Station5.58 Km
Sunnymeads Station5.74 Km
West Drayton Station5.90 Km

Airports Near to Stanwell

London Heathrow Airport , UK (1.91 Km)

RAF Northolt , UK (11.46 Km)

Fairoaks Airport , UK (13.33 Km)

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Stanwell?

List of Stops near to Stanwell
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Stanwell are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Stanwell
The Wheatsheaf Bus Stop (opp)80 m
The Wheatsheaf Bus Stop (adj)146 m
Wheatsheaf Bus Stop (nr)185 m
Wheatsheaf Bus Stop (o/s)192 m
Riverside Place Bus Stop (opp)211 m
Town Lane Bus Stop (S-bound)233 m
Town Lane Bus Stop (N-bound)270 m
St Mary's Avenue Bus Stop (opp)316 m
St Mary's Avenue Bus Stop (adj)340 m
Riverside Road Bus Stop (adj)378 m

Historic Places to Visit near Stanwell
Cities or Towns near Stanwell

List of places near to

West Bedfont1.13 Km
Stanwell Moor1.70 Km
Longford2.77 Km
East Bedfont2.79 Km
Ashford2.95 Km
Birch Green3.00 Km
Knowle Green3.20 Km
Chattern Hill3.37 Km
Staines-upon-Thames3.45 Km
Harmondsworth3.50 Km
Poyle3.50 Km
Church Lammas3.97 Km
Sipson3.97 Km
Lower Feltham4.20 Km
Hatton4.25 Km
Egham Hythe4.46 Km
Hythe End4.47 Km
Harlington4.53 Km
Colnbrook4.55 Km
North Feltham4.65 Km
Ashford Common4.71 Km
Horton4.75 Km
Littleton Common4.75 Km
Runnymede4.94 Km
Feltham4.97 Km
Felthamhill5.05 Km
Cranford5.11 Km
West Drayton5.13 Km
Wraysbury5.29 Km
Thorney5.31 Km
Laleham5.34 Km
Penton Hook5.53 Km
Sutton5.53 Km
Thorpe Lea5.59 Km
Egham5.66 Km
Charlton5.68 Km
Sunnymeads5.71 Km
Littleton5.71 Km
Brands Hill5.75 Km
Sunbury Common5.82 Km
Richings Park5.95 Km
Sunbury-on-Thames6.00 Km
Kempton Park6.16 Km
Hounslow Heath6.20 Km
Yiewsley6.25 Km
Ripley Springs6.33 Km
Shepperton Green6.49 Km
Hanworth6.60 Km
Datchet Common6.64 Km
Sunbury6.69 Km