St Nicholas' Church Bus Stop (adj) Location on a map of Denston

The St Nicholas' Church Bus Stop is located on Water Lane in Denston St. Edmundsbury, Suffolk, East Anglia. Vehicle travel South-East from here. In addition to this informations you can see location map of St Nicholas' Church Bus Stop (adj) by click this link. St Nicholas' Church Bus Stop (adj) Map

Location informations for St Nicholas' Church Bus Stop (adj)

Name: St Nicholas' Church Bus Stop (adj)
Street: Water Lane
Locality: Denston
Parent Locality:
Unitary Authority Area: Suffolk
Region: East Anglia
Indicator: adj
Direction of Travel: South-East (SE)
Bus Stop NaptanCode: sufgdjga (SMS Code)
Bus Stop AtcoCode: 390050102
Bus Stop Latitude : 52.146542
Bus Stop Longitude : 0.570851
DMS coordinates : 52°8'47.54952564" N 0°34'15.063882888" E
Current time and date at St Nicholas' Church Bus Stop (adj) is 16:02:55 (02/16/2025) : (Europe/London)
Uses data from the Traveline National Dataset - licensed under the Open Government License.

Location Map of St Nicholas' Church Bus Stop (adj)

In the following map you can see road map, satellite view and street view near of St Nicholas' Church Bus Stop (adj).

What is the nearest train station to St Nicholas' Church Bus Stop (adj)?

List of Railway Stations near to St Nicholas' Church Bus Stop (adj)
The nearest railway stations to St Nicholas' Church Bus Stop (adj) are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from St Nicholas' Church Bus Stop (adj)
Newmarket Station15.14 Km
Dullingham Station15.21 Km
Bury St.Edmunds Station15.38 Km
Kennett Station15.53 Km
Sudbury Station16.64 Km
Thurston Station19.88 Km
Bures Station23.75 Km
Elmswell Station25.42 Km
Great Chesterford Station27.52 Km
Chappel and Wakes Colne Station27.69 Km

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to St Nicholas' Church Bus Stop (adj)?

List of Stops near to St Nicholas' Church Bus Stop (adj)
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to St Nicholas' Church Bus Stop (adj) are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from St Nicholas' Church Bus Stop (adj)
St Nicholas' Church Bus Stop (adj)0 m
St Nicholas' Church Bus Stop (opp)6 m
Telephone Box Bus Stop (o/s)1.13 Km
Telephone Box Bus Stop (opp)1.14 Km
Shelter Bus Stop (Opposite)1.22 Km
Plumbers Arms Bus Stop (Opposite)1.22 Km
Shelter Bus Stop (Adjacent)1.22 Km
Plumbers Arms Bus Stop (N-bound)1.23 Km
Plumbers Arms Bus Stop (Outside)1.23 Km
Plumbers Arms Bus Stop (S-bound)1.24 Km

Cities or Towns near St Nicholas' Church Bus Stop (adj) (15 km)

List of places near to St Nicholas' Church Bus Stop (adj)

Denston0.09 Km
Stradishall1.15 Km
Wickham Street1.22 Km
Assington Green1.84 Km
Malting End1.87 Km
Clopton Green1.97 Km
Stansfield2.41 Km
Upper Street2.43 Km
Gosland Green2.47 Km
Lower Street2.53 Km
Farley Green2.61 Km
Mole Hill2.65 Km
Coltsfoot Green2.74 Km
Wickhambrook2.81 Km
Thorns2.82 Km
Ashfield Green2.84 Km
Attleton Green2.91 Km
Meeting Green3.12 Km
Cock and End3.46 Km
Cock & End3.54 Km
Boyden End3.60 Km
Thurston End3.70 Km
Park Gate3.72 Km
Hawkedon3.91 Km
Lambfair Green4.52 Km
Genesis Green4.62 Km
Depden4.67 Km
Poslingford4.69 Km
Cowlinge4.69 Km
Hundon4.71 Km
Depden Green4.81 Km
Wales End4.89 Km
Babel Green4.91 Km
Fenstead End5.05 Km
Baxter's Green5.09 Km
Somerton5.11 Km
Chimney Street5.28 Km
Rede5.31 Km
Mount Pleasant5.53 Km
Hobbles Green5.58 Km
Little Knowles Green5.77 Km
Chedburgh5.79 Km
Sowley Green5.80 Km
Back Street5.92 Km
Chilton Street6.01 Km
Wentford6.04 Km
Mile End6.16 Km
Lidgate6.20 Km
Lady's Green6.20 Km
Barnardiston6.26 Km
Historic Places to Visit near St Nicholas' Church Bus Stop (adj)