St. John the Baptist's Church Bus Stop (near) Location on a map of Church End Eltisley

The St. John the Baptist's Church Bus Stop is located on St Neots Road in Church End South Cambridgeshire, Cambridgeshire, East Anglia. Vehicle travel West from here. In addition to this informations you can see location map of St. John the Baptist's Church Bus Stop (near) by click this link. St. John the Baptist's Church Bus Stop (near) Map

Location informations for St. John the Baptist's Church Bus Stop (near)

Name: St. John the Baptist's Church Bus Stop (near)
Street: St Neots Road
Near Place: St John the Baptist's Church
Locality: Church End
Parent Locality: Eltisley
Unitary Authority Area: Cambridgeshire
Region: East Anglia
Indicator: near
Direction of Travel: West (W)
Bus Stop NaptanCode: CMBDWDPJ (SMS Code)
Bus Stop AtcoCode: 0500SELTI003
Bus Stop Latitude : 52.221364
Bus Stop Longitude : -0.145729
DMS coordinates : 52°13'16.91029596" N 0°8'44.62575432" W
Current time and date at St. John the Baptist's Church Bus Stop (near) is 15:48:31 (02/16/2025) : (Europe/London)
Uses data from the Traveline National Dataset - licensed under the Open Government License.

Location Map of St. John the Baptist's Church Bus Stop (near)

In the following map you can see road map, satellite view and street view near of St. John the Baptist's Church Bus Stop (near).

What is the nearest train station to St. John the Baptist's Church Bus Stop (near)?

List of Railway Stations near to St. John the Baptist's Church Bus Stop (near)
The nearest railway stations to St. John the Baptist's Church Bus Stop (near) are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from St. John the Baptist's Church Bus Stop (near)
St.Neots Station7.02 Km
Huntingdon Station12.34 Km
Sandy Station14.17 Km
Shepreth Station16.97 Km
Biggleswade Station17.12 Km
Foxton Station17.86 Km
Meldreth Station17.96 Km
Cambridge Station19.53 Km
Royston Station20.39 Km
Cambridge North Station20.72 Km

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to St. John the Baptist's Church Bus Stop (near)?

List of Stops near to St. John the Baptist's Church Bus Stop (near)
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to St. John the Baptist's Church Bus Stop (near) are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from St. John the Baptist's Church Bus Stop (near)
St. John the Baptist's Church Bus Stop (near)0 m
St. John the Baptist's Church Bus Stop (opp)108 m
The Green Cricket Ground Bus Stop (opp)409 m
The Green Cricket Ground Bus Stop (near)429 m
High Street Bus Stop (adj)1.88 Km
High Street Bus Stop (opp)1.91 Km
Gibbet Service Station Bus Stop (opp)2.65 Km
Friends Close Bus Stop (opp)2.73 Km
Friends Close Bus Stop (near)2.73 Km
Gibbet Service Station Bus Stop (near)2.77 Km

Cities or Towns near St. John the Baptist's Church Bus Stop (near) (15 km)

List of places near to St. John the Baptist's Church Bus Stop (near)

Eltisley0.42 Km
Croxton2.30 Km
Yelling3.13 Km
Papworth Everard3.62 Km
Weald3.72 Km
Caxton3.76 Km
Great Gransden3.83 Km
Toseland4.06 Km
Lower Cambourne4.58 Km
Little Gransden4.70 Km
Graveley4.73 Km
Papworth St Agnes4.80 Km
Wintringham4.93 Km
Abbotsley5.00 Km
Waresley5.49 Km
Cambourne5.59 Km
Longstowe6.19 Km
Upper Cambourne6.23 Km
Elsworth6.28 Km
Crow End6.48 Km
Bourn6.55 Km
Hilton7.07 Km
Great Paxton7.11 Km
Knapwell7.37 Km
Dutter End7.66 Km
Green End7.86 Km
Gamlingay Cinques7.90 Km
Gamlingay7.99 Km
Eynesbury8.26 Km
Tetworth8.27 Km
Offord D'Arcy8.29 Km
Islands Common8.42 Km
Caldecote8.44 Km
St Neots8.45 Km
Little Paxton8.46 Km
Highfields Caldecote8.51 Km
Dennis Green8.51 Km
Conington8.61 Km
Little Heath8.62 Km
Childerley Gate8.73 Km
Offord Cluny8.93 Km
Hatley St George8.94 Km
Kingston9.00 Km
Childerley9.01 Km
Little Barford9.18 Km
Boxworth9.26 Km
East Hatley9.27 Km
Eaton Ford9.51 Km
Woodbury9.61 Km
Gamlingay Great Heath9.62 Km
Historic Places to Visit near St. John the Baptist's Church Bus Stop (near)

List of Historic places near to St. John the Baptist's Church Bus Stop (near)

NameDistances from St. John the Baptist's Church Bus Stop (near)
Abbotsley, St Margarets Church5.07 Km
Offord Darcy, St Peters Church8.35 Km
St Neots Museum8.45 Km
Kingston, All Saints and St Andrew8.91 Km
Little Barford, St Denys9.16 Km
Buckden Towers10.88 Km
Buckden, St Marys Church10.88 Km
Wimpole Hall11.08 Km
Hemingford Grey Manor11.23 Km
Norris Museum12.43 Km
Huntingdon, All Saints Church12.45 Km
Houghton Mill12.47 Km
Roxton Congregational Church12.50 Km
American War Cemetery13.50 Km
Lodge Nature Reserve13.58 Km
Barton, St Peters Church14.55 Km
Longstanton, St Michaels Church14.81 Km