Springfield House (Adj) Location on a map of Melbourne

The Springfield House is located on Blackwell Lane in Melbourne South Derbyshire, Derbyshire, East Midlands.. In addition to this informations you can see location map of Springfield House (Adj) by click this link. Springfield House (Adj) Map

Location informations for Springfield House (Adj)

Name: Springfield House (Adj)
Street: Blackwell Lane
Near Place: Springfield House
Locality: Melbourne
Parent Locality:
Unitary Authority Area: Derbyshire
Region: East Midlands
Indicator: Adj
NaptanCode: dbsgpwjw (SMS Code)
AtcoCode: 100000022376
Latitude : 52.822202
Longitude : -1.417238
DMS coordinates : 52°49'19.92642132" N 1°25'2.0562114" W
Current time and date at Springfield House (Adj) is 16:10:59 (02/16/2025) : (Europe/London)
Uses data from the Traveline National Dataset - licensed under the Open Government License.

Location Map of Springfield House (Adj)

In the following map you can see road map, satellite view and street view near of Springfield House (Adj).

What is the nearest train station to Springfield House (Adj)?

List of Railway Stations near to Springfield House (Adj)
The nearest railway stations to Springfield House (Adj) are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from Springfield House (Adj)
Peartree Station9.13 Km
Spondon Station10.02 Km
Willington Station10.42 Km
Derby Station10.94 Km
Long Eaton Station11.16 Km
East Midlands Parkway Station11.27 Km
Burton-On-Trent Station15.25 Km
Attenborough Station15.58 Km
Loughborough Station15.64 Km
Beeston Station17.83 Km

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Springfield House (Adj)?

List of Stops near to Springfield House (Adj)
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Springfield House (Adj) are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Springfield House (Adj)
Springfield House (Adj)0 m
Church Hall Bus Stop (adj)497 m
Church Hall Bus Stop (opp)497 m
Potter Street Bus Stop (Opp)511 m
Potter Street Bus Stop (adj)531 m
Jubilee Close Bus Stop (adj)614 m
Jubilee Close Bus Stop (Opp)617 m
Blakemore Avenue Bus Stop (Opp)618 m
Blakemore Avenue Bus Stop (Adj)646 m
The Crescent Bus Stop (Opp)677 m

Airports Near to Springfield House (Adj)

East Midlands Airport , UK (6.07 Km)

Cities or Towns near Springfield House (Adj) (15 km)

List of places near to Springfield House (Adj)

Melbourne0.76 Km
King's Newton1.14 Km
Wilson1.26 Km
Breedon on the Hill2.57 Km
Stanton by Bridge3.08 Km
Tonge3.12 Km
Weston-on-Trent3.12 Km
Isley Walton3.67 Km
Calke3.77 Km
Staunton Harold4.00 Km
Swarkestone4.35 Km
Ticknall4.50 Km
Heath End4.52 Km
Worthington4.71 Km
Aston-on-Trent4.85 Km
Ingleby4.97 Km
Barrow upon Trent5.29 Km
Diseworth5.29 Km
Chellaston5.35 Km
Castle Donington5.79 Km
Lount5.81 Km
Foremark5.90 Km
Newbold6.00 Km
Shelton Lock6.18 Km
Griffydam6.34 Km
Osgathorpe6.35 Km
Shardlow6.65 Km
Cavendish Bridge6.73 Km
Gelsmoor6.82 Km
Hemington6.86 Km
Belton6.87 Km
Thulston6.90 Km
Outwoods6.95 Km
Milton7.32 Km
Boulton Moor7.42 Km
The Forties7.43 Km
Woolrooms7.44 Km
Sinfin Moor7.45 Km
Smisby7.52 Km
Twyford7.58 Km
Boulton7.67 Km
Coleorton7.72 Km
Peggs Green7.78 Km
Elvaston7.79 Km
Lockington7.88 Km
Allenton7.91 Km
Church Town7.95 Km
Hartshorne7.98 Km
Great Wilne7.98 Km
Ambaston8.06 Km
Historic Places to Visit near Springfield House (Adj)