Southwold Ferry Landing Ferry Terminal (Entrance) Location on a map of Southwold

The Southwold Ferry Landing Ferry Terminal is located in Southwold Waveney, Suffolk, East Anglia.. In addition to this informations you can see location map of Southwold Ferry Landing Ferry Terminal (Entrance) by click this link. Southwold Ferry Landing Ferry Terminal (Entrance) Map

Location informations for Southwold Ferry Landing Ferry Terminal (Entrance)

Name: Southwold Ferry Landing Ferry Terminal (Entrance)
Locality: Southwold
Parent Locality:
Unitary Authority Area: Suffolk
Region: East Anglia
Indicator: Entrance
Ferry Terminal AtcoCode: 3900SWO0
Ferry Terminal Latitude : 52.316962
Ferry Terminal Longitude : 1.667587
DMS coordinates : 52°19'1.06366476" N 1°40'3.313901496" E
Current time and date at Southwold Ferry Landing Ferry Terminal (Entrance) is 16:29:37 (02/16/2025) : (Europe/London)
Uses data from the Traveline National Dataset - licensed under the Open Government License.

Location Map of Southwold Ferry Landing Ferry Terminal (Entrance)

In the following map you can see road map, satellite view and street view near of Southwold Ferry Landing Ferry Terminal (Entrance).

What is the nearest train station to Southwold Ferry Landing Ferry Terminal (Entrance)?

List of Railway Stations near to Southwold Ferry Landing Ferry Terminal (Entrance)
The nearest railway stations to Southwold Ferry Landing Ferry Terminal (Entrance) are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from Southwold Ferry Landing Ferry Terminal (Entrance)
Darsham Station10.95 Km
Halesworth Station11.49 Km
Brampton (Suffolk) Station12.12 Km
Saxmundham Station16.57 Km
Beccles Station17.09 Km
Oulton Broad South Station17.19 Km
Oulton Broad North Station18.18 Km
Lowestoft Station18.38 Km
Somerleyton Station21.52 Km
Haddiscoe Station23.75 Km

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Southwold Ferry Landing Ferry Terminal (Entrance)?

List of Stops near to Southwold Ferry Landing Ferry Terminal (Entrance)
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Southwold Ferry Landing Ferry Terminal (Entrance) are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Southwold Ferry Landing Ferry Terminal (Entrance)
Southwold Ferry Landing Ferry Terminal (Entrance)0 m
Southwold Ferry Landing40 m
Walberswick Ferry Landing126 m
Walberswick Ferry Landing Ferry Terminal (Entrance)135 m
Harbour Bus Stop (adj)143 m
Caravan Park Bus Stop (adj)402 m
Village Hall Bus Stop (opp)473 m
Village Hall Bus Stop (adj)507 m
Harbour Inn Bus Stop (adj)627 m
Gardner Road Bus Stop (adj)1.12 Km

Airports Near to Southwold Ferry Landing Ferry Terminal (Entrance)

Beccles Airport , UK (13.58 Km)

Cities or Towns near Southwold Ferry Landing Ferry Terminal (Entrance) (15 km)

List of places near to Southwold Ferry Landing Ferry Terminal (Entrance)

Walberswick1.00 Km
Southwold1.29 Km
Reydon2.27 Km
Easton Bavents2.87 Km
Reydon Smear3.18 Km
Cove Bottom4.76 Km
Blythburgh4.77 Km
Wangford5.13 Km
Barnaby Green5.50 Km
Dunwich5.51 Km
Frostenden Corner5.54 Km
South Cove5.72 Km
Frostenden6.30 Km
Clay Common6.59 Km
Covehithe7.02 Km
Uggeshall7.21 Km
Sotherton7.37 Km
Hog's Corner7.40 Km
Wrentham7.54 Km
Blackheath7.55 Km
Wenhaston7.65 Km
Blyford7.72 Km
Sotherton Corner7.74 Km
Bicker's Heath7.87 Km
Cuckold's Green7.98 Km
Westleton8.26 Km
Thorington8.28 Km
Stoven8.36 Km
Wenhaston Black Heath8.55 Km
West End8.98 Km
Westhall9.34 Km
Benacre9.36 Km
Brampton9.56 Km
Wrentham West End9.58 Km
High Street9.60 Km
Mells9.63 Km
Brampton Street9.88 Km
Darsham9.95 Km
Upper Holton10.12 Km
Holton10.12 Km
Bramfield10.14 Km
Eastbridge10.26 Km
Middleton10.36 Km
Sotterley10.54 Km
Henstead10.89 Km
Kessingland Beach10.94 Km
Toad Row10.99 Km
Annesons Corner11.03 Km
Shadingfield11.03 Km
Theberton11.14 Km