Southampton Airport Location on a map of North Stoneham Eastleigh

The Southampton Airport is located in North Stoneham. In addition to this informations you can see location map of Southampton Airport by click this link. Southampton Airport Map

Location informations for Southampton Airport

Name: Southampton Airport
Street: -
Locality: North Stoneham
Parent Locality: Eastleigh
Unitary Authority Area: National - National Air
Region: Great Britain
AtcoCode: 9200SOU1
Latitude : 50.950232
Longitude : -1.360058
DMS coordinates : 50°57'0.83628504" N 1°21'36.2101374" W
Current time and date at Southampton Airport is 12:35:09 (12/22/2024) : (Europe/London)
Uses data from the Traveline National Dataset - licensed under the Open Government License.

Location Map of Southampton Airport

In the following map you can see road map, satellite view and street view near of Southampton Airport.

What is the nearest train station to Southampton Airport?

List of Railway Stations near to Southampton Airport
The nearest railway stations to Southampton Airport are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from Southampton Airport
Southampton Airport (Parkway) Station222 m
Swaythling Station1.53 Km
Eastleigh Station2.23 Km
St.Denys Station3.67 Km
Bitterne Station3.75 Km
Chandlers Ford Station4.11 Km
Hedge End Station5.01 Km
Woolston Station5.83 Km
Sholing Station5.96 Km
Southampton Central Station6.06 Km

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Southampton Airport?

List of Stops near to Southampton Airport
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Southampton Airport are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Southampton Airport
Southampton Airport (Entrance)0 m
Southampton Airport0 m
Airport Terminal Bus Stop (W-bound)63 m
Parkway Station Bus Stop (SW-bound)219 m
Southampton Airport Parkway Rail Station (Entrance)222 m
Southampton Airport Parkway Rail Station222 m
Airport Parkway Bus Stop (N-bound)251 m
Airport Parkway Bus Stop (S-bound)252 m
Wide Lane Sports Field Bus Stop (near)312 m
Post Office Centre Bus Stop (S-bound)336 m

Cities or Towns near Southampton Airport (15 km)

List of places near to Southampton Airport

North Stoneham1.04 Km
Swaythling1.28 Km
Townhill Park2.16 Km
Eastleigh2.18 Km
Hampton Park2.36 Km
Newtown2.46 Km
Bassett Green2.58 Km
Bitterne Park2.65 Km
Bishopstoke2.72 Km
Midanbury2.81 Km
Bassett3.04 Km
Chilworth3.05 Km
West End3.05 Km
Portswood3.18 Km
Highfield3.18 Km
Hatch Bottom3.46 Km
Boyatt Wood3.51 Km
St Denys3.53 Km
Bitterne3.61 Km
Harefield3.79 Km
Westwood Park3.86 Km
Bitterne Manor3.91 Km
Fryern Hill4.10 Km
Bevois Valley4.16 Km
Thornhill Park4.23 Km
Bevois Town4.24 Km
Chandler's Ford4.31 Km
Stoke Common4.31 Km
Bevois Mount4.34 Km
Fair Oak4.43 Km
Sholing Common4.47 Km
Dowd's Farm4.50 Km
Horton Heath4.53 Km
Upper Shirley4.62 Km
Valley Park4.70 Km
Merry Oak4.75 Km
Northam4.76 Km
Lord's Wood4.76 Km
Chilworth Old Village4.78 Km
Thornhill4.85 Km
Highbridge4.88 Km
Shamblehurst4.95 Km
Banister's Park4.95 Km
Allbrook4.99 Km
Crowdhill5.04 Km
Lordswood5.05 Km
Peartree Green5.06 Km
Cuckoo Bushes5.13 Km
Bellevue5.16 Km
Newtown5.17 Km