Shipton Map, Satellite view of Shipton, North Yorkshire, England

Shipton is located in North Yorkshire County, Hambleton District, Yorkshire and the Humber, England, United Kingdom.

Location informations of Shipton

Latitude of city of Shipton is 54.02058 and longitude of city of Shipton is -1.16145. Shipton has 1 postcode / zip code, in county of North Yorkshire.
The County of Shipton is North Yorkshire.

Postcode / zip code of Shipton

YO30 1

Administrative division of Shipton

County :North Yorkshire

GPS coordinates of Shipton

Latitude : 54.02058
Longitude : -1.16145

Online Map of Shipton - road map, satellite view and street view

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Shipton weather forecast 15 days

What is the nearest train station to Shipton?

List of Railway Stations near to Shipton
The nearest railway stations to Shipton are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from Shipton
Poppleton Station5.04 Km
York Station8.27 Km
Hammerton Station8.46 Km
Cattal Station10.71 Km
Ulleskelf Station18.88 Km
Knaresborough Station20.23 Km
Church Fenton Station22.00 Km
Starbeck Station22.33 Km
Hornbeam Park Station24.31 Km
Harrogate Station24.77 Km

Airports Near to Shipton

RAF Linton-On-Ouse , UK (6.74 Km)

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Shipton?

List of Stops near to Shipton
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Shipton are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Shipton
The Hawthorns Bus Stop (opp)32 m
Forest of Galtres Sch Bus Stop (adj)37 m
The Dawnay Arms Bus Stop (S-bound)260 m
The Dawnay Arms Bus Stop (N-bound)274 m
Shipton Church Bus Stop (N-bound)355 m
Shipton Church Bus Stop (S-bound)363 m
South Garth Bus Stop (N-bound)392 m
South Garth Bus Stop (S-bound)419 m
Crookhill Cottage Bus Stop (o/s)2.85 Km
Crookhill Cottage Bus Stop (opp)2.86 Km

Cities or Towns near Shipton

List of places near to

Beningbrough2.31 Km
Overton2.81 Km
Skelton2.83 Km
Nether Poppleton3.79 Km
Newton-on-Ouse3.98 Km
Nun Monkton4.40 Km
Upper Poppleton4.56 Km
Moor Monkton4.63 Km
Clifton Moor4.65 Km
Wigginton4.77 Km
Moor Monkton Moor4.95 Km
Rawcliffe5.02 Km
Hessay5.84 Km
Linton-on-Ouse5.85 Km
Clifton5.86 Km
Haxby5.87 Km
Ouse Acres6.65 Km
New Earswick6.68 Km
Knapton6.70 Km
Sutton-on-the-Forest6.74 Km
Cross Lanes6.77 Km
Tollerton6.80 Km
Earswick7.12 Km
Huntington7.28 Km
Rufforth7.32 Km
Huby7.37 Km
Towthorpe7.59 Km
Acomb7.59 Km
Chapel Fields7.68 Km
Youlton7.70 Km
Holgate7.97 Km
The Groves8.12 Km
Low Field8.13 Km
York8.26 Km
Strensall8.53 Km
Alne8.69 Km
Layerthorpe8.72 Km
Heworth8.74 Km
Thorpe Underwood8.77 Km
Kirk Hammerton8.87 Km
Long Marston8.89 Km
Moxby9.05 Km
Alne Station9.09 Km
Foss Islands9.19 Km
Hutton Wandesley9.21 Km
Clementhorpe9.25 Km
Green Hammerton9.28 Km
South Bank9.48 Km
Dringhouses9.50 Km
Tancred9.51 Km