Sgoil Uibhist a Tuath Bus Stop (opp) Location on a map of Paible

The Sgoil Uibhist a Tuath Bus Stop is located on Minor Road in Paible , Western Isles, Scotland. Vehicle travel South from here. In addition to this informations you can see location map of Sgoil Uibhist a Tuath Bus Stop (opp) by click this link. Sgoil Uibhist a Tuath Bus Stop (opp) Map

Location informations for Sgoil Uibhist a Tuath Bus Stop (opp)

Name: Sgoil Uibhist a Tuath Bus Stop (opp)
Street: Minor Road
Near Place: Sgoil Uibhist a Tuath
Locality: Paible
Parent Locality:
Unitary Authority Area: Western Isles
Region: Scotland
Indicator: opp
Direction of Travel: South (S)
Bus Stop NaptanCode: 94726524 (SMS Code)
Bus Stop AtcoCode: 6010738
Bus Stop Latitude : 57.584547
Bus Stop Longitude : -7.44216
DMS coordinates : 57°35'4.3677528" N 7°26'31.77653028" W
Current time and date at Sgoil Uibhist a Tuath Bus Stop (opp) is 13:11:39 (12/22/2024) : (Atlantic/Faroe)
Uses data from the Traveline National Dataset - licensed under the Open Government License.

Location Map of Sgoil Uibhist a Tuath Bus Stop (opp)

In the following map you can see road map, satellite view and street view near of Sgoil Uibhist a Tuath Bus Stop (opp).

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Sgoil Uibhist a Tuath Bus Stop (opp)?

List of Stops near to Sgoil Uibhist a Tuath Bus Stop (opp)
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Sgoil Uibhist a Tuath Bus Stop (opp) are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Sgoil Uibhist a Tuath Bus Stop (opp)
Sgoil Uibhist a Tuath Bus Stop (opp)0 m
Sgoil Uibhist a Tuath Bus Stop (at)22 m
Road End Bus Stop (opp)189 m
Road End Bus Stop (at)204 m
Post Office Bus Stop (at)395 m
Post Office Bus Stop (opp)413 m
Township Bus Stop (E-bound)589 m
Township Bus Stop (W-bound)597 m
Road End Bus Stop (at)948 m
Road End Bus Stop (opp)948 m

Airports Near to Sgoil Uibhist a Tuath Bus Stop (opp)

Benbecula Airport , UK (12.44 Km)

Cities or Towns near Sgoil Uibhist a Tuath Bus Stop (opp) (15 km)

List of places near to Sgoil Uibhist a Tuath Bus Stop (opp)

Paibeil0.04 Km
Cnoc a' Lin0.64 Km
Bayhead0.64 Km
Cladach Chnoc a Lin0.78 Km
Claddach-knockline0.78 Km
Cnoc an Torrain1.48 Km
Balemore1.48 Km
Ardheisker1.67 Km
Claddach Kyles / Cladach a' Chaolais2.29 Km
Baile Raghaill2.82 Km
Balranald / Baile Raghnill3.27 Km
Claddach Kirkibost / Cladach Chirceboist4.30 Km
Hougharry / Hogha Gearraidh5.01 Km
Hosta5.14 Km
Tigharry / Tigh a' Ghearraidh5.40 Km
Iolaraigh5.74 Km
Cladach Iolaraigh5.76 Km
Balmartin / Baile Mhàrtainn5.90 Km
Botarua / Botarubha6.32 Km
Malacleit7.09 Km
Clachan na Luib7.37 Km
Baleshare / Baile Sear7.42 Km
Samhla7.75 Km
Grìminis7.87 Km
Cladach a' Bhaile Shear8.56 Km
Middlequarter / Ceathramh Meadhanach8.69 Km
Sollas / Solas9.30 Km
Corunna9.33 Km
Garry Claddach / Gearraidh Cladach9.80 Km
Grenitote / Greinetobht10.30 Km
Cairinis10.41 Km
Baile Iochdrach10.73 Km
Ahmore / Athmòr12.38 Km
Balivanich / Baile a' Mhanaich12.93 Km
Uachdar12.97 Km
Cnoc Cuidhein13.09 Km
Locheport / Loch Euphort13.17 Km
Àird13.28 Km
Trumaisgearraidh13.52 Km
Sidnish / Saighdinis13.55 Km
Dunganachy / Dùn Gainmhich13.71 Km
Cladach Chairinis13.93 Km
Gramasdail14.09 Km
Gramasdal14.20 Km
Baile nan Cailleach14.23 Km
Baile Glas14.24 Km
Àird nan Strùban14.29 Km
Sliabh na h-Airde14.30 Km
Clachan Sands / Clachan Shannda14.33 Km
Blashaval14.75 Km
Historic Places to Visit near Sgoil Uibhist a Tuath Bus Stop (opp)

List of Historic places near to Sgoil Uibhist a Tuath Bus Stop (opp)

NameDistances from Sgoil Uibhist a Tuath Bus Stop (opp)
South Clettreval Chambered Cairn3.35 Km
Beinn a Charra Standing Stone3.92 Km
Balranald RSPB Reserve5.05 Km
Kilphedder Cross6.77 Km
Scolpaig Tower7.24 Km
Barpa Langass Chambered Cairn9.15 Km
Pobull Fhinn Stone Circle9.81 Km
Trinity Chapel (Teampull na Trionaid)10.21 Km
Dun Aonghais12.15 Km
Gramsdale Standing Stones14.07 Km
Nunton Chapel (Teampall Mhuire)14.16 Km