Seascale Rail Station Location on a map of Seascale

The Seascale Rail Station is located in Seascale. In addition to this informations you can see location map of Seascale Rail Station by click this link. Seascale Rail Station Map

Location informations for Seascale Rail Station

Name: Seascale Rail Station
Street: -
Locality: Seascale
Parent Locality:
Unitary Authority Area: National - National Rail
Region: Great Britain
AtcoCode: 9100SEASCAL
Latitude : 54.395875
Longitude : -3.484511
DMS coordinates : 54°23'45.1502934" N 3°29'4.23890844" W
Current time and date at Seascale Rail Station is 12:06:20 (12/22/2024) : (Europe/Isle_of_Man)
Uses data from the Traveline National Dataset - licensed under the Open Government License.

Location Map of Seascale Rail Station

In the following map you can see road map, satellite view and street view near of Seascale Rail Station.

What is the nearest train station to Seascale Rail Station?

List of Railway Stations near to Seascale Rail Station
The nearest railway stations to Seascale Rail Station are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from Seascale Rail Station
Seascale Station0 m
Sellafield Station2.85 Km
Drigg Station3.39 Km
Braystones Station6.09 Km
Ravenglass Station6.63 Km
Nethertown Station8.54 Km
St.Bees Station12.77 Km
Bootle (Cumbria) Station13.03 Km
Corkickle Station17.40 Km
Whitehaven Station18.69 Km

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Seascale Rail Station?

List of Stops near to Seascale Rail Station
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Seascale Rail Station are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Seascale Rail Station
Seascale Rail Station0 m
Station Entrance Railway Station (at)13 m
Rail Station Railway Station (at)16 m
Station Entrance Railway Station (at)16 m
St Cuthberts Church Bus Stop (o/s)82 m
Bowling Green Bus Stop (o/s)84 m
Gosforth Gate Bus Stop (opp)113 m
Wasdale Park Bus Stop (near)420 m
Wasdale Park Bus Stop (at)437 m
Post office Bus Stop (near)448 m

Cities or Towns near Seascale Rail Station (15 km)

List of places near to Seascale Rail Station

Seascale0.31 Km
Stubble Green2.37 Km
Calder2.45 Km
Hall Senna2.61 Km
Drigg3.35 Km
High Sellafield3.48 Km
Sellafield3.65 Km
Greengarth Hall3.81 Km
Gosforth3.88 Km
Holmrook4.23 Km
Yottenfews4.44 Km
Ponsonby4.76 Km
Calder Bridge4.88 Km
Wellington4.97 Km
Carleton Hall5.41 Km
Blackbeck5.48 Km
Saltcoats5.73 Km
Braystones5.95 Km
Mite Houses5.95 Km
Beckermet6.10 Km
Santon6.27 Km
Ravenglass6.73 Km
Hall Santon6.78 Km
Irton6.89 Km
Santon Bridge7.36 Km
Haile7.67 Km
Nethertown8.10 Km
Thornhill8.25 Km
Carleton8.61 Km
Hall Waberthwaite8.75 Km
Middletown8.91 Km
Newbiggin9.09 Km
Coulderton9.46 Km
Nether Wasdale9.53 Km
Wilton9.86 Km
Egremont9.89 Km
Monk Moors10.05 Km
Broad Oak10.11 Km
Waberthwaite10.24 Km
Middleton Place10.32 Km
Eskdale Green10.40 Km
Swallohurst11.70 Km
Woodend12.09 Km
Pallaflat12.18 Km
Bigrigg12.19 Km
Hycemoor12.53 Km
High Walton12.56 Km
Corney12.61 Km
Cleator12.61 Km
St Bees12.71 Km
Historic Places to Visit near Seascale Rail Station

List of Historic places near to Seascale Rail Station

NameDistances from Seascale Rail Station
Gosforth Cross4.31 Km
Gosforth, St Marys Church4.31 Km
Irton Church and Cross5.48 Km
Ravenglass Roman Bath House7.09 Km
Muncaster, St Michaels Church8.02 Km
Muncaster Castle8.14 Km
Egremont Castle9.57 Km
St Bees Priory Church12.99 Km
Blakely Rise stone circle13.17 Km
Wast Water lake13.22 Km
Stanley Ghyll Force Waterfall13.74 Km
Eskdale13.78 Km