Scalloway Park Bus Stop (at 25) Location on a map of Fraserburgh

The Scalloway Park Bus Stop is located on Scalloway Park in Fraserburgh , Aberdeenshire, Scotland. Vehicle travel South-West from here. In addition to this informations you can see location map of Scalloway Park Bus Stop (at 25) by click this link. Scalloway Park Bus Stop (at 25) Map

Location informations for Scalloway Park Bus Stop (at 25)

Name: Scalloway Park Bus Stop (at 25)
Street: Scalloway Park
Near Place: Scalloway Park
Town: Fraserburgh
Suburb: -
Locality: Fraserburgh
Parent Locality:
Unitary Authority Area: Aberdeenshire
Region: Scotland
Indicator: at 25
Direction of Travel: South-West (SW)
Bus Stop NaptanCode: 23626937 (SMS Code)
Bus Stop AtcoCode: 630024652
Bus Stop Latitude : 57.688185
Bus Stop Longitude : -2.030998
DMS coordinates : 57°41'17.46556404" N 2°1'51.59101584" W
Current time and date at Scalloway Park Bus Stop (at 25) is 17:05:47 (12/23/2024) : (Europe/Isle_of_Man)
Uses data from the Traveline National Dataset - licensed under the Open Government License.

Location Map of Scalloway Park Bus Stop (at 25)

In the following map you can see road map, satellite view and street view near of Scalloway Park Bus Stop (at 25).

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Scalloway Park Bus Stop (at 25)?

List of Stops near to Scalloway Park Bus Stop (at 25)
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Scalloway Park Bus Stop (at 25) are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Scalloway Park Bus Stop (at 25)
Scalloway Park Bus Stop (at 25)0 m
Scalloway Park Bus Stop (at 46)48 m
Anderson Court Bus Stop (at)96 m
Scalloway Park Bus Stop (at 99)100 m
Asda Bus Stop (opp)244 m
Asda Bus Stop (at)260 m
Lochpots School Bus Stop (Robertson Rd S/s 20m W of Lochpots Sch)271 m
Asda Bus Stop (adj)297 m
Macrae Seafoods Bus Stop (opp)346 m
Chapelhill Road Bus Stop (St Andrews Drive Eside at No 109)418 m

Cities or Towns near Scalloway Park Bus Stop (at 25) (15 km)

List of places near to Scalloway Park Bus Stop (at 25)

Broadsea1.03 Km
Pitblae1.09 Km
Fraserburgh1.65 Km
Sandhaven2.25 Km
Pittulie2.54 Km
Memsie4.39 Km
Mid Ardlaw4.78 Km
Peathill4.86 Km
Rosehearty5.05 Km
Cairnbulg5.32 Km
Rathen5.87 Km
Inverallochy6.11 Km
Tyrie7.10 Km
Charlestown7.70 Km
Newburgh7.77 Km
St Combs7.94 Km
Cortes Village8.03 Km
Boyndlie8.39 Km
Mountsolie8.43 Km
Lonmay8.61 Km
Upper Boyndlie8.69 Km
Fiddler's Green8.81 Km
Crimonmogate10.12 Km
Blackhills10.15 Km
New Aberdour10.45 Km
Ardlawhill11.43 Km
Belfatton11.44 Km
Strichen11.85 Km
New Leeds11.92 Km
Crimond12.05 Km
Craigmaud12.57 Km
Corse13.17 Km
Pennan13.79 Km
Balnamoon14.02 Km
Denhead14.25 Km
Keyhead14.42 Km
New Pitsligo14.58 Km
Historic Places to Visit near Scalloway Park Bus Stop (at 25)

List of Historic places near to Scalloway Park Bus Stop (at 25)

NameDistances from Scalloway Park Bus Stop (at 25)
Museum of Scottish Lighthouses1.89 Km
Pittulie Castle3.76 Km
Memsie Cairn4.46 Km
Pitsligo Castle4.73 Km
Cairnbulg Castle5.71 Km
Maggies Hoosie6.14 Km
Tyrie Raven Stone6.24 Km
Cairness House7.57 Km
Berrybrae Stone Circle10.36 Km
Strichen Stone Circle13.36 Km
Castle Point Fort14.45 Km
White Cow Wood Cairn14.98 Km