Rock Padstow Ferry Landing Location on a map of Rock

The Rock Padstow Ferry Landing is located on End of Rock Road in Rock. In addition to this informations you can see location map of Rock Padstow Ferry Landing by click this link. Rock Padstow Ferry Landing Map

Location informations for Rock Padstow Ferry Landing

Name: Rock Padstow Ferry Landing
Street: End of Rock Road
Locality: Rock
Parent Locality:
Unitary Authority Area: National - National Ferry
Region: Great Britain
AtcoCode: 9300PHY
Latitude : 50.544896
Longitude : -4.925848
DMS coordinates : 50°32'41.62670268" N 4°55'33.05260236" W
Current time and date at Rock Padstow Ferry Landing is 06:24:10 (12/27/2024) : (Europe/Guernsey)
Uses data from the Traveline National Dataset - licensed under the Open Government License.

Location Map of Rock Padstow Ferry Landing

In the following map you can see road map, satellite view and street view near of Rock Padstow Ferry Landing.

What is the nearest train station to Rock Padstow Ferry Landing?

List of Railway Stations near to Rock Padstow Ferry Landing
The nearest railway stations to Rock Padstow Ferry Landing are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from Rock Padstow Ferry Landing
Roche Station15.59 Km
St.Columb Road Station16.29 Km
Quintrell Downs Station17.26 Km
Newquay Station17.91 Km
Bugle Station18.65 Km
Luxulyan Station21.36 Km
Bodmin Parkway Station21.61 Km
Lostwithiel Station23.93 Km
St.Austell Station24.80 Km
Par Station26.26 Km

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Rock Padstow Ferry Landing?

List of Stops near to Rock Padstow Ferry Landing
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Rock Padstow Ferry Landing are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Rock Padstow Ferry Landing
Rock Padstow Ferry Landing0 m
Rock Padstow Ferry Landing (Quay)10 m
Rock Padstow Ferry Landing Ferry Terminal (Entrance)57 m
Ferry Car Park Bus Stop (N-bound)77 m
Padstow Ferry Landing (Quay)776 m
Padstow Ferry Landing802 m
Padstow Ferry Landing Ferry Terminal (Entrance)802 m
Rock Villas Bus Stop (W-bound)883 m
Padstow Bus Terminus Bus Stop (NW-bound)1.01 Km
Junction of Glynn Road Bus Stop (S-bound)1.10 Km

Airports Near to Rock Padstow Ferry Landing

Newquay Cornwall Airport , UK (12.60 Km)

Cities or Towns near Rock Padstow Ferry Landing (15 km)

List of places near to Rock Padstow Ferry Landing

Porthilly1.06 Km
Rock1.08 Km
Padstow1.11 Km
Splatt1.51 Km
Stoptide1.68 Km
Penmayne1.87 Km
Tregonce2.07 Km
Trethillick2.12 Km
Treator2.39 Km
Trebetherick2.42 Km
Pityme2.50 Km
Trevorrick2.69 Km
Crugmeer2.79 Km
Trevelver2.98 Km
Tredrizzick3.03 Km
Roserrow3.20 Km
Polzeath3.21 Km
Burgois3.28 Km
Trevone3.45 Km
Bodellick3.52 Km
Trevanger3.59 Km
Little Petherick3.69 Km
New Polzeath3.78 Km
Highlanes3.80 Km
Trevance3.80 Km
St Issey3.80 Km
Tregonna3.85 Km
St Minver4.04 Km
Mellingey4.28 Km
Tregunna4.33 Km
Trenance4.73 Km
Edmonton4.82 Km
St Merryn5.07 Km
Harlyn5.13 Km
Whitecross5.14 Km
Porteath5.24 Km
Shop5.41 Km
Plain Street5.42 Km
Tredinnick5.53 Km
Towan5.59 Km
Trevanson5.71 Km
Trehemborne5.75 Km
Lower Amble5.82 Km
Trewornan5.82 Km
St Jidgey5.99 Km
Burniere6.12 Km
Port Quin6.27 Km
Cannalidgey6.31 Km
Constantine Bay6.31 Km
St Breock6.33 Km
Historic Places to Visit near Rock Padstow Ferry Landing

List of Historic places near to Rock Padstow Ferry Landing

NameDistances from Rock Padstow Ferry Landing
Padstow, St Petrocs Church1.25 Km
Prideaux Place1.50 Km
St Enodoc Church1.52 Km
St Endellion, St Endelientas Church7.47 Km
Nine Maidens Stone Row8.19 Km
Egloshayle Church8.22 Km
St Breock Downs Monolith8.46 Km
Bedruthan Steps10.22 Km
Japanese Garden11.10 Km
St Mawgan in Pydar Church11.30 Km
Pencarrow House11.73 Km
St Columb Major, St Columbas Church12.17 Km
Castle an Dinas Iron Age Hillfort13.68 Km