Red Lion Bus Stop (SW-bound) Location on a map of Lythe

The Red Lion Bus Stop is located on High Street in Lythe Scarborough, North Yorkshire, Yorkshire. Vehicle travel South-West from here. In addition to this informations you can see location map of Red Lion Bus Stop (SW-bound) by click this link. Red Lion Bus Stop (SW-bound) Map

Location informations for Red Lion Bus Stop (SW-bound)

Name: Red Lion Bus Stop (SW-bound)
Street: High Street
Near Place: Lodge Road
Town: Scarborough
Suburb: Lythe
Locality: Lythe
Parent Locality:
Unitary Authority Area: North Yorkshire
Region: Yorkshire
Indicator: SW-bound
Direction of Travel: South-West (SW)
Bus Stop NaptanCode: 32090533 (SMS Code)
Bus Stop AtcoCode: 3200YNA90533
Bus Stop Latitude : 54.505883
Bus Stop Longitude : -0.693651
DMS coordinates : 54°30'21.17774988" N 0°41'37.14354672" W
Current time and date at Red Lion Bus Stop (SW-bound) is 15:07:18 (12/22/2024) : (Europe/London)
Uses data from the Traveline National Dataset - licensed under the Open Government License.

Location Map of Red Lion Bus Stop (SW-bound)

In the following map you can see road map, satellite view and street view near of Red Lion Bus Stop (SW-bound).

What is the nearest train station to Red Lion Bus Stop (SW-bound)?

List of Railway Stations near to Red Lion Bus Stop (SW-bound)
The nearest railway stations to Red Lion Bus Stop (SW-bound) are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from Red Lion Bus Stop (SW-bound)
Sleights Station5.38 Km
Whitby Station5.58 Km
Ruswarp Station5.82 Km
Grosmont Station8.02 Km
Egton Station8.78 Km
Glaisdale Station9.83 Km
Lealholm Station9.91 Km
Danby Station14.72 Km
Castleton Moor Station16.90 Km
Commondale Station18.38 Km

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Red Lion Bus Stop (SW-bound)?

List of Stops near to Red Lion Bus Stop (SW-bound)
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Red Lion Bus Stop (SW-bound) are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Red Lion Bus Stop (SW-bound)
Red Lion Bus Stop (SW-bound)0 m
Red Lion Bus Stop (NE-bound)15 m
Goldsborough Lane End Bus Stop (SE-bound)490 m
Goldsborough Lane End Bus Stop (NW-bound)492 m
Lythe Bank Bottom Bus Stop (E-bound)1.33 Km
Lythe Bank Bottom Bus Stop (W-bound)1.34 Km
Hotel & Garage Bus Stop (NW-bound)1.51 Km
Hotel & Garage Bus Stop (SE-bound)1.52 Km
The Hart Inn Bus Stop (NE-bound)1.64 Km
The Hart Inn Bus Stop (SW-bound)1.64 Km

Cities or Towns near Red Lion Bus Stop (SW-bound) (15 km)

List of places near to Red Lion Bus Stop (SW-bound)

Lythe0.15 Km
Sandsend1.58 Km
Goldsborough1.92 Km
East Barnby1.98 Km
Dunsley2.26 Km
Raithwaite2.59 Km
West Barnby2.75 Km
Kettleness2.91 Km
Hutton Mulgrave3.15 Km
Newholm3.22 Km
Selly Hill4.00 Km
Mickleby4.32 Km
Castle Park4.32 Km
Aislaby4.57 Km
High Stakesby4.59 Km
West Cliff4.77 Km
Ellerby4.99 Km
Runswick Bay5.17 Km
Briggswath5.32 Km
Whitby5.46 Km
Ugthorpe5.54 Km
Ruswarp5.57 Km
Fishburn Park5.70 Km
Sleights5.91 Km
Airy Hill5.98 Km
Hinderwell6.27 Km
Newton Mulgrave6.30 Km
Iburndale6.48 Km
Eskdaleside6.55 Km
Ugglebarnby6.63 Km
Port Mulgrave6.76 Km
Sneaton6.94 Km
Egton7.75 Km
Grosmont8.00 Km
Borrowby8.03 Km
Stainsacre8.06 Km
Stonegate8.16 Km
Staithes8.67 Km
Littlebeck8.77 Km
Roxby8.83 Km
Esk Valley8.84 Km
Lease Rigg8.84 Km
Cowbar8.85 Km
Egton Bridge8.92 Km
Sneatonthorpe9.15 Km
Lealholm Side9.29 Km
Key Green9.45 Km
Hawsker9.45 Km
Low Hawsker9.57 Km
High Hawsker9.57 Km
Historic Places to Visit near Red Lion Bus Stop (SW-bound)

List of Historic places near to Red Lion Bus Stop (SW-bound)

NameDistances from Red Lion Bus Stop (SW-bound)
Whitby Abbey5.79 Km
Fylingdales, St Stephens Old Church12.06 Km