Rail Station Railway Station (Entrance) Location on a map of Elmswell

The Rail Station Railway Station is located in Elmswell Mid Suffolk, Suffolk, East Anglia.. In addition to this informations you can see location map of Rail Station Railway Station (Entrance) by click this link. Rail Station Railway Station (Entrance) Map

Location informations for Rail Station Railway Station (Entrance)

Name: Rail Station Railway Station (Entrance)
Locality: Elmswell
Parent Locality:
Unitary Authority Area: Suffolk
Region: East Anglia
Indicator: Entrance
Railway Station NaptanCode: sufawtwm (SMS Code)
Railway Station AtcoCode: 390040424
Railway Station Latitude : 52.238064
Railway Station Longitude : 0.913104
DMS coordinates : 52°14'17.0287494" N 0°54'47.173687164" E
Current time and date at Rail Station Railway Station (Entrance) is 16:33:10 (02/16/2025) : (Europe/London)
Uses data from the Traveline National Dataset - licensed under the Open Government License.

Location Map of Rail Station Railway Station (Entrance)

In the following map you can see road map, satellite view and street view near of Rail Station Railway Station (Entrance).

What is the nearest train station to Rail Station Railway Station (Entrance)?

List of Railway Stations near to Rail Station Railway Station (Entrance)
The nearest railway stations to Rail Station Railway Station (Entrance) are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from Rail Station Railway Station (Entrance)
Elmswell Station35 m
Thurston Station7.23 Km
Stowmarket Station8.00 Km
Needham Market Station13.57 Km
Bury St.Edmunds Station13.71 Km
Diss Station20.79 Km
Thetford Station23.15 Km
Harling Road Station23.98 Km
Westerfield Station24.55 Km
Sudbury Station25.50 Km

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Rail Station Railway Station (Entrance)?

List of Stops near to Rail Station Railway Station (Entrance)
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Rail Station Railway Station (Entrance) are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Rail Station Railway Station (Entrance)
Rail Station Railway Station (Entrance)0 m
Entrance Railway Station (Entrance)13 m
Elmswell Rail Station35 m
Shop Corner Bus Stop (S-bound)124 m
Shop Corner Bus Stop (Adjacent)124 m
Shop Corner Bus Stop (Opposite)142 m
Harris Factory Bus Stop (Adjacent)304 m
Harris Factory Bus Stop (Opposite)311 m
Memorial Hall Bus Stop (Opposite)345 m
Memorial Hall Bus Stop (Adjacent)350 m

Airports Near to Rail Station Railway Station (Entrance)

RAF Wattisham , UK (12.66 Km)

Cities or Towns near Rail Station Railway Station (Entrance) (15 km)

List of places near to Rail Station Railway Station (Entrance)

Elmswell0.12 Km
Wetherden2.11 Km
Woolpit2.26 Km
Woolpit Heath2.54 Km
Broadgrass Green2.54 Km
Button Haugh Green2.56 Km
Wetherden Upper Town2.58 Km
Base Green2.73 Km
Woolpit Green2.76 Km
Norton Little Green2.78 Km
Haughley New Street2.85 Km
Hunston Green3.04 Km
Borley Green3.07 Km
Great Ashfield3.33 Km
Norton3.35 Km
Tostock3.62 Km
Drinkstone3.72 Km
Shelland3.94 Km
Haughley Green4.00 Km
Daisy Green4.09 Km
Haughley4.10 Km
Stanton Street4.24 Km
Harleston4.55 Km
Hunston4.71 Km
Long Thurlow4.78 Km
Drinkstone Green4.82 Km
Badwell Ash4.88 Km
Rattlesden4.98 Km
Buxhall Fen Street5.05 Km
Stowlangtoft5.25 Km
Bacton Green5.26 Km
Dagworth5.44 Km
Great Green5.49 Km
Poystreet Green5.50 Km
Beyton Green5.51 Km
Onehouse5.52 Km
Beyton5.60 Km
Earl's Green5.62 Km
Wyverstone Street5.65 Km
Chapel Hill5.66 Km
Chilton Leys5.68 Km
Stock Hill5.71 Km
Purple Hill5.72 Km
Badwell Green5.75 Km
Thurston Planche5.92 Km
Hessett5.95 Km
Stockhold Green6.02 Km
Langham6.13 Km
Buxhall6.22 Km
Mill Green6.33 Km