Pwll-Glas Map, Satellite view of Pwll-Glas, Clwyd, Wales

Pwll-Glas is located in Clwyd County, Flintshire / Sir y Fflint, Wales, Wales, United Kingdom.

Location informations of Pwll-Glas

Latitude of city of Pwll-Glas is 53.17120 and longitude of city of Pwll-Glas is -3.14813. Pwll-Glas has 1 postcode / zip code, in county of Clwyd.
The County of Pwll-Glas is Clwyd.

Postcode / zip code of Pwll-Glas

CH7 1

Administrative division of Pwll-Glas

County :Clwyd

GPS coordinates of Pwll-Glas

Latitude : 53.17120
Longitude : -3.14813

Online Map of Pwll-Glas - road map, satellite view and street view

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Pwll-Glas weather forecast 15 days

What is the nearest train station to Pwll-Glas?

List of Railway Stations near to Pwll-Glas
The nearest railway stations to Pwll-Glas are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from Pwll-Glas
Buckley Station6.21 Km
Penyffordd Station6.96 Km
Hawarden Station7.89 Km
Shotton Station8.63 Km
Flint Station8.77 Km
Hawarden Bridge Station9.29 Km
Hope (Clwyd) Station9.53 Km
Caergwrle Station10.42 Km
Cefn-Y-Bedd Station11.22 Km
Gwersyllt Station13.99 Km

Airports Near to Pwll-Glas

Hawarden Airport , UK (11.38 Km)

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Pwll-Glas?

List of Stops near to Pwll-Glas
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Pwll-Glas are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Pwll-Glas
Fir Grove Bus Stop110 m
Fir Grove Bus Stop115 m
Bluebell Inn Bus Stop121 m
Bluebell Inn Bus Stop121 m
Drovers` Arms Bus Stop213 m
Drovers` Arms Bus Stop225 m
Elm Drive Shops Bus Stop270 m
Elm Drive Shops Bus Stop275 m
Parkfields Church Bus Stop279 m
Parkfields Church Bus Stop280 m

Cities or Towns near Pwll-Glas

List of places near to

Maes-y-Dre0.19 Km
Mold / Yr Wyddgrug0.55 Km
Ponterwyl0.82 Km
Glanyrafon0.94 Km
Leadmill1.06 Km
Pentre1.20 Km
Soughton / Sychdyn2.11 Km
New Brighton2.31 Km
Pant-glâs2.50 Km
Mynydd Isa2.56 Km
Gwernaffield-y-Waun2.69 Km
Gwernymynydd2.79 Km
Pant-y-buarth2.92 Km
Prenbrigog3.21 Km
Cefn-eurgain3.21 Km
Cadole3.27 Km
Llong3.45 Km
Pantymwyn3.63 Km
Nercwys3.69 Km
Rhydymwyn3.79 Km
Alltami3.83 Km
Loggerheads4.12 Km
Northop / Llan-eurgain4.12 Km
Buckley Mountain4.15 Km
Nant Alyn4.24 Km
Pont-newydd4.37 Km
Rhosesmor4.43 Km
Nant Mawr4.45 Km
Buckley / Bwcle4.49 Km
Padeswood4.65 Km
Maeshafn4.66 Km
Bryn y Castell4.78 Km
Northop Hall4.88 Km
Cefn4.98 Km
Tafarn-y-Gelyn5.02 Km
Coppa View5.13 Km
Hendre5.26 Km
Spon Green5.50 Km
Berth-ddu5.54 Km
Lane End5.66 Km
Flint Mountain / Mynydd Y Fflint5.68 Km
Bryn Eithen5.70 Km
Burntwood Pentre5.73 Km
Mwynbwll5.74 Km
Ewloe Green5.76 Km
Cilcain5.78 Km
Llanferres5.82 Km
Wern-y-gaer5.83 Km
Celyn-Mali5.88 Km
Pontblyddyn6.01 Km