Cadole Map, Satellite view of Cadole, Clwyd, Wales

Cadole is located in Clwyd County, Flintshire / Sir y Fflint, Wales, Wales, United Kingdom.

Location informations of Cadole

Latitude of city of Cadole is 53.15689 and longitude of city of Cadole is -3.19090. Cadole has 1 postcode / zip code, in county of Clwyd.
The County of Cadole is Clwyd.

Postcode / zip code of Cadole

CH7 5

Administrative division of Cadole

County :Clwyd

GPS coordinates of Cadole

Latitude : 53.15689
Longitude : -3.19090

Online Map of Cadole - road map, satellite view and street view

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Cadole weather forecast 15 days

What is the nearest train station to Cadole?

List of Railway Stations near to Cadole
The nearest railway stations to Cadole are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from Cadole
Buckley Station9.02 Km
Penyffordd Station9.20 Km
Flint Station11.00 Km
Hawarden Station11.05 Km
Hope (Clwyd) Station11.18 Km
Caergwrle Station11.87 Km
Shotton Station11.90 Km
Cefn-Y-Bedd Station12.47 Km
Hawarden Bridge Station12.54 Km
Gwersyllt Station14.87 Km

Airports Near to Cadole

Hawarden Airport , UK (14.40 Km)

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Cadole?

List of Stops near to Cadole
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Cadole are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Cadole
Cadole Corner Bus Stop127 m
Cadole Corner Bus Stop133 m
Shop Terrace Bus Stop160 m
Shop Terrace Bus Stop180 m
County Boundary Bus Stop310 m
County Boundary Bus Stop322 m
Maeshafn Turn Bus Stop610 m
Country Park Bus Stop698 m
We Three Loggerheads Bus Stop717 m
We Three Loggerheads Bus Stop778 m

Cities or Towns near Cadole

List of places near to

Loggerheads0.86 Km
Gwernymynydd1.05 Km
Pant-y-buarth1.20 Km
Pant-glâs1.22 Km
Gwernaffield-y-Waun1.61 Km
Tafarn-y-Gelyn1.76 Km
Maeshafn1.90 Km
Pantymwyn1.91 Km
Bryn y Castell2.04 Km
Bryn Eithen2.44 Km
Pont-newydd2.64 Km
Llanferres2.70 Km
Pwll-Glas3.27 Km
Maes-y-Dre3.36 Km
Mold / Yr Wyddgrug3.46 Km
Glanyrafon3.49 Km
Nercwys3.52 Km
Cilcain3.68 Km
Nant Alyn3.77 Km
Cefn3.84 Km
Rhydymwyn3.96 Km
Ponterwyl3.97 Km
Pentre4.03 Km
Celyn-Mali4.21 Km
Leadmill4.27 Km
Tre-lan4.46 Km
Hendre4.86 Km
Eryrys4.93 Km
Mwynbwll5.04 Km
Cefn-eurgain5.06 Km
Soughton / Sychdyn5.13 Km
Nant5.44 Km
New Brighton5.58 Km
Rhosesmor5.58 Km
Mynydd Isa5.59 Km
Llong5.71 Km
Gyrn5.88 Km
Prenbrigog6.18 Km
Pentre6.40 Km
Bryn-yr-ogof6.43 Km
Treuddyn6.62 Km
Wern-y-gaer6.64 Km
Berth-ddu6.65 Km
Northop / Llan-eurgain6.80 Km
Llanarmon-yn-Ial6.83 Km
Graianrhyd6.85 Km
Penbedw6.89 Km
Hirwaen6.91 Km
Rh?d-y-ceirw6.93 Km
Llanbedr-Dyffryn-Clwyd6.93 Km