Prince's Arms Hotel Bus Stop (os) Location on a map of Trefriw

The Prince's Arms Hotel Bus Stop is located on B5106 in Trefriw , Conwy, Wales. Vehicle travel South from here. In addition to this informations you can see location map of Prince's Arms Hotel Bus Stop (os) by click this link. Prince's Arms Hotel Bus Stop (os) Map

Location informations for Prince's Arms Hotel Bus Stop (os)

Name: Prince's Arms Hotel Bus Stop (os)
Street: B5106
Near Place: Prince`s Arms Hotel PH
Locality: Trefriw
Parent Locality:
Unitary Authority Area: Conwy
Region: Wales
Indicator: os
Direction of Travel: South (S)
Bus Stop NaptanCode: cnwdwtm (SMS Code)
Bus Stop AtcoCode: 5130AWD72441
Bus Stop Latitude : 53.156318
Bus Stop Longitude : -3.825162
DMS coordinates : 53°9'22.74497244" N 3°49'30.5846022" W
Current time and date at Prince's Arms Hotel Bus Stop (os) is 16:24:25 (12/21/2024) : (Europe/Isle_of_Man)
Uses data from the Traveline National Dataset - licensed under the Open Government License.

Location Map of Prince's Arms Hotel Bus Stop (os)

In the following map you can see road map, satellite view and street view near of Prince's Arms Hotel Bus Stop (os).

What is the nearest train station to Prince's Arms Hotel Bus Stop (os)?

List of Railway Stations near to Prince's Arms Hotel Bus Stop (os)
The nearest railway stations to Prince's Arms Hotel Bus Stop (os) are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from Prince's Arms Hotel Bus Stop (os)
North Llanrwst Station2.04 Km
Llanrwst Station2.82 Km
Dolgarrog Station3.34 Km
Betws-y-Coed Station7.33 Km
Tal-y-Cafn Station8.02 Km
Pont-y-Pant Station10.44 Km
Dolwyddelan Station12.27 Km
Glan Conwy Station12.49 Km
Conwy Station13.77 Km
Roman Bridge Station14.01 Km

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Prince's Arms Hotel Bus Stop (os)?

List of Stops near to Prince's Arms Hotel Bus Stop (os)
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Prince's Arms Hotel Bus Stop (os) are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Prince's Arms Hotel Bus Stop (os)
Prince's Arms Hotel Bus Stop (os)0 m
Prince's Arms Hotel Bus Stop (opp)28 m
Alma House Bus Stop208 m
Alma House Bus Stop228 m
Fairy Falls Hotel Bus Stop552 m
Bro Crafnant Bus Stop596 m
Memorial Bus Stop633 m
Bro Geirionydd Bus Stop721 m
Coed-Gwydr Bus Stop844 m
Coed-Gwydr Bus Stop874 m

Cities or Towns near Prince's Arms Hotel Bus Stop (os) (15 km)

List of places near to Prince's Arms Hotel Bus Stop (os)

Trefriw0.01 Km
Llanrhychwyn1.76 Km
Llanddoged2.36 Km
Brynmorfudd2.57 Km
Llanrwst2.69 Km
Maenan3.16 Km
Pentre-tafarn-y-fedw3.35 Km
Dolgarrog3.35 Km
Melin-y-coed4.71 Km
Tal-y-bont5.30 Km
Castell5.85 Km
Llanbedr-y-cennin6.14 Km
Pentre'r Felin6.16 Km
Nant-y-Rhiw6.27 Km
Caerhun6.98 Km
Eglwysbach7.10 Km
Betws-Y-Coed7.29 Km
Pontwgan7.31 Km
Brymbo7.69 Km
Rhiwddolion7.72 Km
Pandy Tudur7.80 Km
Capel Curig8.05 Km
Pont-Cyfyng8.06 Km
Tal-y-cafn8.17 Km
Graig8.19 Km
Rowen8.58 Km
Ty'n-y-groes8.69 Km
Capel Garmon8.95 Km
Gell9.14 Km
Nebo9.35 Km
Rhandir9.51 Km
Gwytherin9.78 Km
Hendre-ddu9.83 Km
Llangernyw10.04 Km
Pennant10.06 Km
Pont-y-pant10.19 Km
Chweffordd10.35 Km
Ty'r-felin-isaf10.41 Km
Dinas Mawr10.47 Km
Pentre Isaf10.78 Km
Pentrefelin10.87 Km
Tan-y-Graig10.90 Km
Trofarth11.02 Km
Henryd11.08 Km
Capel Siloam11.54 Km
Pentre-bont12.07 Km
Dawn12.24 Km
Groesffordd12.27 Km
Dolwyddelan12.30 Km
Llechwedd12.34 Km
Historic Places to Visit near Prince's Arms Hotel Bus Stop (os)