Portree Hotel Taxi Rank (o/s) Location on a map of Portree

The Portree Hotel Taxi Rank is located on Somerled Square in Portree , Highland, Scotland.. In addition to this informations you can see location map of Portree Hotel Taxi Rank (o/s) by click this link. Portree Hotel Taxi Rank (o/s) Map

Location informations for Portree Hotel Taxi Rank (o/s)

Name: Portree Hotel Taxi Rank (o/s)
Street: Somerled Square
Near Place: Portree Hotel
Locality: Portree
Parent Locality:
Unitary Authority Area: Highland
Region: Scotland
Indicator: o/s
Taxi Rank NaptanCode: 45327376 (SMS Code)
Taxi Rank AtcoCode: 670000008
Taxi Rank Latitude : 57.412893
Taxi Rank Longitude : -6.193996
DMS coordinates : 57°24'46.41383916" N 6°11'38.38528392" W
Current time and date at Portree Hotel Taxi Rank (o/s) is 17:15:12 (12/22/2024) : (Europe/Dublin)
Uses data from the Traveline National Dataset - licensed under the Open Government License.

Location Map of Portree Hotel Taxi Rank (o/s)

In the following map you can see road map, satellite view and street view near of Portree Hotel Taxi Rank (o/s).

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Portree Hotel Taxi Rank (o/s)?

List of Stops near to Portree Hotel Taxi Rank (o/s)
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Portree Hotel Taxi Rank (o/s) are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Portree Hotel Taxi Rank (o/s)
Portree Hotel Taxi Rank (o/s)0 m
Somerled Square (Stance 1)12 m
Somerled Square (Stance 2)14 m
Somerled Square (Stance 3)22 m
Somerled Square (at)25 m
Skye Batiks Bus Stop (at)61 m
Martin Crescent Bus Stop (at)181 m
Windsor Crescent Bus Stop (at)229 m
Scorrybreck Road Bus Stop (opp)297 m
Scorrybreck Road Bus Stop (at)313 m

Cities or Towns near Portree Hotel Taxi Rank (o/s) (15 km)

List of places near to Portree Hotel Taxi Rank (o/s)

Portree / Port Rìgh0.07 Km
Sùlaisiadar Mòr0.74 Km
Inveralivaig1.14 Km
Sluggans1.15 Km
Toravaig / Tòrabhaig1.88 Km
Penifiler / Peighinn nam Fìdhleir2.20 Km
Achadh a'Choirce / Achachork2.21 Km
Heatherfield / An Torran Uaine2.25 Km
Achtalean2.98 Km
Drumuie / Druim-aoidh3.95 Km
Glengrasco4.12 Km
Coulnacraggan / Cul na Creagan4.67 Km
Camustianavaig / Camas Tianabhaig4.75 Km
Glenmore5.52 Km
Conordan5.57 Km
Mugeary5.92 Km
Borve / Borbh6.03 Km
Uigshader6.16 Km
Peiness6.40 Km
Lower Ollach6.91 Km
Crepkill7.52 Km
Carbost7.71 Km
Balachuirn7.77 Km
Upper Ollach7.80 Km
Ollach / An t-Ollach7.81 Km
Peinmore7.91 Km
Prabost8.20 Km
Balmeanach8.26 Km
Tote8.32 Km
Oskaig / Osgaig8.52 Km
Glen Bernisdale9.16 Km
Annishader9.18 Km
Gedintailor / Gead an t-Sailleir9.30 Km
Sgeitheabost / Skeabost9.33 Km
Keistle9.49 Km
Rhenetra9.59 Km
Clachan9.74 Km
Bernisdale / Bearnasdal10.18 Km
Balmeanach / Am Baile Meadhanach10.34 Km
Brochel10.62 Km
Inverarish10.71 Km
Kensaleyre / Ceann Sail Eighre10.80 Km
Peinachorrain / Peighinn a' Chorrain10.99 Km
Park Bernisdale11.00 Km
Aird11.43 Km
East Suisnish11.62 Km
Eyre / Eighre11.73 Km
Arnish11.98 Km
Sconser / Sgonnsair12.09 Km
Romesdal12.52 Km
Historic Places to Visit near Portree Hotel Taxi Rank (o/s)

List of Historic places near to Portree Hotel Taxi Rank (o/s)

NameDistances from Portree Hotel Taxi Rank (o/s)
Aros Experience0.83 Km
Skeabost Chapel8.04 Km
Tote Pictish Stone8.69 Km
Kensaleyre Standing Stones11.16 Km