Portneora Map, Satellite view of Portneora, Ross and Cromarty, Scotland

Portneora is located in Ross and Cromarty County, Highland, Scotland, Scotland, United Kingdom.

Location informations of Portneora

Latitude of city of Portneora is 57.32535 and longitude of city of Portneora is -5.69500. Portneora has 1 postcode / zip code, in county of Ross and Cromarty.
The County of Portneora is Ross and Cromarty.

Postcode / zip code of Portneora

IV40 8

Administrative division of Portneora

County :Ross and Cromarty

GPS coordinates of Portneora

Latitude : 57.32535
Longitude : -5.69500

Online Map of Portneora - road map, satellite view and street view

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The weather for Portneora in the United Kingdom

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Portneora weather forecast 15 days

What is the nearest train station to Portneora?

List of Railway Stations near to Portneora
The nearest railway stations to Portneora are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from Portneora
Duirinish Station636 m
Plockton Station1.97 Km
Duncraig Station3.71 Km
Kyle Of Lochalsh Station5.19 Km
Stromeferry Station9.14 Km
Attadale Station16.32 Km
Strathcarron Station19.30 Km
Achnashellach Station27.82 Km

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Portneora?

List of Stops near to Portneora
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Portneora are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Portneora
Station Railway Station (Entrance)634 m
Duirinish Rail Station637 m
Road End Bus Stop (at)1.12 Km
Road End Bus Stop (opp)1.14 Km
Bus Shelter Bus Stop (opp)1.17 Km
Bus Shelter Bus Stop (at)1.20 Km
Station Railway Station (Entrance)1.96 Km
Plockton Rail Station1.97 Km
High School Bus Stop (o/s)2.07 Km
Road End Bus Stop (at)2.75 Km

Historic Places to Visit near Portneora

List of Historic places near to Portneora

NameDistances from Portneora
Balmacara Estate and Lochalsh Woodland Garden5.08 Km
Strome Castle9.20 Km
Rassal Ashwood NNR10.32 Km
Totaig Broch11.39 Km
Eilean Donan Castle12.13 Km
Cities or Towns near Portneora

List of places near to

Drumbuie1.14 Km
Dìurinis / Diùranais1.39 Km
Plockton / Am Ploc2.02 Km
Erbusaig2.84 Km
Achnandarach3.02 Km
Badicaul3.85 Km
Balmacara Square4.60 Km
Craig4.79 Km
Glaick4.97 Km
Kyle of Lochalsh / Caol Loch Aillse5.03 Km
Balmacara5.16 Km
Reraig6.21 Km
Ardaneaskan6.36 Km
Kyleakin / Caol Acain6.56 Km
Kirkton7.33 Km
Auchtertyre7.84 Km
Achmore8.02 Km
Leacanashie / Leacanaisigh8.22 Km
Leacanasigh8.51 Km
Braeintra8.76 Km
Strome Ferry9.07 Km
Achintraid / Achantraid9.22 Km
Toscaig9.22 Km
Stromemore9.28 Km
Avernish9.35 Km
Nostie9.38 Km
Ardintoul9.59 Km
Ardarroch9.62 Km
Kishorn9.79 Km
Mid Strome9.83 Km
Sanachan10.18 Km
Culduie10.25 Km
Ardelve10.75 Km
Ard-dhubh11.09 Km
Kylerhea / Caol Reatha11.33 Km
Camas-longart11.48 Km
Camusterrach11.64 Km
Ardnarff11.75 Km
Ashaig / Aisig11.93 Km
Camustiel12.14 Km
Dornie12.16 Km
Galltair12.45 Km
Bundalloch12.57 Km
Allt nan Sùgh12.76 Km
Letterfearn13.01 Km
Lower Breakish / Breacais Ìosal13.10 Km
Breakish / Breacais Ard13.15 Km
Glenelg13.31 Km
Glen More13.36 Km
Miltown13.55 Km