Pickwell Map, Satellite view of Pickwell, Leicestershire, England

Pickwell is located in Leicestershire County, Melton District, East Midlands, England, United Kingdom.

Location informations of Pickwell

Latitude of city of Pickwell is 52.69419 and longitude of city of Pickwell is -0.84010. Pickwell has 1 postcode / zip code, in county of Leicestershire.
The County of Pickwell is Leicestershire.

Postcode / zip code of Pickwell

LE14 2

Administrative division of Pickwell

County :Leicestershire

GPS coordinates of Pickwell

Latitude : 52.69419
Longitude : -0.84010

Online Map of Pickwell - road map, satellite view and street view

Leaflet | © OpenStreetMap contributors

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The weather for Pickwell in the United Kingdom

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Pickwell weather forecast 15 days

What is the nearest train station to Pickwell?

List of Railway Stations near to Pickwell
The nearest railway stations to Pickwell are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from Pickwell
Oakham Station7.55 Km
Melton Mowbray Station8.05 Km
Syston Station16.33 Km
Sileby Station18.65 Km
Leicester Station20.46 Km
Barrow-Upon-Soar Station21.42 Km
South Wigston Station23.42 Km
Market Harborough Station24.30 Km
Stamford Station24.81 Km
Corby Station25.03 Km

Airports Near to Pickwell

RAF Cottesmore , UK (13.69 Km)

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Pickwell?

List of Stops near to Pickwell
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Pickwell are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Pickwell
Main Street Bus Stop (SW Bound)21 m
Main Street Bus Stop (opp)42 m
High Street Bus Stop (opp)934 m
Church Bus Stop (opp)956 m
High Street Bus Stop (adj)983 m
Church Bus Stop (outside)989 m
Primary School Bus Stop (outside)1.07 Km
Chapel Lane Bus Stop (opp)1.16 Km
Chapel Lane Bus Stop (adj)1.16 Km
The Field Bus Stop (adj)1.21 Km

Cities or Towns near Pickwell

List of places near to

Somerby1.05 Km
Leesthorpe2.38 Km
Burrough on the Hill2.70 Km
Little Dalby2.86 Km
Cold Overton2.88 Km
Knossington3.25 Km
Owston3.55 Km
Great Dalby5.10 Km
Marefield5.15 Km
John O'Gaunt5.16 Km
Whissendine5.17 Km
Thorpe Satchville5.18 Km
Withcote5.57 Km
Burton Lazars5.73 Km
Twyford5.76 Km
Langham5.92 Km
Halstead6.63 Km
Barleythorpe6.64 Km
Braunston-in-Rutland6.87 Km
Launde Abbey7.01 Km
Tilton on the Hill7.16 Km
Lowesby7.17 Km
Stapleford7.28 Km
Brentingby7.47 Km
Wyfordby7.65 Km
Oakham7.90 Km
Ashby Folville8.19 Km
Ashwell8.38 Km
Cold Newton8.45 Km
Brooke8.47 Km
Barsby8.62 Km
Melton Mowbray8.65 Km
Thorpe Arnold8.79 Km
Freeby8.84 Km
Loddington9.02 Km
Saxby9.20 Km
Kirby Bellars9.29 Km
Teigh9.37 Km
Edmondthorpe9.45 Km
Skeffington9.68 Km
South Croxton9.70 Km
Burley9.76 Km
Wymondham9.83 Km
Gaddesby9.90 Km
Asfordby Hill9.93 Km
Egleton9.95 Km
Gunthorpe10.35 Km
The Valley10.36 Km
Hungarton10.37 Km
Belton-in-Rutland10.60 Km