Egleton Map, Satellite view of Egleton, Rutland, England

Egleton is located in Rutland County, Rutland, East Midlands, England, United Kingdom.

Location informations of Egleton

Latitude of city of Egleton is 52.65714 and longitude of city of Egleton is -0.70581. Egleton has 1 postcode / zip code, in county of Rutland.
The County of Egleton is Rutland.

Postcode / zip code of Egleton

LE15 8

Administrative division of Egleton

County :Rutland

GPS coordinates of Egleton

Latitude : 52.65714
Longitude : -0.70581

Online Map of Egleton - road map, satellite view and street view

Leaflet | © OpenStreetMap contributors

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What is the nearest train station to Egleton?

List of Railway Stations near to Egleton
The nearest railway stations to Egleton are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from Egleton
Oakham Station2.54 Km
Stamford Station15.26 Km
Melton Mowbray Station16.75 Km
Corby Station18.75 Km
Market Harborough Station24.05 Km
Syston Station25.72 Km
Grantham Station28.05 Km
Leicester Station28.44 Km
Sileby Station28.47 Km
Kettering Station29.36 Km

Airports Near to Egleton

RAF Cottesmore , UK (9.54 Km)

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Egleton?

List of Stops near to Egleton
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Egleton are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Egleton
Church Road Bus Stop (adj)149 m
Hambleton Road Bus Stop (adj)810 m
Hambleton Road Bus Stop (opp)825 m
Sewage Works Bus Stop (opp)1.20 Km
Sewage Works Bus Stop (adj)1.21 Km
Gunthorpe Turn Bus Stop (opp)1.37 Km
Gunthorpe Turn Bus Stop (adjacent)1.45 Km
Council Offices Bus Stop (outside)1.79 Km
Council Offices Bus Stop (opp)1.81 Km
Willow Crescent Bus Stop (adj)1.87 Km

Historic Places to Visit near Egleton

List of Historic places near to Egleton

NameDistances from Egleton
Egleton, St Edmunds Church0.14 Km
Anglian Water Birdwatching Centre0.24 Km
Rutland County Museum1.88 Km
Oakham Castle2.10 Km
Oakham, All Saints Church2.22 Km
Hambleton, St Andrews Church2.68 Km
Manton, St Marys Church2.76 Km
Burley, Holy Cross Church3.08 Km
Brooke, St Peters Church3.10 Km
Lyndon, St Martins Church4.06 Km
Braunston-in-Rutland All Saints Church4.42 Km
Barnsdale Gardens4.69 Km
Langham, St Peter & St Paul Church4.97 Km
Normanton Church Museum5.70 Km
Ridlington Church5.79 Km
Exton Church5.82 Km
Wing, St Peter & St Pauls Church5.84 Km
Ashwell, St Marys Church6.41 Km
Rocks by Rail: The Living Ironstone Museum6.44 Km
Cottesmore, St Nicholas Church6.70 Km
North Luffenham, St Johns Church7.13 Km
Empingham, St Peters Church7.49 Km
Uppingham, St Peter & St Pauls Church7.79 Km
Bisbrooke, St Johns Church7.80 Km
Withcote Chapel7.96 Km
Morcott, St Marys Church8.17 Km
Whissendine, St Andrews Church8.24 Km
Belton-in-Rutland Church8.50 Km
Greetham, St Marys Church8.73 Km
Teigh, Holy Trinity Church8.78 Km
Market Overton Church9.00 Km
Allexton, St Peters Church9.16 Km
Barrowden, St Peters Church10.12 Km
Lyddington Bede House10.36 Km
Lyddington, St Andrew Church10.38 Km
Edmondthorpe, St Michaels Church10.44 Km
Stoke Dry, St Andrews Church10.65 Km
Wakerley, St Johns Church11.00 Km
Tickencote, St Peters Church11.59 Km
Stapleford, St Marys Church12.74 Km
Priests House13.68 Km
Caldecott, St Johns Church13.83 Km
Garthorpe, St Marys Church14.32 Km
Brentingby, St Marys Tower14.62 Km
Blatherwycke, Holy Trinity Church15.00 Km
Cities or Towns near Egleton

List of places near to

Gunthorpe1.67 Km
Oakham2.16 Km
Upper Hambleton2.39 Km
Manton2.91 Km
Brooke3.21 Km
Barnsdale3.27 Km
Burley3.32 Km
Barleythorpe3.55 Km
Braunston-in-Rutland4.13 Km
Lyndon4.47 Km
Wing4.68 Km
Whitwell4.85 Km
Langham4.95 Km
Preston4.98 Km
Ridlington5.30 Km
Edith Weston5.47 Km
Pilton5.89 Km
Ashwell6.11 Km
Exton6.11 Km
Ayston6.65 Km
Cottesmore6.70 Km
North Luffenham6.94 Km
Normanton6.99 Km
Cold Overton7.09 Km
Glaston7.24 Km
Empingham7.42 Km
Knossington7.50 Km
Bisbrooke7.75 Km
Uppingham7.76 Km
Barrow7.90 Km
Withcote8.05 Km
Morcott8.34 Km
Wardley8.35 Km
Whissendine8.36 Km
South Luffenham8.46 Km
Launde Abbey8.55 Km
Belton-in-Rutland8.63 Km
Teigh8.77 Km
Greetham8.78 Km
Allexton9.04 Km
Market Overton9.19 Km
Seaton9.41 Km
Pickwell9.95 Km
Owston9.99 Km
Loddington10.07 Km
Barrowden10.11 Km
Lyddington10.26 Km
Stoke Dry10.28 Km
Somerby10.30 Km
Edmondthorpe10.41 Km