Penbodlas Map, Satellite view of Penbodlas, Gwynedd, Wales

Penbodlas is located in Gwynedd County, Gwynedd, Wales, Wales, United Kingdom.

Location informations of Penbodlas

Latitude of city of Penbodlas is 52.87157 and longitude of city of Penbodlas is -4.54953. Penbodlas has 1 postcode / zip code, in county of Gwynedd.
The County of Penbodlas is Gwynedd.

Postcode / zip code of Penbodlas

LL53 8

Administrative division of Penbodlas

County :Gwynedd

GPS coordinates of Penbodlas

Latitude : 52.87157
Longitude : -4.54953

Online Map of Penbodlas - road map, satellite view and street view

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Penbodlas weather forecast 15 days

What is the nearest train station to Penbodlas?

List of Railway Stations near to Penbodlas
The nearest railway stations to Penbodlas are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from Penbodlas
Pwllheli Station9.10 Km
Abererch Station12.14 Km
Penychain Station14.57 Km
Criccieth Station21.57 Km
Porthmadog Station28.61 Km
Llandanwg Station28.85 Km
Harlech Station29.58 Km
Pensarn Station29.72 Km

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Penbodlas?

List of Stops near to Penbodlas
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Penbodlas are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Penbodlas
Gwinnlan y Chwarel Bus Stop725 m
Gwinllan y Chwarel Bus Stop735 m
Pandy Bus Stop927 m
Pandy Bus Stop929 m
Capel Bus Stop1.24 Km
Capel Bus Stop1.24 Km
St Iestyn Bus Stop1.55 Km
St Iestyn Bus Stop1.56 Km
Nanhoron Rhydgaled Bus Stop1.95 Km
Rhydgaled Bus Stop1.97 Km

Historic Places to Visit near Penbodlas

List of Historic places near to Penbodlas

NameDistances from Penbodlas
Castell Carn Fadrun 1.84 Km
Llanengan, St Engans Church6.75 Km
Plas-yn-Rhiw7.13 Km
Llanfaelrhys, St Maelrhys Church9.88 Km
Porth Oer (Whistling Sands)12.41 Km
Aberdaron, St Hywyns Church13.21 Km
Trer Ceiri Hillfort13.62 Km
Penarth Fawr13.98 Km
Cities or Towns near Penbodlas

List of places near to

Garnfadryn1.36 Km
Llaniestyn1.86 Km
Rhos-ddû3.03 Km
Trefaes3.14 Km
Mynytho3.23 Km
Dinas3.23 Km
Botwnnog3.44 Km
Llandegwning3.79 Km
Bryn-mawr3.83 Km
Llanbedrog4.18 Km
Rhyd-y-clafdy4.50 Km
Llangian4.69 Km
Ceidio4.89 Km
Sarn Mellteyrn4.92 Km
Tan-y-mynydd4.99 Km
Tudweiliog5.72 Km
Edern5.84 Km
Boduan6.00 Km
Abersoch6.03 Km
Penrhos6.19 Km
Groesffordd6.21 Km
Rhôs-y-llan6.39 Km
Penllech6.53 Km
Llanengan6.55 Km
Morfa Nefyn6.75 Km
Bryncroes6.93 Km
Tai-morfa7.00 Km
Pen y Bryn7.01 Km
Efailnewydd7.04 Km
Nefyn7.38 Km
Sarn Bach7.43 Km
Rhôs-porth-ychain7.57 Km
Porth Dinllaen7.63 Km
Pen-y-groeslon7.65 Km
Llannor7.79 Km
Bwlchtocyn7.89 Km
Machroes7.97 Km
Rhiw8.20 Km
Pen-y-graig8.32 Km
Penrhydlyniog8.50 Km
Marian-y-mor8.54 Km
Morfa8.78 Km
Penrallt8.80 Km
Cilan8.90 Km
Pentreuchaf8.98 Km
Denio9.02 Km
Porth Colmon9.03 Km
Llangwnnadl9.03 Km
Mynydd Gilan9.05 Km
Pwllheli9.19 Km