Pen-y-graig Map, Satellite view of Pen-y-graig, Gwynedd, Wales

Pen-y-graig is located in Gwynedd County, Gwynedd, Wales, Wales, United Kingdom.

Location informations of Pen-y-graig

Latitude of city of Pen-y-graig is 52.86823 and longitude of city of Pen-y-graig is -4.67330. Pen-y-graig has 1 postcode / zip code, in county of Gwynedd.
The County of Pen-y-graig is Gwynedd.

Postcode / zip code of Pen-y-graig

LL53 8

Administrative division of Pen-y-graig

County :Gwynedd

GPS coordinates of Pen-y-graig

Latitude : 52.86823
Longitude : -4.67330

Online Map of Pen-y-graig - road map, satellite view and street view

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Pen-y-graig weather forecast 15 days

What is the nearest train station to Pen-y-graig?

List of Railway Stations near to Pen-y-graig
The nearest railway stations to Pen-y-graig are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from Pen-y-graig
Pwllheli Station17.36 Km
Abererch Station20.35 Km
Penychain Station22.78 Km
Criccieth Station29.76 Km

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Pen-y-graig?

List of Stops near to Pen-y-graig
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Pen-y-graig are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Pen-y-graig
Plas Farm Bus Stop1.17 Km
Plas Farm Bus Stop1.18 Km
Cae`n y Cefn Bus Stop1.56 Km
Cae`n y Cefn Bus Stop1.56 Km
Penllech Turn Bus Stop2.48 Km
Penllech Turn Bus Stop2.54 Km
Pen y Groeslon Bus Stop2.66 Km
Fantol Bus Stop2.66 Km
Pen y Groeslon Bus Stop2.67 Km
Fantol Bus Stop2.67 Km

Historic Places to Visit near Pen-y-graig

List of Historic places near to Pen-y-graig

NameDistances from Pen-y-graig
Porth Oer (Whistling Sands)5.03 Km
Plas-yn-Rhiw6.30 Km
Llanfaelrhys, St Maelrhys Church6.58 Km
Aberdaron, St Hywyns Church7.59 Km
Castell Carn Fadrun 7.83 Km
Llanengan, St Engans Church11.35 Km
Cities or Towns near Pen-y-graig

List of places near to

Morfa0.61 Km
Llangwnnadl1.15 Km
Porth Colmon1.25 Km
Penllech2.14 Km
Trefgraig2.24 Km
Bryncroes2.66 Km
Pen-y-groeslon2.66 Km
Rhôs-porth-ychain2.87 Km
Pen y Bryn3.37 Km
Sarn Mellteyrn3.84 Km
Rhydlios3.90 Km
Rhoshirwaun4.38 Km
Bryn-mawr4.50 Km
Tudweiliog4.86 Km
Trefaes5.33 Km
Rhôs-y-llan5.61 Km
Rhos-ddû5.99 Km
Rhiw6.16 Km
Penycaerau6.28 Km
Botwnnog6.32 Km
Llaniestyn6.53 Km
Llanfaelrhys6.55 Km
Aberdaron6.81 Km
Dinas6.84 Km
Llandegwning7.15 Km
Anelog7.27 Km
Garnfadryn7.57 Km
Penbodlas8.32 Km
Uwchmynydd8.57 Km
Bodermid9.32 Km
Groesffordd9.48 Km
Ceidio9.55 Km
Edern9.69 Km
Llangian10.37 Km
Porth Dinllaen10.61 Km
Mynytho10.80 Km
Tai-morfa10.82 Km
Morfa Nefyn10.93 Km
Llanengan11.25 Km
Llanbedrog12.29 Km
Abersoch12.33 Km
Sarn Bach12.54 Km
Tan-y-mynydd12.65 Km
Rhyd-y-clafdy12.67 Km
Nefyn12.71 Km
Mynydd Gilan12.90 Km
Bwlchtocyn13.18 Km
Cilan13.20 Km
Boduan13.27 Km
Machroes13.61 Km