Pen y Bwlch Bus Stop Location on a map of Bigil

The Pen y Bwlch Bus Stop is located on Deiniolen Road in Bigil , Gwynedd, Wales. Vehicle travel South from here. In addition to this informations you can see location map of Pen y Bwlch Bus Stop by click this link. Pen y Bwlch Bus Stop Map

Location informations for Pen y Bwlch Bus Stop

Name: Pen y Bwlch Bus Stop
Street: Deiniolen Road
Locality: Bigil
Parent Locality:
Unitary Authority Area: Gwynedd
Region: Wales
Direction of Travel: South (S)
Bus Stop NaptanCode: gwntjtd (SMS Code)
Bus Stop AtcoCode: 5400WDB23057
Bus Stop Latitude : 53.137784
Bus Stop Longitude : -4.125091
DMS coordinates : 53°8'16.0217106" N 4°7'30.3270474" W
Current time and date at Pen y Bwlch Bus Stop is 12:21:32 (12/22/2024) : (Europe/Isle_of_Man)
Uses data from the Traveline National Dataset - licensed under the Open Government License.

Location Map of Pen y Bwlch Bus Stop

In the following map you can see road map, satellite view and street view near of Pen y Bwlch Bus Stop.

What is the nearest train station to Pen y Bwlch Bus Stop?

List of Railway Stations near to Pen y Bwlch Bus Stop
The nearest railway stations to Pen y Bwlch Bus Stop are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from Pen y Bwlch Bus Stop
Bangor (Gwynedd) Station9.42 Km
Llanfairpwll Station10.81 Km
Llanfairfechan Station16.31 Km
Roman Bridge Station17.10 Km
Dolwyddelan Station18.65 Km
Pont-y-Pant Station19.29 Km
Penmaenmawr Station19.95 Km
Blaenau Ffestiniog Station20.22 Km
Dolgarrog Station20.87 Km
Bodorgan Station20.88 Km

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Pen y Bwlch Bus Stop?

List of Stops near to Pen y Bwlch Bus Stop
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Pen y Bwlch Bus Stop are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Pen y Bwlch Bus Stop
Pen y Bwlch Bus Stop0 m
Pen y Bwlch Bus Stop16 m
Maes Eilian Bus Stop277 m
Maes Eilian Bus Stop290 m
Deiniolen Road Bus Stop462 m
Gally-y-foel Bus Stop470 m
Community Centre Bus Stop583 m
Community Centre Bus Stop585 m
Bro Elidir Bus Stop784 m
Bro Elidir Bus Stop790 m

Airports Near to Pen y Bwlch Bus Stop

Caernarfon Airport , UK (14.74 Km)

Cities or Towns near Pen y Bwlch Bus Stop (15 km)

List of places near to Pen y Bwlch Bus Stop

Gallt-y-foel0.26 Km
Fachwen0.71 Km
Dinorwig0.80 Km
Deiniolen1.03 Km
Clwt-y-bont1.14 Km
Rhiwen1.57 Km
Pen-gilfach1.59 Km
Dinorwic1.70 Km
Llanberis1.80 Km
Brynrefail2.45 Km
Cwm-y-glo2.96 Km
Penisa'r Waun2.99 Km
Carreg y Gath3.36 Km
Rhiwlas3.71 Km
Pont-Rhythallt3.74 Km
Bro Rhythallt3.85 Km
Waen-pentir3.92 Km
Waun3.94 Km
Mynydd Llandegai4.18 Km
Myndd Llandegai4.19 Km
Tan-y-coed4.46 Km
Llanrug4.66 Km
Nant Peris4.69 Km
Pentir4.83 Km
Ceunant4.89 Km
Bryn Eglwys5.00 Km
Llanddeiniolen5.36 Km
Sling5.39 Km
Groeslon5.48 Km
Coed-y-parc5.50 Km
Fachell5.51 Km
Cil-geraint5.54 Km
Gwastadnant5.72 Km
Tanysgafell5.74 Km
Felin-hên5.87 Km
Seion5.88 Km
Braich-talog5.95 Km
Bethel5.96 Km
Croesywaun6.05 Km
Braichmelyn6.10 Km
Bron Ogwen6.15 Km
Tregarth6.21 Km
Waunfawr6.23 Km
Hên-durnpike6.25 Km
Bethesda6.29 Km
Pant6.38 Km
Betws Garmon6.44 Km
Penybryn6.60 Km
Gerlan6.66 Km
Waen-wen6.67 Km
Historic Places to Visit near Pen y Bwlch Bus Stop