Peat Cot Map, Satellite view of Peat Cot, Devon, England

Peat Cot is located in Devon County, West Devon District, South West, England, United Kingdom.

Location informations of Peat Cot

Latitude of city of Peat Cot is 50.52646 and longitude of city of Peat Cot is -3.96817. Peat Cot has 1 postcode / zip code, in county of Devon.
The County of Peat Cot is Devon.

Postcode / zip code of Peat Cot

PL20 6

Administrative division of Peat Cot

County :Devon

GPS coordinates of Peat Cot

Latitude : 50.52646
Longitude : -3.96817

Online Map of Peat Cot - road map, satellite view and street view

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What is the nearest train station to Peat Cot?

List of Railway Stations near to Peat Cot
The nearest railway stations to Peat Cot are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from Peat Cot
Ivybridge Station15.47 Km
Bere Alston Station17.04 Km
Bere Ferrers Station17.25 Km
Calstock Station17.32 Km
Gunnislake Station17.80 Km
Plymouth Station20.66 Km
St.Budeaux Victoria Road Station20.79 Km
St.Budeaux Ferry Road Station20.81 Km
Keyham Station21.32 Km
Saltash Station21.59 Km

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Peat Cot?

List of Stops near to Peat Cot
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Peat Cot are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Peat Cot
Fox Tor Cafe Bus Stop (SW-bound)2.51 Km
Fox Tor Cafe Bus Stop (opp)2.52 Km
Dartmoor Visitor Centre Bus Stop (NW-bound)2.54 Km
Dartmoor Visitor Centre Bus Stop (SE-bound)2.55 Km
Primary School Bus Stop (opp)2.68 Km
Primary School Bus Stop (SE-bound)2.69 Km
Woodville Bus Stop (E-bound)3.05 Km
Dartmoor Prison Bus Stop (SE-bound)3.35 Km
Dartmoor Prison Bus Stop (opp)3.36 Km
Hotel Bus Stop (NW-bound)3.55 Km

Historic Places to Visit near Peat Cot

List of Historic places near to Peat Cot

NameDistances from Peat Cot
Princetown, St Michaels Church2.86 Km
Drizzlecombe Stone Rows4.82 Km
Merrivale Prehistoric Site5.89 Km
Garden House11.65 Km
Church House12.40 Km
Widecombe-in-the-Moor, St Pancras Church12.45 Km
Buckland Abbey12.56 Km
Grimspound13.37 Km
Buckfast Abbey14.10 Km
Cities or Towns near Peat Cot

List of places near to

Whiteworks0.82 Km
Princetown2.60 Km
Two Bridges3.42 Km
Sherberton4.39 Km
Rundlestone4.75 Km
Hexworthy5.05 Km
Sheepstor6.00 Km
Dartmeet6.75 Km
Merrivale6.80 Km
Sampford Spiney7.30 Km
Dousland7.31 Km
Walkhampton7.47 Km
Bellever7.65 Km
Meavy7.77 Km
Babeny7.98 Km
Lovaton8.08 Km
Lake8.10 Km
Postbridge9.04 Km
Yelverton9.21 Km
Lower Cator9.35 Km
Horrabridge9.35 Km
Pizwell9.36 Km
Michelcombe9.39 Km
Harrowbeer9.54 Km
Ponsworthy9.69 Km
Hoo Meavy9.72 Km
Poundsgate9.96 Km
Higher Coombe9.99 Km
Holne10.05 Km
Axtown10.15 Km
Dartmoor Expedition Centre10.20 Km
Combe10.26 Km
Scorriton10.27 Km
Chub Tor10.34 Km
Leusdon10.36 Km
Clearbrook10.40 Km
Lee Moor10.48 Km
Shaugh Prior10.51 Km
Roborough Down10.62 Km
Lower Town10.64 Km
Wotter10.88 Km
Crapstone10.89 Km
Middlemoor10.90 Km
Tor11.00 Km
Peter Tavy11.01 Km
Grenofen11.13 Km
Cudlipptown11.38 Km
Whitchurch11.48 Km
Buckland in the Moor11.57 Km
Higher Dunstone11.60 Km