Pear Tree Inn DEL Bus Stop (outside) Location on a map of Hook Norton

The Pear Tree Inn DEL Bus Stop is located on Scotland End in Hook Norton Cherwell, Oxfordshire, South East. Vehicle travel North from here. In addition to this informations you can see location map of Pear Tree Inn DEL Bus Stop (outside) by click this link. Pear Tree Inn DEL Bus Stop (outside) Map

Location informations for Pear Tree Inn DEL Bus Stop (outside)

Name: Pear Tree Inn DEL Bus Stop (outside)
Street: Scotland End
Near Place: Pear Tree Inn
Town: Hook Norton
Locality: Hook Norton
Parent Locality:
Unitary Authority Area: Oxfordshire
Region: South East
Indicator: outside
Direction of Travel: North (N)
Bus Stop AtcoCode: 340001749OUT
Bus Stop Latitude : 51.99608
Bus Stop Longitude : -1.489819
DMS coordinates : 51°59'45.8867238" N 1°29'23.34902244" W
Current time and date at Pear Tree Inn DEL Bus Stop (outside) is 18:29:14 (12/21/2024) : (Europe/London)
Uses data from the Traveline National Dataset - licensed under the Open Government License.

Location Map of Pear Tree Inn DEL Bus Stop (outside)

In the following map you can see road map, satellite view and street view near of Pear Tree Inn DEL Bus Stop (outside).

What is the nearest train station to Pear Tree Inn DEL Bus Stop (outside)?

List of Railway Stations near to Pear Tree Inn DEL Bus Stop (outside)
The nearest railway stations to Pear Tree Inn DEL Bus Stop (outside) are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from Pear Tree Inn DEL Bus Stop (outside)
Banbury Station13.17 Km
Charlbury Station13.75 Km
Kingham Station14.13 Km
Moreton-In-Marsh Station14.42 Km
King's Sutton Station14.57 Km
Ascott-Under-Wychwood Station15.19 Km
Heyford Station15.61 Km
Finstock Station16.00 Km
Shipton Station16.13 Km
Tackley Station18.35 Km

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Pear Tree Inn DEL Bus Stop (outside)?

List of Stops near to Pear Tree Inn DEL Bus Stop (outside)
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Pear Tree Inn DEL Bus Stop (outside) are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Pear Tree Inn DEL Bus Stop (outside)
Pear Tree Inn DEL Bus Stop (opposite)0 m
Pear Tree Inn DEL Bus Stop (outside)0 m
The Pear Tree Inn PH Bus Stop (opp)36 m
The Pear Tree Inn PH Bus Stop (o/s)43 m
Church Bus Stop (o/s)414 m
Church Bus Stop (opp)425 m
The Green Bus Stop (o/s)701 m
The Green Bus Stop (opp)723 m
Austins Way Bus Stop (adj)1.00 Km
Austins Way Bus Stop (opp)1.01 Km

Cities or Towns near Pear Tree Inn DEL Bus Stop (outside) (15 km)

List of places near to Pear Tree Inn DEL Bus Stop (outside)

Scotland End0.07 Km
Hook Norton0.44 Km
Down End0.49 Km
Southrop0.56 Km
East End1.06 Km
Swerford3.16 Km
Ascott3.23 Km
Great Rollright3.42 Km
Wigginton3.78 Km
Wigginton Heath3.92 Km
Whichford3.95 Km
Sibford Ferris4.24 Km
Burdrop4.67 Km
Sibford Gower4.68 Km
Dunthrop4.71 Km
Stourton Hill5.16 Km
Swalcliffe5.39 Km
Heythrop5.44 Km
South Newington5.61 Km
Little Tew5.73 Km
Great Tew5.76 Km
Over Norton6.02 Km
Southcombe6.02 Km
Tadmarton6.24 Km
Milcombe6.28 Km
Long Compton6.32 Km
Stourton6.47 Km
Sutton-under-Brailes6.55 Km
Little Rollright6.57 Km
Lower Tadmarton6.61 Km
Cherington6.80 Km
Lower Brailes6.99 Km
Chipping Norton7.20 Km
Epwell7.30 Km
Old Chalford7.51 Km
Winderton7.84 Km
Shutford7.89 Km
Nether Worton7.99 Km
Upper Brailes8.01 Km
Salford8.06 Km
Barford St Michael8.33 Km
Lidstone8.34 Km
Bloxham8.37 Km
Ledwell8.46 Km
Barford St John8.63 Km
Church Enstone8.67 Km
Broughton8.95 Km
Enstone8.96 Km
Little Wolford9.06 Km
Compton Wynyates9.08 Km