Northway Asda Bus Stop (opp) Location on a map of Skelmersdale

The Northway Asda Bus Stop is located on Northway in Skelmersdale West Lancashire, Lancashire, North West. Vehicle travel South from here. In addition to this informations you can see location map of Northway Asda Bus Stop (opp) by click this link. Northway Asda Bus Stop (opp) Map

Location informations for Northway Asda Bus Stop (opp)

Name: Northway Asda Bus Stop (opp)
Street: Northway
Near Place: Northway
Town: West Lancashire
Suburb: Skelmersdale
Locality: Skelmersdale
Parent Locality:
Unitary Authority Area: Lancashire
Region: North West
Indicator: opp
Direction of Travel: South (S)
Bus Stop NaptanCode: langpjgw (SMS Code)
Bus Stop AtcoCode: 2500LA00254
Bus Stop Latitude : 53.553688
Bus Stop Longitude : -2.77584
DMS coordinates : 53°33'13.278285" N 2°46'33.02544144" W
Current time and date at Northway Asda Bus Stop (opp) is 02:53:44 (12/19/2024) : (Europe/Isle_of_Man)
Uses data from the Traveline National Dataset - licensed under the Open Government License.

Location Map of Northway Asda Bus Stop (opp)

In the following map you can see road map, satellite view and street view near of Northway Asda Bus Stop (opp).

What is the nearest train station to Northway Asda Bus Stop (opp)?

List of Railway Stations near to Northway Asda Bus Stop (opp)
The nearest railway stations to Northway Asda Bus Stop (opp) are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from Northway Asda Bus Stop (opp)
Upholland Station3.62 Km
Parbold Station4.14 Km
Rainford Station4.17 Km
Appley Bridge Station4.66 Km
Orrell Station5.13 Km
Hoscar Station5.25 Km
Gathurst Station5.42 Km
Burscough Junction Station6.48 Km
Burscough Bridge Station7.16 Km
Ormskirk Station7.17 Km

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Northway Asda Bus Stop (opp)?

List of Stops near to Northway Asda Bus Stop (opp)
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Northway Asda Bus Stop (opp) are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Northway Asda Bus Stop (opp)
Northway Asda Bus Stop (opp)0 m
Northway ASDA Bus Stop (o/s)25 m
ASDA Bus Stop (o/s)101 m
Ivybridge Bus Stop (by)259 m
Inglewhite Bus Stop (by)292 m
Concourse (Stand 1)364 m
Concourse (Stand 2)369 m
Concourse (Stand 3)374 m
Concourse (Stand 4)381 m
Concourse (Stand 5)389 m

Cities or Towns near Northway Asda Bus Stop (opp) (15 km)

List of places near to Northway Asda Bus Stop (opp)

Town Centre0.25 Km
Skelmersdale0.50 Km
Fosters Green0.88 Km
Tanhouse1.02 Km
Ashurst1.11 Km
Elmers Green1.27 Km
East Gillibrands1.38 Km
Chapel House1.49 Km
Pennylands1.52 Km
Whalleys1.57 Km
Dalton1.67 Km
Digmoor1.75 Km
Stanley1.82 Km
White Moss2.06 Km
West Gillibrands2.38 Km
Roby Mill3.13 Km
West Pimbo3.22 Km
Blaguegate3.24 Km
Holland Lees3.37 Km
East Pimbo3.42 Km
Up Holland3.45 Km
Walthew Green3.45 Km
Newburgh3.71 Km
Four Lane Ends3.85 Km
Brighouse Green3.97 Km
Crawford4.00 Km
Rainford Junction4.09 Km
Lathom4.21 Km
Parbold4.27 Km
Park Hill4.56 Km
Westhead4.59 Km
Tontine4.63 Km
Stanley Gate4.72 Km
Bickerstaffe4.79 Km
Orrell Post4.96 Km
Orrell4.98 Km
Appley Bridge5.00 Km
Far Moor5.00 Km
Higher End5.12 Km
Ring o' Bells5.13 Km
Shevington Vale5.13 Km
Hoscar5.14 Km
Gathurst5.35 Km
High Moor5.66 Km
Kings Moss5.76 Km
Scarth Hill5.83 Km
Barrow Nook5.86 Km
Grimshaw Green5.88 Km
The Bell5.89 Km
Shevington5.90 Km
Historic Places to Visit near Northway Asda Bus Stop (opp)

List of Historic places near to Northway Asda Bus Stop (opp)

NameDistances from Northway Asda Bus Stop (opp)
Rufford Hall9.68 Km
Tarleton Old Church13.85 Km
Astley Hall Museum and Art Gallery14.56 Km