North Walsham Rail Station Location on a map of North Walsham

The North Walsham Rail Station is located in North Walsham. In addition to this informations you can see location map of North Walsham Rail Station by click this link. North Walsham Rail Station Map

Location informations for North Walsham Rail Station

Name: North Walsham Rail Station
Street: -
Locality: North Walsham
Parent Locality:
Unitary Authority Area: National - National Rail
Region: Great Britain
AtcoCode: 9100NWALSHM
Latitude : 52.816886
Longitude : 1.384454
DMS coordinates : 52°49'0.78953844" N 1°23'4.036106256" E
Current time and date at North Walsham Rail Station is 11:04:06 (12/22/2024) : (Europe/London)
Uses data from the Traveline National Dataset - licensed under the Open Government License.

Location Map of North Walsham Rail Station

In the following map you can see road map, satellite view and street view near of North Walsham Rail Station.

What is the nearest train station to North Walsham Rail Station?

List of Railway Stations near to North Walsham Rail Station
The nearest railway stations to North Walsham Rail Station are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from North Walsham Rail Station
North Walsham Station0 m
Worstead Station4.58 Km
Gunton Station5.99 Km
Hoveton and Wroxham Station11.38 Km
Roughton Road Station12.60 Km
Cromer Station14.01 Km
Salhouse Station15.72 Km
West Runton Station16.16 Km
Sheringham Station18.12 Km
Brundall Gardens Station21.63 Km

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to North Walsham Rail Station?

List of Stops near to North Walsham Rail Station
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to North Walsham Rail Station are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from North Walsham Rail Station
North Walsham Rail Station0 m
North Walsham Rail Station (west entrance)7 m
North Walsham Rail Station (west entrance)7 m
rail station Railway Station (west entrance)7 m
Entrance Bus Stop (adj)18 m
North Walsham Rail Station (east entrance)97 m
North Walsham Rail Station97 m
rail station Railway Station (east entrance)97 m
Station Road Bus Stop (opp)110 m
Station Road Bus Stop (adj)122 m

Cities or Towns near North Walsham Rail Station (15 km)

List of places near to North Walsham Rail Station

North Walsham0.54 Km
Spa Common1.45 Km
Lyngate1.65 Km
Tungate1.67 Km
White Horse Common1.94 Km
Little London2.05 Km
Swafield2.66 Km
Meeting House Hill2.71 Km
Westwick2.84 Km
Withergate3.06 Km
Felmingham3.20 Km
Bengate3.33 Km
Cat's Corner3.35 Km
Swanton Hill3.63 Km
Skeyton Corner3.65 Km
Edingthorpe Green3.69 Km
Bradfield3.81 Km
Briggate4.05 Km
Lyngate4.11 Km
Antingham4.18 Km
Old Hall Street4.19 Km
Worstead4.31 Km
Hyltons Crossways4.33 Km
Swanton Abbott4.41 Km
Knapton4.93 Km
Honing4.94 Km
Edingthorpe4.94 Km
Skeyton4.95 Km
Sloley5.04 Km
Trunch5.08 Km
Colby Corner5.40 Km
Paston Green5.41 Km
Frankfort5.62 Km
Lower Street5.69 Km
Witton5.70 Km
Crostwight5.81 Km
Suffield5.95 Km
Pollard Street6.18 Km
Anchor Street6.20 Km
Paston6.23 Km
Scottow6.23 Km
Banningham6.29 Km
Ridlington6.32 Km
Colby6.38 Km
Tuttington6.38 Km
RAF Coltishall6.45 Km
Dilham6.52 Km
Witton Bridge6.56 Km
Gimingham6.62 Km
Ridlington Street6.64 Km
Historic Places to Visit near North Walsham Rail Station

List of Historic places near to North Walsham Rail Station

NameDistances from North Walsham Rail Station
Swanton Abbott, St Michaels Church3.82 Km
Worstead, St Marys Church4.21 Km
Honing, St Peter & St Paul4.76 Km
Knapton, St Peter & St Paul Church5.14 Km
Trunch, St Botolph5.18 Km
Edingthorpe, All Saints5.33 Km
Skeyton, All Saints Church5.34 Km
Gunton Church6.96 Km
Oxnead, St Michaels Church7.67 Km
Smallburgh, St Peters Church7.75 Km
Burgh-next-Aylsham, St Marys Church7.88 Km
Buxton Mill8.11 Km
East Ruston Old Vicarage Garden8.44 Km
East Ruston, St Marys Church8.44 Km
Bure Valley Railway9.18 Km
Hanworth, St Bartholomews Church9.40 Km
Happisburgh, St Marys Church9.89 Km
Coltishall, St John the Baptist Church10.00 Km
Barton Turf, St Michaels Church10.05 Km
Stalham, St Marys Church10.19 Km
Happisburgh Lighthouse10.26 Km
Hoveton Hall Gardens10.29 Km
Marsham, All Saints Church10.37 Km
Horstead Mill10.47 Km
Blickling Hall10.47 Km
Hoveton, St Peters Church10.69 Km
Ingham, Holy Trinity Church11.50 Km
Neatishead, St Peters Church11.80 Km
Hoveton, St Johns Church11.88 Km
Thurgarton, All Saints Church11.94 Km
Sutton, St Michaels Church12.14 Km
Wroxham, St Marys Church12.27 Km
Irstead, St Michaels Church12.42 Km
Felbrigg, St Margarets Church12.51 Km
Felbrigg Hall 13.06 Km
Catfield, All Saints Church13.11 Km
Mannington Hall Gardens13.92 Km
Wolterton Park13.92 Km
Turf Fen Drainage Mill13.99 Km
Matlaske, St Peters Church14.00 Km
Hickling, St Marys Church14.38 Km
Barningham Winter, St Marys Church14.70 Km
Salhouse, All Saints Church14.90 Km