New Barnet Map, Satellite view of New Barnet, Greater London, England

New Barnet is located in Greater London County, Barnet, London, England, United Kingdom.

Location informations of New Barnet

Latitude of city of New Barnet is 51.64956 and longitude of city of New Barnet is -0.17849. New Barnet has 1 postcode / zip code, in county of Greater London.
The County of New Barnet is Greater London.

Postcode / zip code of New Barnet

EN5 5

Administrative division of New Barnet

County :Greater London

GPS coordinates of New Barnet

Latitude : 51.64956
Longitude : -0.17849

Online Map of New Barnet - road map, satellite view and street view

Leaflet | © OpenStreetMap contributors

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The weather for New Barnet in the United Kingdom

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New Barnet weather forecast 15 days

What is the nearest train station to New Barnet?

List of Railway Stations near to New Barnet
The nearest railway stations to New Barnet are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from New Barnet
New Barnet Station394 m
Oakleigh Park Station1.57 Km
Hadley Wood Station2.11 Km
New Southgate Station4.64 Km
Potters Bar Station5.37 Km
Winchmore Hill Station5.63 Km
Grange Park Station5.65 Km
Palmers Green Station5.84 Km
Gordon Hill Station5.99 Km
Enfield Chase Station6.07 Km

Airports Near to New Barnet

Elstree Airfield , UK (10.19 Km)

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to New Barnet?

List of Stops near to New Barnet
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to New Barnet are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from New Barnet
New Barnet Station Station Road Bus Stop (Stop E)118 m
Bulwer Road (EN5) Bus Stop (Stop G)126 m
Bulwer Road (EN5) Bus Stop (Stop F)165 m
New Barnet Station Station Road Bus Stop (Stop D)166 m
Warwick Road New Barnet Bus Stop (Stop C)188 m
Warwick Road New Barnet Bus Stop (Stop S)261 m
New Barnet Station Bus Stop (->N)339 m
New Barnet Station Bus Stop (->NW)349 m
New Barnet Station Bus Stop (Stop Z1)352 m
New Barnet Station Bus Stop (Stop A)358 m

Cities or Towns near New Barnet

List of places near to

Barnet0.50 Km
Underhill1.27 Km
East Barnet1.42 Km
Hadley1.81 Km
Monken Hadley1.83 Km
Hadley Wood2.00 Km
Chipping Barnet / High Barnet2.03 Km
Oakleigh Park2.04 Km
Cockfosters2.08 Km
Totteridge2.32 Km
Ducks Island2.54 Km
Whetstone2.57 Km
Kitts End3.15 Km
Woodside Park3.21 Km
Brunswick Park3.31 Km
Osidge3.37 Km
Ganwick Corner3.45 Km
Bentley Heath3.62 Km
Arkley3.70 Km
Oakwood3.91 Km
North Finchley4.03 Km
Dancers Hill4.03 Km
Southgate4.15 Km
Friern Barnet4.30 Km
New Southgate4.37 Km
Highwood Hill4.45 Km
Barnet Gate4.64 Km
Highlands Village4.69 Km
Botany Bay4.72 Km
World's End4.73 Km
Colney Hatch4.80 Km
Rowley Green4.82 Km
Mill Hill4.91 Km
Arnos Grove5.05 Km
Potters Bar5.17 Km
Grange Park5.39 Km
Church End5.40 Km
Elstree Park5.47 Km
Northaw Valley5.48 Km
Finchley5.58 Km
Well End5.84 Km
Winchmore Hill5.89 Km
Little Heath6.03 Km
Bounds Green6.08 Km
Holders Hill6.18 Km
Coldfall6.25 Km
South Mimms6.26 Km
Palmers Green6.29 Km
Muswell Hill6.31 Km
Alexandra Park6.31 Km