Nant Y Fynnon Bus Stop Location on a map of Capel Llanilltern Cardiff

The Nant Y Fynnon Bus Stop is located on Llantrisant Road in Capel Llanilltern , Cardiff, Wales. Vehicle travel West from here. In addition to this informations you can see location map of Nant Y Fynnon Bus Stop by click this link. Nant Y Fynnon Bus Stop Map

Location informations for Nant Y Fynnon Bus Stop

Name: Nant Y Fynnon Bus Stop
Street: Llantrisant Road
Locality: Capel Llanilltern
Parent Locality: Cardiff
Unitary Authority Area: Cardiff
Region: Wales
Direction of Travel: West (W)
Bus Stop NaptanCode: cdiapaj (SMS Code)
Bus Stop AtcoCode: 5710AWA12472
Bus Stop Latitude : 51.510756
Bus Stop Longitude : -3.289991
DMS coordinates : 51°30'38.72041704" N 3°17'23.96613948" W
Current time and date at Nant Y Fynnon Bus Stop is 11:17:39 (12/22/2024) : (Europe/Guernsey)
Uses data from the Traveline National Dataset - licensed under the Open Government License.

Location Map of Nant Y Fynnon Bus Stop

In the following map you can see road map, satellite view and street view near of Nant Y Fynnon Bus Stop.

What is the nearest train station to Nant Y Fynnon Bus Stop?

List of Railway Stations near to Nant Y Fynnon Bus Stop
The nearest railway stations to Nant Y Fynnon Bus Stop are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from Nant Y Fynnon Bus Stop
Radyr Station2.95 Km
Taffs Well Station3.83 Km
Danescourt Station4.04 Km
Coryton Station4.17 Km
Llandaf Station4.26 Km
Fairwater Station4.31 Km
Whitchurch (South Glamorgan) Station4.75 Km
Waun-gron Park Station4.87 Km
Rhiwbina Station5.39 Km
Birchgrove Station6.22 Km

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Nant Y Fynnon Bus Stop?

List of Stops near to Nant Y Fynnon Bus Stop
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Nant Y Fynnon Bus Stop are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Nant Y Fynnon Bus Stop
Nant Y Fynnon Bus Stop0 m
Graig-y-Parc Bus Stop561 m
Rhydlafar Bus Stop577 m
Graig-y-Parc Bus Stop586 m
Broadlands Bus Stop732 m
Rhydlafar Bus Stop741 m
Broadlands Bus Stop798 m
Heol St y Nyll Bus Stop1.03 Km
Heol St y Nyll Bus Stop1.10 Km
Robin Hill Bus Stop1.81 Km

Airports Near to Nant Y Fynnon Bus Stop

Cardiff International Airport , UK (13.21 Km)

Cities or Towns near Nant Y Fynnon Bus Stop (15 km)

List of places near to Nant Y Fynnon Bus Stop

Capel Llanilltern0.61 Km
Rhydlafr0.75 Km
St y-Nyll1.75 Km
Pentyrch2.02 Km
St Bride's-super-Ely / Llansanffraid-ar-Elai2.44 Km
Pen-y-garn2.53 Km
Radyr2.72 Km
St Fagans / Sain Ffagan2.81 Km
Creigiau2.87 Km
Morganstown2.88 Km
Pentrebane2.99 Km
Forest Farm3.00 Km
Soar3.07 Km
St George's3.19 Km
Tongwynlais3.57 Km
Groes-faen3.73 Km
Fairwater3.79 Km
Taff's Well / Ffynnon Taf3.81 Km
Peterston-super-Ely / Llanbedr-y-fro4.01 Km
Drope4.07 Km
Coryton4.21 Km
Gwaelod-y-garth4.30 Km
Ty Rhiw4.39 Km
Michaelston-super-Ely / Llanfihangel-ar-Elai4.41 Km
Wyndham Park4.50 Km
Llandaff / Llandâf4.51 Km
Rhiwsaeson4.55 Km
Pantmawr4.57 Km
Ely / Tre-lai4.59 Km
Llandaff North4.62 Km
Whitchurch / Yr Eglwys Newydd4.71 Km
Cyntwell4.78 Km
Glan-y-llyn4.84 Km
Efail Isaf5.08 Km
Culverhouse Cross5.30 Km
Gwern-y-Steeple5.32 Km
Bwlch-y-cwm5.33 Km
Gabalfa5.37 Km
Downs5.39 Km
Caerau5.41 Km
Clawdd-côch5.48 Km
Mwyndy5.58 Km
Pendoylan / Pendeulwyn5.64 Km
Wenallt5.65 Km
Rhiwbina5.66 Km
Llantwit Fardre / Llanilltud Faerdref5.66 Km
Nantgarw5.73 Km
Tre-hill5.76 Km
Victoria Park5.80 Km
Birchgrove5.85 Km