Moss End Bus Stop (at) Location on a map of Plasterfield Stornoway

The Moss End Bus Stop is located on Constable Road in Plasterfield , Western Isles, Scotland. Vehicle travel North-West from here. In addition to this informations you can see location map of Moss End Bus Stop (at) by click this link. Moss End Bus Stop (at) Map

Location informations for Moss End Bus Stop (at)

Name: Moss End Bus Stop (at)
Street: Constable Road
Near Place: Moss End
Locality: Plasterfield
Parent Locality: Stornoway
Unitary Authority Area: Western Isles
Region: Scotland
Indicator: at
Direction of Travel: North-West (NW)
Bus Stop NaptanCode: 94724528 (SMS Code)
Bus Stop AtcoCode: 601020
Bus Stop Latitude : 58.212826
Bus Stop Longitude : -6.362346
DMS coordinates : 58°12'46.1748366" N 6°21'44.44592868" W
Current time and date at Moss End Bus Stop (at) is 13:33:06 (12/22/2024) : (Atlantic/Faroe)
Uses data from the Traveline National Dataset - licensed under the Open Government License.

Location Map of Moss End Bus Stop (at)

In the following map you can see road map, satellite view and street view near of Moss End Bus Stop (at).

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Moss End Bus Stop (at)?

List of Stops near to Moss End Bus Stop (at)
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Moss End Bus Stop (at) are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Moss End Bus Stop (at)
Moss End Bus Stop (at)0 m
Moss End Bus Stop (opp)18 m
Allt Ruadh Bus Stop (at)165 m
Allt Ruadh Bus Stop (opp)190 m
Village Bus Stop (at)290 m
Village Bus Stop (opp)301 m
Tolmie Terrace Bus Stop (at)360 m
Tolmie Terrace Bus Stop (opp)367 m
MacRae Road Bus Stop (at)492 m
MacRae Road Bus Stop (opp)502 m

Airports Near to Moss End Bus Stop (at)

Stornoway Airport , UK (1.86 Km)

Cities or Towns near Moss End Bus Stop (at) (15 km)

List of places near to Moss End Bus Stop (at)

Raon na Crèadha0.20 Km
Cnoc nan Gobhar0.49 Km
Ceann a' Chòinich0.79 Km
Steinis1.21 Km
Culrigrein1.36 Km
Stornoway / Steòrnabhagh1.50 Km
Sandwick / Sanndabhaig1.84 Km
Laxdale / Lacasdail1.89 Km
Lacasdal1.89 Km
Guershader2.29 Km
Melbost / Mealabost2.32 Km
Ceann nam Buailtean2.34 Km
Holm / Tolm2.56 Km
An Gleann Ur2.71 Km
Bràigh na h-Aoidhe3.10 Km
Newmarket3.18 Km
Grìanan3.30 Km
Bruach Màiri3.38 Km
Tong / Tunga3.52 Km
Cnoc Màiri3.61 Km
Aird Tong / Àird Thunga4.19 Km
Aignish / Aiginis4.86 Km
Knock / An Cnoc5.70 Km
Upper Coll / Col Uarach5.83 Km
Swordale / Suardail5.99 Km
Col6.98 Km
Beinn Casgro7.09 Km
Ceann a-muigh Chuil7.22 Km
Ceann a-staigh Chuil7.26 Km
Brèbhig7.46 Km
Garrabost7.53 Km
Grimshader / Griomsiadar7.60 Km
Ceann Hurnavay7.71 Km
Vatisker / Bhatasgeir7.96 Km
Cnoc an t-Solais8.14 Km
Lower Bayble / Pabail Iarach8.21 Km
Griomsidar8.38 Km
Bac8.56 Km
Upper Bayble / Pabail Uarach8.71 Km
Eagleton / Baile na h-Iolairne8.73 Km
Ranais8.82 Km
Crosbost9.77 Km
Shulishader / Sulaisiadar9.97 Km
Gress / Griais10.48 Km
Liurbost10.60 Km
Sheshader / Seisiadar11.20 Km
Flesherin / Fleisirin11.71 Km
Cnoc Amhlaigh12.04 Km
Aird12.19 Km
Portnaguran / Port nan Giùran12.26 Km
Historic Places to Visit near Moss End Bus Stop (at)

List of Historic places near to Moss End Bus Stop (at)

There is no any places.

NameDistances from Moss End Bus Stop (at)