Maes y Mynydd Bus Stop Location on a map of Llaingoch Holyhead

The Maes y Mynydd Bus Stop is located on Tre Ambrose in Llaingoch , Isle of Anglesey, Wales. Vehicle travel North-East from here. In addition to this informations you can see location map of Maes y Mynydd Bus Stop by click this link. Maes y Mynydd Bus Stop Map

Location informations for Maes y Mynydd Bus Stop

Name: Maes y Mynydd Bus Stop
Street: Tre Ambrose
Locality: Llaingoch
Parent Locality: Holyhead
Unitary Authority Area: Isle of Anglesey
Region: Wales
Direction of Travel: North-East (NE)
Bus Stop NaptanCode: ynyamtg (SMS Code)
Bus Stop AtcoCode: 5410AWD70531
Bus Stop Latitude : 53.311447
Bus Stop Longitude : -4.656741
DMS coordinates : 53°18'41.20863696" N 4°39'24.26889924" W
Current time and date at Maes y Mynydd Bus Stop is 17:51:31 (12/22/2024) : (Europe/Isle_of_Man)
Uses data from the Traveline National Dataset - licensed under the Open Government License.

Location Map of Maes y Mynydd Bus Stop

In the following map you can see road map, satellite view and street view near of Maes y Mynydd Bus Stop.

What is the nearest train station to Maes y Mynydd Bus Stop?

List of Railway Stations near to Maes y Mynydd Bus Stop
The nearest railway stations to Maes y Mynydd Bus Stop are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from Maes y Mynydd Bus Stop
Holyhead Station1.76 Km
Valley Station7.05 Km
Rhosneigr Station13.12 Km
Ty Croes Station15.63 Km
Bodorgan Station19.85 Km

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Maes y Mynydd Bus Stop?

List of Stops near to Maes y Mynydd Bus Stop
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Maes y Mynydd Bus Stop are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Maes y Mynydd Bus Stop
Maes y Mynydd Bus Stop0 m
Trefonnen Bus Stop379 m
Ysgol Bus Stop482 m
Tre Hwfa Road Bus Stop618 m
Ysgol Bus Stop646 m
Bowling Greens Bus Stop923 m
Bowling Greens Bus Stop923 m
Porth-y-felin Post Office Bus Stop1.02 Km
Ysgol Ganradd Caergybi Bus Stop1.19 Km
Chester Inn Bus Stop1.22 Km

Airports Near to Maes y Mynydd Bus Stop

Anglesey Airport , UK (10.71 Km)

Cities or Towns near Maes y Mynydd Bus Stop (15 km)

List of places near to Maes y Mynydd Bus Stop

Llaingoch0.10 Km
Pont Hwfa0.32 Km
Twr0.63 Km
Porth-y-felin1.25 Km
Stryd1.37 Km
Holyhead / Caergybi1.60 Km
Kingsland2.04 Km
Penrhosfeilw2.11 Km
Black Bridge2.36 Km
Môrawelon2.44 Km
Goferydd2.60 Km
Isallt Bach3.98 Km
Penrhos4.44 Km
Trearddur4.64 Km
R Efail Estate6.02 Km
Four Mile Bridge / Pont-rhydbont6.46 Km
Llanfwrog6.73 Km
Newlands Park6.74 Km
Valley / Y Fali7.10 Km
Rhoscolyn / Llangwenfaen7.88 Km
Llanfachraeth8.49 Km
Llanynghenedl8.73 Km
Llanfaethlu8.74 Km
Caergeiliog9.17 Km
Llanfairyneubwll9.38 Km
Porth Swtan9.55 Km
Llanfigael9.83 Km
Stryd y Facsen10.40 Km
Bodedern10.42 Km
Llanfihangel yn Nhowyn10.44 Km
Rhydwyn10.48 Km
Llanddeusant11.35 Km
Llanrhyddlad11.53 Km
Pen-llyn12.01 Km
Llanfairynghornwy12.21 Km
Bryngwran12.38 Km
Elim12.52 Km
Rhosneigr13.05 Km
Llantrisant13.22 Km
Capel Gwyn13.73 Km
Trefor14.01 Km
Engedi14.09 Km
Llanfflewyn14.11 Km
Llanfaelog14.44 Km
Mynydd Mechell14.48 Km
Tywyn Fferam14.82 Km
Bryn Du14.83 Km
Pencarnisiog14.93 Km
Historic Places to Visit near Maes y Mynydd Bus Stop