Luxulyan Rail Station Location on a map of Luxulyan

The Luxulyan Rail Station is located in Luxulyan. In addition to this informations you can see location map of Luxulyan Rail Station by click this link. Luxulyan Rail Station Map

Location informations for Luxulyan Rail Station

Name: Luxulyan Rail Station
Street: -
Locality: Luxulyan
Parent Locality:
Unitary Authority Area: National - National Rail
Region: Great Britain
AtcoCode: 9100LUXULYN
Latitude : 50.390035
Longitude : -4.747384
DMS coordinates : 50°23'24.12741264" N 4°44'50.58201588" W
Current time and date at Luxulyan Rail Station is 16:00:51 (02/16/2025) : (Europe/Guernsey)
Uses data from the Traveline National Dataset - licensed under the Open Government License.

Location Map of Luxulyan Rail Station

In the following map you can see road map, satellite view and street view near of Luxulyan Rail Station.

What is the nearest train station to Luxulyan Rail Station?

List of Railway Stations near to Luxulyan Rail Station
The nearest railway stations to Luxulyan Rail Station are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from Luxulyan Rail Station
Luxulyan Station0 m
Bugle Station3.37 Km
Par Station4.91 Km
Lostwithiel Station6.08 Km
St.Austell Station6.36 Km
Roche Station6.67 Km
Bodmin Parkway Station8.62 Km
St.Columb Road Station13.74 Km
Coombe Junction Halt Station19.81 Km
Quintrell Downs Station19.99 Km

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Luxulyan Rail Station?

List of Stops near to Luxulyan Rail Station
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Luxulyan Rail Station are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Luxulyan Rail Station
Luxulyan Rail Station0 m
Luxulyan Rail Station (Entrance)66 m
Kings Arms Bus Stop (opp)75 m
Kings Arms Bus Stop (N-bound)76 m
School Bus Stop (NW-bound)296 m
Post Box Bus Stop (NE-bound)630 m
Postbox Bus Stop (opp)630 m
Croft Farm Caravan Park Bus Stop (opp)1.21 Km
Croft Farm Caravan Park Bus Stop (W-bound)1.22 Km
Orchards Bus Stop (opp)1.76 Km

Cities or Towns near Luxulyan Rail Station (15 km)

List of places near to Luxulyan Rail Station

Luxulyan0.09 Km
Rosemelling0.62 Km
Bodiggo0.77 Km
Treskilling0.96 Km
Lavrean1.37 Km
Lower Menadue1.93 Km
Higher Menadew1.93 Km
Knightor2.04 Km
Rescorla2.15 Km
Rosevean2.26 Km
Corgee2.45 Km
Rosevear2.60 Km
Puddle2.72 Km
Resugga Green2.78 Km
Trethurgy2.88 Km
Penwithick3.00 Km
Bodwen3.04 Km
Ponts Mill3.15 Km
Lanlivery3.29 Km
Carnsmerry3.32 Km
Bugle3.35 Km
Bilberry3.37 Km
Stenalees3.46 Km
Garker3.58 Km
Gracca3.59 Km
Molinnis3.59 Km
Lockengate3.61 Km
Bodelva3.64 Km
Carluddon3.65 Km
Treverbyn3.65 Km
Trescoll3.67 Km
Porcupine3.75 Km
Penpillick3.79 Km
Tywardreath Highway3.82 Km
St Blazey3.87 Km
Penhale3.92 Km
Criggan4.09 Km
Kilhallon4.18 Km
Tregrehan Mills4.29 Km
Redmoor4.32 Km
Mena4.44 Km
Trebell Green4.48 Km
Bokiddick4.48 Km
Lanescot4.49 Km
Hallew4.52 Km
Woon4.52 Km
Scredda4.59 Km
Carthew4.65 Km
Carclaze4.74 Km
Treesmill4.83 Km