Lower Dinedor Bus Stop (S-bound) Location on a map of Dinedor

The Lower Dinedor Bus Stop is located on unclassified road in Dinedor , Herefordshire, West Midlands. Vehicle travel South from here. In addition to this informations you can see location map of Lower Dinedor Bus Stop (S-bound) by click this link. Lower Dinedor Bus Stop (S-bound) Map

Location informations for Lower Dinedor Bus Stop (S-bound)

Name: Lower Dinedor Bus Stop (S-bound)
Street: unclassified road
Near Place: Dinedor Turn
Town: Dinedor
Locality: Dinedor
Parent Locality:
Unitary Authority Area: Herefordshire
Region: West Midlands
Indicator: S-bound
Direction of Travel: South (S)
Bus Stop NaptanCode: herapgjp (SMS Code)
Bus Stop AtcoCode: 2090A20363
Bus Stop Latitude : 52.021833
Bus Stop Longitude : -2.705709
DMS coordinates : 52°1'18.60057444" N 2°42'20.55117384" W
Current time and date at Lower Dinedor Bus Stop (S-bound) is 00:02:11 (12/23/2024) : (Europe/Guernsey)
Uses data from the Traveline National Dataset - licensed under the Open Government License.

Location Map of Lower Dinedor Bus Stop (S-bound)

In the following map you can see road map, satellite view and street view near of Lower Dinedor Bus Stop (S-bound).

What is the nearest train station to Lower Dinedor Bus Stop (S-bound)?

List of Railway Stations near to Lower Dinedor Bus Stop (S-bound)
The nearest railway stations to Lower Dinedor Bus Stop (S-bound) are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from Lower Dinedor Bus Stop (S-bound)
Hereford Station4.38 Km
Ledbury Station19.32 Km
Leominster Station22.73 Km
Colwall Station24.71 Km
Great Malvern Station28.21 Km
Malvern Link Station28.80 Km

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Lower Dinedor Bus Stop (S-bound)?

List of Stops near to Lower Dinedor Bus Stop (S-bound)
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Lower Dinedor Bus Stop (S-bound) are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Lower Dinedor Bus Stop (S-bound)
Lower Dinedor Bus Stop (S-bound)0 m
Lower Dinedor Bus Stop (N-bound)15 m
Ridge Hill Turn Bus Stop (opp)332 m
Ridge Hill Turn Bus Stop (adj)336 m
Fairbrook House Bus Stop (opp)385 m
Fairbrook House Bus Stop (adj)395 m
Upper Dinedor Turn Bus Stop (adj)680 m
Upper Dinedor Turn Bus Stop (opp)687 m
Green Crize Bus Stop (S-bound)864 m
Green Crize Bus Stop (N-bound)868 m

Cities or Towns near Lower Dinedor Bus Stop (S-bound) (15 km)

List of places near to Lower Dinedor Bus Stop (S-bound)

Dinedor Camp0.44 Km
Ridge Hill0.44 Km
Twyford Common0.96 Km
Dinedor Cross1.06 Km
Bullinghope1.11 Km
Green Crize1.12 Km
Lower Bullingham2.11 Km
Grafton2.19 Km
Red Hill2.23 Km
Putson2.28 Km
Rotherwas2.34 Km
Dinedor2.44 Km
Newton Farm2.67 Km
Aconbury2.69 Km
Callow2.95 Km
Newtown3.00 Km
Blackmarstone3.24 Km
Hunderton3.31 Km
Bartonsham3.36 Km
Eign Hill3.51 Km
Holme Lacy3.58 Km
Portfields3.60 Km
Broomy Hill3.82 Km
Hereford3.88 Km
Belmont4.00 Km
Tupsley4.08 Km
Ryelands4.09 Km
Hampton Bishop4.17 Km
Little Birch4.32 Km
Moorfields4.33 Km
King's Thorn4.49 Km
The Moors4.63 Km
Little Dewchurch4.66 Km
Aylestone Hill4.79 Km
Bolstone4.80 Km
Allensmore4.94 Km
College Hill5.01 Km
White Cross5.06 Km
Widemarsh5.07 Km
Even Pits5.14 Km
Goose Pool5.17 Km
Moor Park5.30 Km
Fiddler's Green5.35 Km
Tidnor5.38 Km
The Weaven5.45 Km
Much Birch5.55 Km
Mordiford5.60 Km
Lower Breinton5.67 Km
Lugwardine5.76 Km
Westfields5.77 Km
Historic Places to Visit near Lower Dinedor Bus Stop (S-bound)

List of Historic places near to Lower Dinedor Bus Stop (S-bound)

NameDistances from Lower Dinedor Bus Stop (S-bound)
Rotherwas Chapel2.95 Km
Herefordshire Light Infantry Museum3.27 Km
Waterworks Museum, Hereford3.78 Km
Hereford, All Saints Church3.94 Km
The Old House3.95 Km
Shipley Gardens4.00 Km
Cider Museum and King Offa Distillery4.07 Km
Coningsby Medieval Museum4.42 Km
Little Birch, St Marys Church5.09 Km
Hampton Bishop, St Andrews Church5.19 Km
Holme Lacy Church5.40 Km
Breinton, St Michael Church5.49 Km
Sufton Court5.90 Km
Fownhope, St Marys Church6.68 Km
Hoarwithy, St Catherine Church7.23 Km
Eaton Bishop church7.94 Km
Withington, St Peters Church8.78 Km
Kilpeck Church9.07 Km
The Weir Garden9.69 Km
Madley Church9.99 Km
Sollers Hope, St Michael Church10.05 Km
Hentland, St Dubricius Church10.10 Km
Westhide, St Bartholomews Church10.60 Km
Michaelchurch, St Michaels church10.66 Km
Orcop, St Johns Church10.73 Km
How Caple Church11.06 Km
Tarrington, St Philip & St James Church11.21 Km
Brinsop, St Georges Church11.27 Km
Foy, St Marys Church11.29 Km
Wellington, St Margaret of Antioch Church12.28 Km
Yatton Chapel12.33 Km
Putley Church12.74 Km
Mansell Lacy, St Michaels Church13.14 Km
Ashperton, St Bartholomews Church13.68 Km
Dore Abbey13.81 Km
Abbey Dore Court Garden13.81 Km
Wilton Castle13.85 Km
Much Marcle, St Bartholomews church14.42 Km
Hellens Manor14.45 Km
Market House Heritage Centre14.58 Km
Pixley, St Andrews Church14.62 Km
Ross-on-Wye, St Marys Church14.64 Km
Wormsley, St Mary Church14.67 Km
Bodenham, St Michaels Church14.80 Km
Ewyas Harold, St Michaels Church14.86 Km
Much Cowarne, St Marys Church14.97 Km