Llwyn y Celyn Bus Stop Location on a map of Libanus

The Llwyn y Celyn Bus Stop is located on A470 in Libanus , Powys, Wales. Vehicle travel North-East from here. In addition to this informations you can see location map of Llwyn y Celyn Bus Stop by click this link. Llwyn y Celyn Bus Stop Map

Location informations for Llwyn y Celyn Bus Stop

Name: Llwyn y Celyn Bus Stop
Street: A470
Near Place: Llwyn y Celyn Youth Hostel
Locality: Libanus
Parent Locality:
Unitary Authority Area: Powys
Region: Wales
Direction of Travel: North-East (NE)
Bus Stop NaptanCode: powdpag (SMS Code)
Bus Stop AtcoCode: 5610AWZ26256
Bus Stop Latitude : 51.893423
Bus Stop Longitude : -3.495137
DMS coordinates : 51°53'36.32239212" N 3°29'42.4928526" W
Current time and date at Llwyn y Celyn Bus Stop is 22:27:38 (12/22/2024) : (Europe/Isle_of_Man)
Uses data from the Traveline National Dataset - licensed under the Open Government License.

Location Map of Llwyn y Celyn Bus Stop

In the following map you can see road map, satellite view and street view near of Llwyn y Celyn Bus Stop.

What is the nearest train station to Llwyn y Celyn Bus Stop?

List of Railway Stations near to Llwyn y Celyn Bus Stop
The nearest railway stations to Llwyn y Celyn Bus Stop are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from Llwyn y Celyn Bus Stop
Merthyr Tydfil Station18.42 Km
Aberdare Station20.15 Km
Rhymney Station20.59 Km
Pentre-Bach Station20.83 Km
Cwmbach Station22.02 Km
Pontlottyn Station22.07 Km
Troed-Y-Rhiw Station22.56 Km
Ebbw Vale Town Station23.93 Km
Llandovery Station23.94 Km
Fernhill Station24.00 Km

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Llwyn y Celyn Bus Stop?

List of Stops near to Llwyn y Celyn Bus Stop
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Llwyn y Celyn Bus Stop are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Llwyn y Celyn Bus Stop
Llwyn y Celyn Bus Stop0 m
Llwyn y Celyn Bus Stop15 m
Storey Arms Bus Stop2.61 Km
Storey Arms Bus Stop2.65 Km
Breacon Beacons National Park Bus Stop3.47 Km
Libanus Bus Stop3.98 Km
Libanus Bus Stop4.03 Km
Abercamlais Lodge Bus Stop6.35 Km
Abercamlais Lodge Bus Stop6.35 Km
Aberbran Junction Bus Stop6.41 Km

Cities or Towns near Llwyn y Celyn Bus Stop (15 km)

List of places near to Llwyn y Celyn Bus Stop

Libanus3.56 Km
Tai'r Bull3.96 Km
Heol Senni4.40 Km
Defynnog6.70 Km
Llanspyddid6.70 Km
Trallong6.93 Km
Aberbran7.04 Km
Aberyscir7.68 Km
Crai7.68 Km
Sennybridge / Pontsenni7.78 Km
Fenni-fach7.89 Km
Nant-ddu8.31 Km
Llanfaes8.41 Km
Cradoc9.04 Km
Battle9.07 Km
Felin-Crai9.18 Km
Pentre'r-felin9.21 Km
Brecon / Aberhonddu9.31 Km
Soar9.33 Km
Pendre9.66 Km
Pontwilym9.96 Km
Ystradfellte10.15 Km
Llanfrynach10.67 Km
Trecastle / Trecastell11.22 Km
Sarnau11.41 Km
Llandefaelog11.50 Km
Llanddew11.55 Km
Groesffordd11.56 Km
Pont-faen11.69 Km
Pont ar Hydfer11.70 Km
Llanfihangel Nant Bran11.91 Km
Llwyn-on Village11.99 Km
Pentre-bach12.01 Km
Llwyn-onn12.06 Km
Llechfaen12.23 Km
Pencelli12.30 Km
Llanhamlach12.43 Km
Pwllgloyw12.45 Km
Llywel12.55 Km
Garthbrengy13.03 Km
Warle13.23 Km
Cwmwysg13.28 Km
Aber Village13.31 Km
Aber13.33 Km
Cross Oak13.57 Km
Scethrog13.61 Km
Pont Rhyd-y-berry13.79 Km
Penwyllt13.82 Km
Glyntawe14.01 Km
Talybont-on-Usk14.09 Km