Kingsbridge Ferry Landing (Quay) Location on a map of Kingsbridge

The Kingsbridge Ferry Landing is located on Off Promenade in Kingsbridge. In addition to this informations you can see location map of Kingsbridge Ferry Landing (Quay) by click this link. Kingsbridge Ferry Landing (Quay) Map

Location informations for Kingsbridge Ferry Landing (Quay)

Name: Kingsbridge Ferry Landing (Quay)
Street: Off Promenade
Locality: Kingsbridge
Parent Locality:
Unitary Authority Area: National - National Ferry
Region: Great Britain
Indicator: Quay
AtcoCode: 9300KBR1
Latitude : 50.281188
Longitude : -3.775499
DMS coordinates : 50°16'52.27711644" N 3°46'31.79770392" W
Current time and date at Kingsbridge Ferry Landing (Quay) is 22:03:13 (12/22/2024) : (Europe/Guernsey)
Uses data from the Traveline National Dataset - licensed under the Open Government License.

Location Map of Kingsbridge Ferry Landing (Quay)

In the following map you can see road map, satellite view and street view near of Kingsbridge Ferry Landing (Quay).

What is the nearest train station to Kingsbridge Ferry Landing (Quay)?

List of Railway Stations near to Kingsbridge Ferry Landing (Quay)
The nearest railway stations to Kingsbridge Ferry Landing (Quay) are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from Kingsbridge Ferry Landing (Quay)
Ivybridge Station15.47 Km
Totnes Station18.27 Km
Paignton Station22.69 Km
Torquay Station25.92 Km
Torre Station26.83 Km
Plymouth Station28.23 Km

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Kingsbridge Ferry Landing (Quay)?

List of Stops near to Kingsbridge Ferry Landing (Quay)
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Kingsbridge Ferry Landing (Quay) are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Kingsbridge Ferry Landing (Quay)
Kingsbridge Ferry Landing (Quay)0 m
Kingsbridge Ferry Landing Ferry Terminal (Entrance)8 m
Kingsbridge Ferry Landing8 m
Promenade Bus Stop (SE-bound)209 m
Kingsway Close Bus Stop (SW-bound)218 m
Bus Station (Stand C)222 m
Bus Station (Stand A)241 m
Bus Station (Stand B)241 m
Rack Park Road Bus Stop (NE-bound)296 m
Coronation Road Bus Stop (W-bound)360 m

Cities or Towns near Kingsbridge Ferry Landing (Quay) (15 km)

List of places near to Kingsbridge Ferry Landing (Quay)

Kingsbridge0.31 Km
Ticket Wood0.38 Km
Dodbrooke0.42 Km
Westville0.59 Km
Southville0.85 Km
West Alvington1.19 Km
West Charleton1.78 Km
Ledstone2.86 Km
Sorley2.87 Km
Woolston2.92 Km
East Charleton3.00 Km
Goveton3.09 Km
Churchstow3.13 Km
Warcombe3.50 Km
Sutton3.64 Km
Hatch3.96 Km
South Milton4.04 Km
Lower Batson4.13 Km
Frogmore4.14 Km
Higher Batson4.26 Km
Sherford4.31 Km
Batson4.37 Km
Venn4.55 Km
Loddiswell4.83 Km
Collaton4.84 Km
Salcombe4.87 Km
Woodleigh4.88 Km
Malborough4.89 Km
Cole's Cross5.24 Km
South Huish5.24 Km
East Portlemouth5.30 Km
South Pool5.32 Km
Grimpstonleigh5.43 Km
Icy Park5.47 Km
Aveton Gifford5.48 Km
Chillington5.70 Km
East Allington5.70 Km
Buckland5.72 Km
Harleston5.72 Km
Goodshelter5.80 Km
Galmpton5.80 Km
Ford6.17 Km
Thurlestone6.32 Km
Kernborough6.34 Km
Rickham6.40 Km
Bolberry6.51 Km
Bantham6.64 Km
Ashford6.66 Km
Outer Hope6.85 Km
Frittiscombe6.89 Km
Historic Places to Visit near Kingsbridge Ferry Landing (Quay)

List of Historic places near to Kingsbridge Ferry Landing (Quay)

NameDistances from Kingsbridge Ferry Landing (Quay)
Salcombe Maritime Museum4.74 Km
Overbecks Museum and Garden6.48 Km
North Huish, St Marys Church12.93 Km