Kilton Map, Satellite view of Kilton, Nottinghamshire, England

Kilton is located in Nottinghamshire County, Bassetlaw District, East Midlands, England, United Kingdom.

Location informations of Kilton

Latitude of city of Kilton is 53.31347 and longitude of city of Kilton is -1.10958. Kilton has 1 postcode / zip code, in county of Nottinghamshire.
The County of Kilton is Nottinghamshire.

Postcode / zip code of Kilton

S81 0

Administrative division of Kilton

County :Nottinghamshire

GPS coordinates of Kilton

Latitude : 53.31347
Longitude : -1.10958

Online Map of Kilton - road map, satellite view and street view

Leaflet | © OpenStreetMap contributors

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The weather for Kilton in the United Kingdom

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Kilton weather forecast 15 days

What is the nearest train station to Kilton?

List of Railway Stations near to Kilton
The nearest railway stations to Kilton are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from Kilton
Worksop Station903 m
Shireoaks Station4.08 Km
Whitwell (Derbys) Station7.08 Km
Creswell (Derbys) Station8.97 Km
Kiveton Park Station9.03 Km
Retford Station10.74 Km
Kiveton Bridge Station10.90 Km
Langwith Station11.24 Km
Shirebrook (Derbys) Station13.63 Km
Woodhouse Station17.39 Km

Airports Near to Kilton

Retford Gamston Airport , UK (11.13 Km)

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Kilton?

List of Stops near to Kilton
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Kilton are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Kilton
Shepherds Avenue Bus Stop (E-bound)47 m
Plantation Hill Bus Stop (opp)55 m
Keats Crescent Bus Stop (opp)64 m
Keats Crescent Bus Stop (adj)76 m
Plantation Hill Bus Stop (adj)88 m
Kilton Glade Bus Stop (opp)213 m
Byron Way Bus Stop (adj)246 m
Cowper Close Bus Stop (adj)258 m
Burns Road Bus Stop (adj)275 m
Sunfield Avenue -CUS- Bus Stop (Sunny Bank)297 m

Historic Places to Visit near Kilton

List of Historic places near to Kilton

NameDistances from Kilton
Mr Straws House0.33 Km
Hodsock Priory5.61 Km
Clumber Park5.83 Km
Throapham, St Johns Church10.66 Km
Roche Abbey10.97 Km
Milton Mausoleum14.37 Km
Mattersey Priory14.55 Km
Cities or Towns near Kilton

List of places near to

Bracebridge0.83 Km
Sunnyside0.84 Km
Worksop1.13 Km
Manton1.27 Km
Gateford2.38 Km
Carlton Forest2.63 Km
Woodhouse2.73 Km
Rhodesia3.01 Km
Gateford Common3.28 Km
Wigthorpe3.54 Km
Scofton3.60 Km
Osberton3.63 Km
South Carlton3.89 Km
Shireoaks3.98 Km
Darfoulds4.32 Km
Cotterhill Woods4.65 Km
Wallingwells4.66 Km
North Carlton4.82 Km
Carlton in Lindrick4.85 Km
Turnerwood5.14 Km
Bilby5.37 Km
Netherthorpe5.49 Km
Woodsetts5.60 Km
Ranby5.65 Km
Hodsock5.66 Km
Costhorpe5.85 Km
Lindrick Dale5.92 Km
Hardwick Village6.14 Km
Hodthorpe6.17 Km
Belph6.46 Km
Gildingwells6.61 Km
Penny Green6.65 Km
Upper Morton7.04 Km
Carburton7.17 Km
Thorpe Salvin7.21 Km
Whitwell7.23 Km
Langold7.26 Km
Blyth7.56 Km
Letwell7.72 Km
Bakestone Moor7.73 Km
Morton8.00 Km
Barnby Moor8.15 Km
Holbeck8.18 Km
Holbeck Woodhouse8.29 Km
Norton8.30 Km
South Anston8.46 Km
Whitwell Common8.47 Km
Babworth8.79 Km
North Anston8.83 Km
Oldcotes8.86 Km